Monday, November 28, 2011

Chapter One

Respond 2 of the 5 questions (listed below). Use no less than 3 sentences in your responses. (Honors' students must use a 1x5 response.) Be thoughtful and use specific details and examples.
1- To help create setting, Ayn Rand uses color imagery. Find two examples in the chapter. What colors does the author use? What image is she trying to convey?

2- The first page of Anthem begins, “It is a sin to write this.” Using textual evidence, explain why Equality is committing a sin when he writes.

3- Why does Equality refer to himself as “we”?

4- Would you want to be friends with someone like Equality? Why or why not?

5- Ayn Rand wanted Equality 7-2521 to stand out from his brothers. Explain how she accomplished this by contrasting Equality 7-2521’s physical attributes to those of his fellow men.

Honors' Discussion Prompt: Honors' students most post their response to this question the form of a 1x5 and reply to 2 other students' posts.

Describe the society in which Anthem is set. Some areas to consider are the political structure, degree of technology, social relationships, quality of life, and education. Would you want to live in this society? Explain why or why not.


  1. 2. Equality is forbidden to learn about anything the council does not. Writing, exploring, and stealing are forbidden, so Equality is causing turmoil(p.31). The free will in addition to the mischievousness of Equality made them the most hated members in the home of students(p.22). Even though Equality tried to excuse their troublesome behavior by acting like Union,the council was to intelligent for them(p.22). Equality is destined to cause problems, and their curiosity may be disastrous.
    3. Equality is not a person, they are a group of people. I infer that each person is segregated at childbirth and moved into one of the tribes. The number represents the individual, and the name represents the tribe(p.18). The characteristics of the individual decide which group they will belong to. After being aged extensively, the tribes are put in the home of the useless(p.28).
    Honors: The political control of "Anthem" suggests a totalitarian society. It seems to have taken place after the fall of intelligence, for many simple items are treasured. The inability to contact the opposite gender except during matin season describes a sexist environment. The quality of life I poor, and I would not want to live in this society. It would not be anything like our lifestyle now.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. In your response to question 3 I know understand the book better.

    3. I agree with your response to question 3. It qould make sense that the names is the name of a tribe and the number identifies the person.

    4. Your explinations of the society's actions helped me think differently of the society, and has me open to many other opinions.

    5. I agree on how you explained number three, but if the numbers represent the individual then why when Equality talks about their name they still talk with we and our but they are still using the numbers in their name?

    6. Your description on how the society was made sense to me. I did not even think about them being sexist. I think that this could definitely be a reason for how they do things.

    7. Your interpretation of the society helped me to understand it better. I didn't even catch on to the society being sexist but now that you said something about it, it makes sense. I also agree that the lifestyle is much different than ours.

    8. I don't agree with your response to question three. In the introduction to the book Ayn Rand says, "It was to be a play about a collectivist society of the future in which they lost the word 'I.' They were calling each other 'we' and it was worked out as much more of a story."(page 8) I interpreted it to mean that when Equality says "we," he is talking about himself as one person.

    9. Your explanation of why Equslity refers to himself as we makes sense. I always looked at it from a psychological standpoint of split personalities. The society is very primitive, much like skyrim making the possibility for mental disorders higher.

    10. I disagree with your response to number three. I believe that when Equality says "we" he is referring to himself. When Equality says "We Street Sweepers work in brigades of three and we were with Union... and with International" (p.29) you realize that we is referring to a singular person not a group or organization of people.

  2. 4. I would be friends with Equality because he is a rule breaker and is different. In the begining of the book you learn that Equality is writing and it's against the rules(p. 17). Reader's also learn that Equality is taller than the others(p.18) and reader's learn that they are smart (p.21). In my own opinion, I like people who are different which is why I would be friends with Equality. Another reason why I would be friends with Equality is because he decided to go down the black hole (p.31) even though he knew the consequences. Those qualities make Equality a good friend
    5. Ayn Rand made Equality stick out by making him taller(p.18). This made him stick out because all the others were shorter. For being so tall Equality was scowled by Teachers and Leaders(p,18). Equality then thought he had evil in his bones because he wasn't like the others(p.18). That is how she made him stand out.
    Honors: I would definitly NOT want to live in Equality lives in. I don't agree with the laws they have because they block the potential of people with ideas. I definitly don't agree with the way they treat people with differences. I disagree with the way they educate people because everyone learns differently. Overall I could never live in a society like the one in Athem because I highly disagree with it.

    1. I respect the way that you described the true individuality of Equaliy as he fights against the system

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I almost wrote pretty close to the same thing you wrote for question 4 but I decided to respond to three instead. I guess we were thinking along the same lines

    4. We have some of the same reasons to become friends with Equality. I like his rebelism too, and that he doesn't like to follow rules. By him writing this it is considered a sin which is breaking rules.

    5. I agree with the reasons you wrote down as why you would be friends with Equality 7-2521.

  3. #2: Equality starts his story by stating that it is a sin for him to write this. It is a sin for him to write this because it is a sin for him to do anything the council doesn’t tell him to do. (pg.31) The council dictates everything he does and he has no choice but to do what they say. By writing he has chosen something for himself which is forbidden. It is a sin to be different. Being smart, wanting to learn and writing are taboo. (pg.21)
    #3: Equality refers to himself as “we” because “I” is gone from the language. Engraved on the wall of the palace of the world council is “We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever.”(Pg.19) In his society the people are stripped of their individuality. For everyone to be equal no one can stand out. “We” includes everyone not just an individual.
    Honors: Anthem is set in a dystopian society where every aspect of the people’s lives is controlled by the Council. The City in which Equality lives seems to be a self-sustaining unit, with its own ruling Councils, its own agriculture, and all of the professions needed to sustain it on its own. Men and women are forbidden from seeing each other except at the controlled time of mating. The technology seems to have regressed from what we have today. The students seem to only be taught a limited amount of information possibly because it is feared that if the people might become smart enough to realize that what they are put through is not ok. I definitely wouldn’t want to live in their society because the people have no free will and have been completely stripped of their personalities.

    1. I agree with you kwats, the society has too much control over the people and have taken away what every person has the right to have, their opinion.

    2. Your response to question #3 is very true. The people who live in the society have no voice of their own, only that of all men or the great WE.

    3. I believe that your response to prompt two was an accurate description of why it Equality is "sinning". The Council does indeed dictate all.

    4. I agree to your response to #3. Equality has never been taught that "I" can be. He sees himself as an individual, but does not understand how to handle his difference from society.

    5. I agree with the society being too controlled and strict. I'd hate to live my life like that.

    6. The society has gained a lot of power and misuses it. I agree with what you said about the society being very strict and forceful.

    7. Your response to prompt 2 is a correct answer to the question.

  4. 1. Ayn Rand uses different colors throughout the book " Anthem " to describe the setting. She uses the colors to create a detailed image for the reader. The sleeping halls were described as white, clean, and bare. (pg. 21) The eyes of the council were similar to cold blue glass buttons. (pg. 26) There are many other examples of the use of colors. The colors show different meanings of symbolization. The use of colors by Ayn, sends a very detailed image to the readers mind.

    5. Equality 7-2521 is described as being very different compared to everyone else. Equality 7-2521 is six feet tall. (pg.18) There are not very many people who are six feet tall. The Teachers think of Equality 7-2521 of having evil bones. (pg.18) Equality 7-2521's traits are frowned upon. Ayn Rand wanted Equality 7-2521 to stand out. She accomplished this by showing the height difference between Equality 7-2521 and the fellow men.

    1. On #5 I like how you described Equality as different and how he stands out.

    2. I have to agree with badam, the unique personality is described quite well.

    3. I believe that the examples of color imagery that you supplied were of high quality.

  5. Honors: The society in "Anthem" is very different. The government is very strict and forbids many things. The society has very little technology. They rediscovered glass and candles. The times before are prohibited to speak about. The societies education system is limited. You would go to school and practically live there until you turned fifteen years old. Once fifteen, you would be assigned a job for the rest of your life. In this society you have almost no relationships with anyone. This is a horrible quality of life. I would not like this way of life at all. This society is isolated and is a bad way of life.

  6. 1. Ayn Rand uses colors to describe the setting as she's writing. There are two examples on page 27. First it says, "It is a grey house on a narrow street," meaning the Home of Street Sweepers is very dull. Also it says, "In five hours, the shadows are blue on the pavements, and the sky is blue with a deep brightness which is not bright." In that sentence Rand contradicts herself on purpose. She tells you that the sky has a deep brightness that is not bright.
    2. Equality may not write unless the Council of Vocations let them, so it is sinful. Equality and many others have rules they must follow. They have a set routine, and their life in planned for them. They are not to speak of the times before the Great Rebirth(pg.19), to draw pictures without being in the Home of Artists(pg.30), to love anyone more than another(pg.30), and there are still many more. First of all it is a sin just to write without even writing about the sin Equality is participating in.
    Honors: Anthem is set in a society with many laws. People aren't aloud to smile, show favoritism, write, and many more things. Equality was punished for thinking too quickly, so they tried to be more like Union. Basically people are being punished for individuality. I would not like to live in this society because I like that everyone is different.

    1. on #2 it stands out of you said that their live is planned out. It really gives you an image of how their life went.

    2. I agree with you on how the society is. I feel that people should be able to express how they are anyway they want. It is part of how life is. By controlling people you are creating a dictator ship that sooner or later will end up destroying what you tried to create.

    3. I agree with you that the society's suppresssion of individuality is wrong and I am unable to see myself living in a world like that.

  7. 1. Ayn Rand uses colors to give you a better feel on the setting. Colors are one of the easiest adjectivesyou can you to give readers a feel on what the setting is like. An example of Ayn using colors to describe something is on page 21. "The sleeping halls were white and clean and bare of all things save one hundred beds. Saying they were white gives you a feel that they are new and well kept. Colors give you a color on object that make it easier to understand and but a picture of the setting in your head.
    2. Equality is not allowed to do anything the Council of Vocations doesn't know about such as writing. Everything as a place for. (Page 19) If you're not in the House of Artist you are not allowed to draw. There is many more things the council consider "sinful" and will not allow.
    Honors: The society in "Anthem" is very strict and consider anything they don't know a "sin" and forbidden. People aren't allowed to expess feeling or show emotion. Showing favortism towards one another is wrong and not allowed. The are very limited on what they can and can't do. This makes their society not the ideal place to live.

    1. I think that your reply for the honors question was very descriptive and easy to understand.

    2. I like how you explained the limits certain people have by using an example of artists.

    3. I like the example you used in response to question one, but I also think that the white color represents more than everything being neat. It shows how the society is always in uniform and how the people are supposed to act the same as the others.

  8. 1. On page 20, Ayn Rand decribes the sleeping halls as white and clean. On page 27, Ayn Rand describes the street sweepers house as gray. When she describes the sleeping halls she is wanting to make them seem like they are always clean, very plain, and nothing abnormal about them. Things that are different than anything else are forbiden in the society of the anthem. It all has to be plain and equal. When she describes the street sweepers house she uses the color gray to make it sound like a dull, plain house. In the book the anthem thats what it's all about. Being plain and boring. Ayn Rand is making a world where there is no emotion really. A world where everything stays the same all the time.

    1. I definitely agree with you, everything is plain and there is no emotion and life is very boring

    2. I have to agree with "rwebe". The sleeping halls are so plain that it seems there is no emotion at all.

  9. 4. I would want to be friends with a person like Equality. Equality feels as if he wants to learn more. Equality wants to know and experiment on other knowledge and question the way it is, like on page 36. To me, this shows Equality is a determined and intelligent person that could make a good friend. It's people like Equality that advanced society and change the world.
    5. Equality 7-2521 was very different than his other brothers. On page 18, Rand describes Equality's unique height of six feet tall. The height is unique by being much larger than any other brother would have. By just changing a few physical attributes of a person, it gives the reader a thought of difference to the character and the other people in the story. This one physical feature can lead to Equality 7-2521's unique mind and knowledge, giving the book its focus and main topic of the story.

    1. I agree completely with what you responded to on number 5.

    2. I feel the same way as you in your answer to question 4. The world wouldn't be as great and advanced as it is today if there weren't people like Equality 7-2521.

    3. I like how you responded to number five. Rather than just his uniqueness in his height, you made the connection to his mind and knowledge that I hadn't noticed.

  10. 2.Ayn Rand says that it is a sin to right this book The reason why i think so is because a it is not his occupation to be a writer(26) and b he is not allowed to be better than his brothers(20).Also because he is different from the rest of his brothers.

    4. yes i would like to be friends with someone like Equility.He knows that there is more out there than what they teach you in school(36). Also because he wants to break the rules and make a change.

  11. Honors' Discussion Prompt: The society in which Anthem is set is much more strict and scheduled than the society people live in today. The elders or older people of the society are the ones who control the political structures. The people who live their didn't get to choose their education or job, it was chosen for them. They wouldn't question it but instead think it will better the society. I wouldn't want to live in a society like this. Without the freedom of my choices, I won't be able to better myself or advance the society in the way it needs to.

    1. I agree with how there is no freedom, its also a little too strict. I'm so use to having freedom to do things I dont know exactly what I would do.

    2. I would never be able learn or progress in the society that Equality is forced to live in.

  12. 4. There are many ways to respond to this question as to whether or not you were in the book. If I were a character in the book for instance then no, I would most likely have not been a friend to Equality 7-2521. The main reason for that would be that within Equality 7-2521’s society one is not to love another person more than the rest of the people so that would get rid of any possible friendships (p. 30). Another reason I would not be friends with Equality 7-2521 in his society would be that he was different and an outsider. He not only looked different from the rest of the people (p. 17) and he was always on a quest for knowledge which is not aloud and he would learn to easily (p. 21) so it would be dangerous to be seen with him. However, if Equality where a real person and he was not living in the society with which he was born I believe the two of us would be great friends. For one he is very smart (p. 21) and has a passion for learning (p. 23). Equality 7-2521 is also very brave and admirable for going against the laws the society has placed that could get him killed (pgs. 1, 23, 30-37). For those reasons, I would choose to have Equality 7-2521 as a friend.
    5. Equality 7-2521 is different from his brothers in the factor of his height. He himself is around six feet and most men in his society are less than six feet (p. 18). Because of this difference it has caused him to be looked down upon in his society. The Teachers and Leaders look at him in disgust. They have told him time and time again that he is evil because he stands much taller than his brothers (p. 18). This is just one part of the curse and evils Equality commits and embodies…his physical curse.
    Honors: I would not like to live in Equality 7-2521’s society. His home seems so awful with their ideas. The idea of all men working together and as equals is a good practice but not at the extreme extent that this society takes it. People should be allowed to make their own choices and not have to be forced into things. The society controls every aspect of its citizen’s lives from the minute they’re born until they die. It starts with the education where everyone must be on the same level. Then the control moves onto how the people should think and act. Next it goes to the jobs that the people are given…not based on skills but rather if that’s where “you will best serve your brothers”. Finally, it moves onto the old age where citizens are not free to live the rest of their lives but instead have to sit and stay wait for death while being told they are useless. Not only that but the people are also told that they may not love anyone more than the rest of the population. All in all, it seems like it would be an awful place to stay and I pity poor Equality 7-2521 because he and everyone else deserve a life much better than what they have.

    1. I agree with your thoughts on the society and I like how descriptive you were about the Council of Scholars' controlling their lives from the time they are born until the time they die.

  13. 5. Ayn Rand describes Equality 7-2521 as six feet tall in the book. When Equality starts to talk about himself, or themselves, he says that it is a bourdon to be that talk because it makes them different from his brothers. All of his brothers are about the same hieght, and know and do all the same things. Everyone is just the same except for Equality, and it makes the Teachers and Leaders look down apon him. Equality was not meant to be born the way he is, it just happened. For that he is cursed according to his society. Everyone sees him as evil.

  14. Discussion: The society in the Anthem is very different than out society today. There type of, what you could call government, technology, relationships, education, how how important life is are very different. Today we have one main leader, and a bunch under him to run our country, we have very advanced technology, we get to choose who we associate with, and what we do for a living. We also value life over anything. In the Anthem it seems that the life of people there doesn't matter. It's almost like the world just needed something to inhabit it so they came up with the people that live in the society. The people in the Anthen do not have choices. They are told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Also they ate told what they can learn and who they spend their life with. Everyone in the society try's to keep things that are different a secret. The anthem society is very boring and controlled. Personally, being the kind of person I am I would not like living in this kind of world. How could you live your whole life with everything bein the same? I couldn't do it. I like the world I live in now.

  15. 3. Equality refers to himself as we throughout the book. Equality refers to himself as we because he has been taught to be like everyone else. Because of this, he strives to not be a single being, but to be a part of a group. Also, Equality is probably the name of a group of people similar to Equality because nobody is supposed to be unlike others. In the World Council there are words cut into the walls, “We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but the great WE, One, indivisible and forever.” (pg.19) this statement from the book suggests that no one should be unique and be a part of the group or we.
    4. I would want to be friends with somebody like Equality. Equality does what he feels is right even though he isn’t supposed to. He is different from everyone else so he is treated differently. Equality seems like the kind of person who would care about other people. Because of this, Equality isn’t selfish, doesn’t fit in, and acts different than everyone else and acts like people are supposed to.
    Honors: I would not want to live in the society in The Anthem. This society orders that everyone be like everyone else and that there be no one unique or different. Also, the technology is not very advanced. The technology hasn’t advanced as fast as it could have because everyone is supposed to be the same and the people that would normally be great at inventing are forced to be like everyone else who may or may not be as good at inventing. There is not a very good quality of life or education system in the society in The Anthem. The lives of the people are controlled, so they have no freedom and it is as though they were slaves and the education system doesn’t allow for one person’s strengths or weaknesses, but rather it treats all people the same and doesn’t allow for the uniqueness of everyone.

  16. I could not survive in the society that is depicted in Anthem. The politics that exist seem to be strictly communist. It must have been drilled into the young people, believing that they are not individuals(p. 19). The counsels that are described are the rulers, and they even pick who deserves the order to be successful in life(p. 22 and 25)! The council members seem to be the only ones ever allowed to converse with other humans when they want. The people are not generaly informed of technological innovations. It appears that development in anything seems to be looked down on. The education of students comes to an end at the age of fifteen for most, but a few lucky "Leaders and Scholars" are chosen(p. 25). The Leaders and Scholars are the ones allowed to continue their education(p. 25). The life that the people of this book lead seems to be bland and boring! There is no way I could be so uniform in my being.

    1. I also agree with not being able to survive in the terrible society depicted in the book.

  17. 1. Throughout the first chapter, Ayn Rand uses color imagery to create a fearful and bleak setting. When she writes, "there is no sin blacker than this" on page 17, she means that this is a heinous transgression that most would find atrocious. It also connotes evil, as black is often considered an evil color. On page 19, she writes, "and yellow streaks on the marble". In this scenario, she is using the color yellow to create a sense of old age.

    3. Equality refers to himself as "we" because he lives in a time in which the word "I" has been lost. Over time, people had forgotten their individuality, degenerating to become the "great WE". All people refer to themselves as we because they are "one, indivisible and forever" (page 19). They have become we, for to one is to be evil. No man may depart from the "great WE", for "Mankind is all." (page 21).

    I would not like to live in the Anthem's society. It is oppressive and backward, and it smothers all individuality. I do not wish to live in a society that is ruled by fear. The Councils stifle all innovation, causing technology to be inferior. All social relationships are simply for working purpose, and the quality of life is appalling.

    1. I like the way you described the society in Anthem. I think it reflects the society perfectly.

    2. I liked your second sentence and how it was spot on about individuality of the people in it, and your third sentence, like its people is governed by there own fear

    3. I like how you described why they use we instead of I. You used good words and it made sense.

    4. I like how you worded your answers to question three.

  18. 4. There would be advantages and disadvantages to being friends with Equality. Equality is different, because he is willing to dare. Equality feels a natural instict to be different and is beginning to pursue this instinct. The other humans in this book seem completely devoted to acting as one. For example, Equality was adventurous and went to explore the iron bar they had spotted. No human of their time had done this before(p. 31). Along with this daring quality comes risk. The Council would give sure punishment if they were to find out that Equality was exploring, and being friends with me or International 4-8818. In a society as described International 4-8818 and I would be punished along with Equality. In my opinion it would be worth the risk to be an ally or friend with Equality because he is different.

  19. 4) In my opinion, Equality 7-2521 would make a great friend. They like to keep secrets, like on page 31 when they find the iron grill leading to the underground tunnel. To me, that would be a way for me to escape the rest of the world where we had to do as we were told. I would like to rebel against the Council and do as I please. Equality would help me do that and they would be right by my side as we took charge. Like them, I would want to live my own life and be able to study in the Home of the Scholars (24).

    5) Equality 7-2521 differs from everyone else because they look an act different than all the others. On page 18, Rand describes them as being six feet tall, which is much taller than everyone else. Because of their great height, the council said they have evil in their bones (18). Another way they stand out is they hide secrets and they have desires that other people would never have. Equality hides the underground tunnel from everyone except International (31). They had also wished to go to the House of Scholars (24), which is also a sin because men may not wish for themselves in the book. All of these reasons and examples describe how Equality is different from all the rest of the men and women.

    The society in which Anthem is set is very uniform and well-kept together. Everyone is not allowed to show any feelings toward one another. They all must listen to the council and never do what they want, even their jobs. They do not have much technology and everything is described as being dull and plain. They are only educated until a certain age (20) and after that they are sent off to do a job they are assigned. I think this is very unfair and I would definitely not want to live in a society similar to this one.

  20. 2)Ayn starts the book by saying it is a sin to write this because Equality is not supposed to do anything outside the of the home. Searching and learning about new things is like wrong. Its like hes causing trouble when he does so.(pg31and32)Equality is the most hated group in the home of students. Equality is basically going to cause trouble its just a type of destined life for Equailty.

    4)Equality 7-2521 has good and bad aspects of them that make me want to be a friend yet not. Just because of the troublesome ways and things that are done.(pg 21) Only becasue him and his society went against what they were supposed to. On the plus side he could be a good friend because he is trustworthy. He could keep secrets. When they found the iron grill leading to the underground hole or place they promised not to tell anybody of it.(pg31)

    Honors: The society in which Anthem takes place seems very private. In a location not many people would go to. I think it seems isolated, because they don't have many friends. It is very structured. There is no feelings shown towards one another. Everyone listens to the council. Also, it is a very unffair place. They don't do any of their desires like activites or jobs as well. Everything seems lonely and gloomy. It is not a society I could live in. Its too boring nd sad for me to live in a place like that.

  21. 2. Equality believes standing out from the croud is a sin, because he has always been taught so (p. 19). When chapter one begins the reader may infer that Equality has done many wrong things(p. 17), but as the book progresses a new idea occurs that maybe he is mistaken for he has not sinned in most opinions(around p. 19). "It is a sin to write this" is included in the book to add an idea of what it is like to be so restricted (p. 17). This paragragh would be a sin in the eyes of the council, because I am expressing my own opinion about the book. In the world that Equality is surviving in it is a sin to be different from others in any way. When Equality writes he is being unique and allowing his personal thoughts to roam. Being different in the eyes of society and even Equalities eyes is a sin.

    1. I agree with your second sentence and how the ready may interpret it

  22. 1. Throughout the first chapter of the book Ayn Rand uses colors to be more descriptive and set the setting. It says that the sleeping hall is white, clean, and bare. (Page 21) When I read that I thought of a plain and boring room, which would make sense with the way the society is. Also, on page 27 it says "It is a grey house on a narrow street," which means it is a dull and lifeless area. By using these colors it helped me understand how emotionless the society really is.
    5. Whenever Equality 7-2521 was in the Home of Infants, they were the same as their brothers except that they fought with them. (Page 20) They realized that they were different than their brothers whenever they went into the Home of the Students. Equality 7-2521 was much smarter than Union 5-3992 and learning came to be too easy for them. (Page 21 and 22) Equality 7-2521 are also six feet tall. They are cursed and said to have evil in their bones.
    Honors: The society described in the book is very strict and there is little to no freedom. The elders of the society control the political system and the people have no choices, such as, jobs or education. The people are told exactly what to do and when to do it. There is no individuality and people aren’t much different at all. The life those people live doesn’t even seem much like a life. I would definitely not want to live in that society because I enjoy my freedom and differences from everyone else.

  23. #2 I believe the reason he says "This is a sin to write this" is because he know more then the council. In the book it specifically says that it is severely frowned upon if someone knows more then the council. Also when reading through you start to notice that its a really terrible thing to be different. I think Equality understands that he is different and knows its a sign in the eyes of his people.I also think he knows that he has restrictions and he does this by warning us that him just writing that down is a sin.

    #4 Personally I would be friends with him because he generally seems like a good person. In his society he is shunned for being himself, but I believe that's what makes him unique. Theres also some part of me that thinks it would be a bad thing to be his friend. For one he seems to get in trouble(pg21), and he already considered to be an outcast, so by being his friend you could get a bad reputation.

    Honors: I honestly don't think i'd make it in there society. For one i'm over 6 feet tall so i'd already be an outcast. Also there's a limit for how much you can really learn considering the council. Its also hard for someone to become who they want to be and enjoy there life considering all the rules to need to live by, and i'm almost certain i wouldn't enjoy the privacy you get. You relatively get any time alone.

    1. I agree with your statement about not being able to enjoy life. Its terrible that they have so many rules because no one ever has fun. Also, I know I wouldn't make it, I always have to have alone time. It drives me crazy when I'm around people all hours of the day.

    2. I would be friends with him too. I like his spontanious attitude and how he thinks different. He knows he is too, that's why I would totally be friends with him. He likes to rebel but for good reasons.

    3. I think he is a good person too, even though he is a little dangerous and adventurous it is all in good reason.

    4. I agree with you on the structure of their society. It just isn't fair.

  24. Equality is Considering it a sin to write this because he cannot know things the counsel does. For example, writing, stealing, things of that nature. Him being rebellious as it seems is causeing somewhat of a tearmoil (p.31). As the book goes on it looks like we may be wrong. Maybe Equality has not sinned in some people's eyes. Equality is committing a sin writing this because he is expressing his own feelings and the counsel does not approve of that. #2

  25. #3 Equality refers to himself as "we" because there are more than just him. Equality is actually a group. They are recognized by the number that follows. (page 18) Everyone has to be the same, no one can be better than another. They don't want one individual only to be seen differently.

    #4 I would like to be friends with Equality. Eventhough he doesn't follow all the rules, he still seems to be a genuinely nice person. He doesn't take no as an answer, if he believes differently then he stands by that. Also, he can keep secrets, which is hard to find in friends. On page 31, they find the iron grill leading to the underground tunnel, he promises to not tell anyone.

    HONORS: I wouldn't want to live in this society. The rules they have are stupid and make no sense. I think people deserve to be different. People aren't meant to be the same, we all are suppose to be unique. There is nothing to look forward to in life, when you are told what to do. People should be able to make their own decisions; after all it is their life.

    1. Because of your response for number three, the group system started to make sense to me.

    2. Thankyou for explaining #3! It finally makes sense to me now. But that's not fair of how the council wants everyone to be the same depending upon which group they are assigned, like union, equality, and international. This in particular relates to racism in a way.

    3. I agree with what said about how terrible it would be to live there. People need to have there own personality and make descions for themselves or life is going to be pointless.

    4. I wouldn't want to be friends with Equality, because in their world you suppose to treat everyone equal, it's the law.

  26. #4 I wouldn't care to become friends with Equality because I think me and him have a lot in common. We both don't feel like we can please everyone but we try anyway. For giving his opinion Equality is shunned from and the counsel does not wish to see or hear him. He seems like a great person to talk to and get to know but he gets judged for giving his opinion. I think everyone should be able to give there own opinions, so that's why I would want to be friends with Equality.

    1. Me and you both have the same opinion on Equality.

    2. I agree also, I kinda like how he is sorta a outcast and a little different from everybody else.

  27. 2- On the first page of The Anthem, it begins, "It is a sin to write this". Equality gives many reasons throughout chapter one, explaining why "It is a sin to write this". He says that it is a sin to even write about their "brothers" on paper where no one will ever see. All of Equality's life, he has been taught that he is different from everyone else and that it's wrong. Because of this, Equality feels that almost everything he does is wrong.

    4- If I had the chance to meet Equality, I believe that I would be his friend. From what I can tell so far, Equality and I have a lot in common. He worries a lot just like I often do. Also he seems to be very adventurous, based on the time when he went into the underground tunnel. I believe that Equality and I would get along very well.

    The Anthem appears to be set in a segregated society. Different people are in different groups such as Union and Equality. Also, each group of people has their own job to tend to. The groups of people who are "abnormal" are looked down upon by the teachers. Since I hate the concept if any segregation whatsoever, I would hate to live in this type of setting.

    1. I agree with what you said about Equality being adventurous. He takes a lot of risks, and he knows what could happen.

  28. #1- I would love to be friends with Equality. He wants to explore and be rebelious, but rebel for good reasons, as to learning more and building his knowledge. He stands out and is outgoing, like me. He and I would get along very well.

    #4- pg.18, 'The walls are cracked and water runs upon them in thin threads without sound, black and glistening as blood.' As I read this sentence, it relates to the secrets that equality doesnt know. It also relates to the fact that they are in pain or increasing depression to have to live their lives as they are told. pg.28, 'The sky is like a black seieve pierced by silver drops that tremble, ready to burst.' When I read this, it relates to the fact that Equality can't show emotion. Hence, 'pierced by silver drops that tremble, ready to burst.' In other words, it could relate to equality not being able to cry beacause they live in misery of not being able to have their own say in life and their own opinion.

    Honors- I would personally hate living in this society because you can't express yourself. I wouldn't want to live in this society because I am six feet tall as well. In this day and age, I'm actually noticed for it and not put to shame. The learning procedures aren't very well thought out either. Equality cant help that they are smart. That's like putting an Honor student with straight A's in a regular class today, they would be frustrated because they can't learn anything new.

    1. I like how you compared Equality to yourself and the way you are.

  29. 1. Ayn Rand uses colors through out her book to help readers get a better understanding of the setting. Using colors is one of the simplest ways to help a reader understand what something, or someone looks like. For instance, on page 27 where Equality describes their house "grey and on a narrow street", this gives readers a feel that it's just another plain, dull, and boring average house. Another example is on page 26 when Equality is talking about the council members having eyes that look like "cold,blue glass buttons",this makes readers think of the council members are mean elderly people. As you can tell, color plays a big part in this chapter of the book.

    4.Honestly, I can not ever see me being friends with someone like Equality. This because of many things, but such as the fact that Equality is looked upon as being different from the others,being an outsider(pg.17). Another reason is because all of the others are told that Equaility is evil and has evil growing in their bones(pg.18). Equality is also very daring and that can make him dangerous(pg.31-32). So, no I would notbe freindly to Equality.

    Honors Prompt: The society that Equality lives in is very different than the one we know today. In our society we are told that being unique and having your own talents is good, but in Equality's society the Council members strive to make sure that everyone thinks,acts, and feels the exact same. Equality's society is very technologically disadvanced. The education system at this time is very poor and they don't know a lot about real world expeiriences. The citizens in this society don't seem to ever have any time for having any fun. I could definately not live in a society like Equality's, this is because I like to be different from everyone else and not have a boring life like Equality.

    1. I like how you talked about the colors of the houses and when they described the people's eyes. I never thought about how color could help me understand the situation better.

    2. The way that you described her use of color is very different than mine, I described her use of color as a way to make their world seem different than our world.

  30. 3) Equality isn't allowed to have his own identity in the society that he lives in. He must refere to himself as we because there is no I, he is part of a group. The number after equality is what he is recognized by (pg.18) and equality is the name of his group just like his friends group is international. Everyone with equality has to be the same hence the name EQUALity, nobody can be different or any better.
    4) I would like to be friends with Equality because he doesn't have many friends and is kinda an outcast. He is very smart and that is a good attribute. The fact that he always wanted to please others, even though he was different and was taller and smarter he tried to act dull and stupid just to be accepted. I would like to be friends with Equality.
    2) The council doesn't approve of any type of outside learning or writing. Equality writing this journal is a sin itself, it is forbidden. His underground writing is secretive and dangerous. Equality tries to make something out of his boring life due to his messed up society.

    Honors: The society that equality lives in is not a very interesting one. Everyone of the same group is to be the same and is looked at the same. Equality has to be the same as everyone else. He lives a pretty boring life although his curse keeps him from being the same as everybody, he is an outcast. I would not like to live in the society that Equality lives in.

    1. I like how in Number 3 you pointed out how the group name Equality began with "equal". I now better understand why they were all forced to be the same.

  31. 3. The reason Equality refers to himself as "we" is because it is not only him, it is a whole group. This group does only what they are taught and that is to refer to themselves as we never I. "We are one in all and all in one" are the words they are taught to follow by and never forget. (page 19)

    4. I could see myslef getting along with Equality very well. I like friends that I can trust and he seems to be one I could rely on. Though he has some flaws, for example not always following the rules I have the same issue occasionally, everyone does. He seems to like to escape and defy the rules he has been given and I usually get along with people like that very well. One of the times when he defies the rules is when he visits the underground tunnel.

    Honors: The way this society is set up is horrible I believe. People are all seperated for their differences and I do not believe that is fair. They have the groups Equality and Union. People should not be placed in certain groups because they are different. That is part of the world, being different, the world would be a very boring place if we were all the same. Being unique is usually encouraged, but not in this time. Altogether I am positive I would hate to live in this time with this society. and their seperation rules.

  32. 1. Ayn Rand uses color imagery to make her book more interesting to the reader and give hidden meanings. The book says, "The sky is green and cold in our windows to the east."(page 27) The author says that the sky is green and cold because Equality does not like his work at the Home of the Street Sweepers. Another sentence from the book says, "The sky is a soggy purple when we return to the Home."(page 28) The author uses this imagery because Equality was just given the job of street sweeper, but he would much rather be scholar because of his interest in science. Ayn Rand uses color imagery to describe how mundane and burdensome the people's lives are in the society that she writes about.

    4. I would be friends with Equality or someone like him. I like that he is a very curious person who likes to experiment and discover new things. He is also a lot smarter than the others at the Home of the Students.(pages 21 & 23) He seems like a real person compared to the others.(pages 18-19) I would be friends with Equality because of his great personality and attributes.

    Anthem is set in a society controlled solely by the Council. The society is a collectivist society, the full degree of Communism. The society's degree of technology is very low, but it used to be higher before the Great Rebirth. In the Unmentionable Times, the society had cars and light bulbs; now they have horse-drawn wagons and candles.(page 19) As for social relationships, the people are not supposed to like one person above another.(page 30) The quality of life in the society is bad because people are not allowed to do what they want to or choose their profession.(page 22) I would not want to live in this society because I value freedom and I would not like for everything to be controlled by the government and their long list of rules.

    1. I agree with what you said about the color imagery and Equality not likeing his job as a street sweeper.

    2. I never thought that communist place would be so harsh.

    3. I definitely have to agree with your response to question 4. Compared to the others who almost seem like robots, Equality seems human and very likeable. I too would be friends with somebody like him.

    4. I agree with you on Equality. Curious people are the ones who work harder in life.

  33. Honors- I would not want to live in the society that Equality lives in. All brothers must look the same and act the same. This does not sit well with me because I like to be my own person. Also, the fact that the Consul chooses everybodys career choices is unfair to the people and if were Equality, I wouldn;t stand for it. Furthermore, I would not want to live in the Society because I wouldnt be able to stand by and watch other people rule my life.

    4. I would be friends with Equality because even though he tries not to be different, he is. It's no secret that hes different, his height is evident of that. On the inside however, is where hes different. He tries so hard to fit in and be just like everybody else, that he gets caught up in whats wrong and whats right. His overpowering sadness also makes me want to be his friend.

    5. Ayn Rand accomplished making Equality stand out by making him taller than the rest of his brothers. On page 18 it says, "There is evil in your bones, equality 7-2521, for your body has grown beyond the bodies of your brothers." This means that the consul thinks Equality is bad news because he is physically different. The Consul thinks he is being rebelous. Most of his brothers aren't 6ft tall and Ayn Rand uses this to show difference in them.

    1. I like how you talked about the way you think the politics are. I never thought about that before, and I also agree with your opinion on living in that society.

    2. I agree with your thoughts on his differences in his body and the way that the author portrayed him as evil for being unique.

  34. 2. The atmosphere that Equality 7-2521 is living in is one of no other. People from our day would have a hard time fitting in, as does he. The way his mind works is such as the way we think today. We can write and think those same thoughts without being accused of sinning. Thinking outside of the intelligence that is already known is not allowed (pg. 17). The information is not well-known in the future; all of the information gained in the past is lost and never thought about. Equality 7-2521 does not like this rule and discovers parts of the past, “The Unmentionable Times.” The others follow all the rules exactly, Equality 7-2521 is more of a rebel and explores at night to write and look into the past. He rebels against what his brothers have told him to be – a Street Sweeper (pg. 26). Writing about the intelligence that is not yet known is what makes writing a sin to the others. Writing is not necessarily bad until the content written is recognized. Therefore the sin is due to what was written, not the writing itself.
    4. Equality 7-2521’s personality is very unique compared to the others, he is rebellious and sneaky (pg. 35). He doesn’t fall in the so called “norm” of his time. He marches to his own beat, but in a different way than what we do in our time today. In this day and age everyone is unique; no two people are the same. The far future must be different; everyone is the same – same routine and same intelligence. Equality 7-2521’s personality is not exactly the same, he wants to test his mind and learn more information. He would make a great friend – he is smart and tests the rules, but not too much. He seems to be looking for someone to connect to and share emotions with, so he would probably be willing to listen and be a good friend as well. Equality 7-2521 needs a friend, and I would be willing to be that friend.
    Honors – To live in that society you would have to basically give up everything – emotions, intelligence, and decision making. Schedules and routines are important, but it’s nice to have a change every once in a while. Living in that society would be terrible in my opinion. Although I am not the most unique person, I would not like being the same exact as everyone around me. Everyone’s lives are controlled completely and they have no say in anything that they do. You cannot break any rules, for there will be consequences. Learning more information that is not already known is considered a sin. Living in that society would be terribly miserable and an experience I will never want to experience.

  35. 1) Ayn Rand's way of describing the color of the things around Equality 7-2521 is not what someone would call normal."The sky was a soggy purple when we returned to the home."(Pg 28)" The fire flickers in the oven and blue shadows dance apon the walls." (Pg 36) Then reason that I assume she made these objects in their world different, is to make Equality 7-2521's world seem more alien. We normally associate the sky during the evening to be a orange color.

    4) In the world of "Anthem" I would not want to be friends with Equality. The reason being, he breaks many of the laws. Being friends with him would, would likely get me into trouble if he was ever caught breaking the law. I would go on with my life and just do the job I was assigned to do. Another reason that I would not want to be friends with Equality is because just being friends with him is illegal. The best thing to do would be to steer clear from him.

    Anthem is set somewhere in the future. All of the advances that have been made in our time are not present, and the government is one that controls everyone lives.I wouldn't like to be apart of the society in Anthem. In their society there is no way that you really can advance to higher position or doing something else with you life. Once your job is chosen than that's what you will be doing for the rest of your life. The technology that they have is very primitive. The book even says that they've only know how to make candles for 100 years.

    1. I like how you associated Equality 7-2521's world with ours in such a fluid way.

    2. In reply to #1, I don't think that she implied that they were different colors than we have, but that they were more muted, just like their lives were muted of freedom or knowledge.

  36. 3) Equality refers to himself as "we" because singular pronouns have been lost. He only knows how to use plural pronouns to describe people or objects. Also Equality is not just a person he is a group. He is represented by the numbers that follow his name. (18) No one is allowed to be better than the other in the colony, but they are allowed to be worse at things.

    4) In my opinion I would want to be friends with someone like Equality. He seems like a good person that wants to do good things. He is a person that seems like he has good intentions for the colony and the world. He likes to question the order of things and break the rules while not getting caught. To be honest he seems like a pretty cool guy.

    1. I would hate not being able to think for myself, like they do in this society.

    2. I agree with being friends with him because he likes to think for himself and not let others do the thinking for him.

  37. This book is set in the future. It is to replicate after a somewhat of an apocalypse. The education seems to be at an elementary or basic level. I would not like to live in this society. It is unfair and very biased to the people in it and the way they are selected to have a job.

    1. I agree that it is really unfair that even a smart person like Equality has to be a street sweeper, just to keep all of the civilization the same. They shouldn't have to be told what job to do.

  38. Prompt #2: "IT IS A SIN TO WRITE THIS,"(pg. 17) describes the rules of Equality 7-2521.(pg. 33) Equality has discussion with International 4-8818. They are discussing whether they should go down the hole or not. At the end of that topic International replies," Since the council does not know of this hole, there can be no law permitting to enter. And everything which is not permitted by law is forbidden." Also on (pg. 22) it discusses how you can't choose your own path, the Council of Vocations do. If you don't listen to the council you will be killed. It is a sin for you to mention things of what the council speaks of.

    Prompt #5: On (pg. 18) the author's describes Equality as different. Equality is twenty years old, and they are six feet tall. Equality has a curse in which they are different. Their teacher's tell them that they have evil bone s in their body, which makes them feel as an outsider.

    Honors: They setting to the "Anthem" is like a dark cold city which is ruled by "The Great We". The city also has rankings by homes. On (pg. 20), i describes the Home of Infants. It is described like a cellar. The sleeping halls are white, clean, and bare. Another example, on pg. 25, it describes the House of the Leaders, which is the greatest house of the City, for it has three stories. Finally, Anthem describes the death rate of the City. On (pg. 28), it gives the reader information that at the age of forty, they are worn out. They are sent to the House of the Useless, where the old ones live. It describes at around forty, death comes. If they live past forty five, they are the Ancient Ones. Everyone in this society is self- sustained. I would positively never live in such a society, because it wouldn't be the right habitat for me.

  39. 1. Ayn Rand uses color imagery to help readers create a mental image of these settings. One example is when Rand refers to the Council's eyes as as cold blue glass buttons. (pg. 26) This means that they are lifeless, emotionless. They are like an inanimate object; without feeling. Another example in the book is on page 28. Rand describes the sky as a black sieve pierced by silver drops that tremble, ready to burst through. This is just talking about the star-filled sky and the fact that it is nighttime and the only light they have is the stars above them.
    2. It is a sin for Equality to write this because the law says that men may not write unless the Council of Vocations bid them so.(pg.17) It is forbidden to have thoughts or knowledge of things they were not taught. There is no transgression blacker than to do or think alone.(pg.17) The Council fears that anyone might gain knowledge of things they know, or things they are trying to hide. So they forbid any knowledge beyond what they teach at the House of the Students.
    Honors: The society in this book is similar to a communist society. Citizens are allowed no individuality or independence. There is no technology for communication, no allowed friendships, limited education, and each person's life is not valued. I would not want to live in a place like this. I would not like people choosing what I learn, what I do, where I go, when I eat, when I sleep, etc.

  40. #2 – In the society of “Anthem”, the council has strived to make everyone equal. It is considered a sin to know something that your brothers and council do not. Therefore, when Equality writes thoughts that only he had knowledge of, he knows that the council would not approve. Equality states that “there is no transgression blacker than to do or think alone (17)”. It has been drilled into the citizens’ brains that they are not individuals, but one united voice.

    #3 – Equality refers to himself as “we” because he was never taught singular words. In this world, the council never wanted to encourage words that show individuality. No one can show that they are a singular person. In order to keep the people of society in order, they must have no choice but to feel that they are a part of one. A lot of knowledge was lost over the years, along with people’s rights of freedom and singularity.

    I definitely would not want to live in the society of “Anthem”. Everyone in our current community knows no other way of life except to be their own person. In “Anthem”, it is basically the opposite: no person knows the meaning of individuality. In the justice system, the council serves as a sort of dictatorship that tries to see every “sin” committed by citizens that are slightly different. Social relationships are prohibited, for they may show favor to certain people, which goes strongly against the idea of equality. While everyone in this society counts their blessings, their quality of life is far surpassed by our freedoms. Although everything is pristine, yet sparse, this society would take away any dreams of being a single person.

  41. Chapter One

    1. As chapter one begins, we are introduced to the society in which equality lives. Equality explains that to do or think alone is a grave transgression. (pg.17) The society in which Equality lives is one that stifles creativity and innovation; it is Equality’s desire for these things that make him a sinner in regards to the rules of his society. In addition to Equality’s physical appearance, his thirst for knowledge is a characteristic that sets him apart from the rest of his brothers in his society of conformity. All forms of creativity, individualism, and personal thought are forbidden. (pg.23) The differences that separate Equality from his brethren and his label as an outcast are prime examples of the constraining society in which he lives. Equality knows he is doing wrong in his thirst for knowledge, and in the opening sentence of The Anthem he acknowledges his sins. In Equality’s acknowledgement of his wrongdoings, he shows that his desires are greater than his fear of punishment.

    4. I am able to pinpoint common qualities and characteristics among Equality and I. Like Equality, I am the kind of person who naturally desires to rebel against authority. I also thirst for more knowledge and always want to learn more about things. Considering the qualities I share with Equality, I can see myself being friends with him. The only question I have for myself is whether or not I would be the person I am today had I grown up in a society such as Equality’s.

    Honors: Anthem is set in a society designed by the author to be sharply contrastive to that of the society in which we live today. The world where the plot takes place creates somewhat of a post apocalyptical world with ones mind; an image vividly created through the imagery provided by the author’s diction. Ayn Rand places the reader in a world completely void of creativity and run by a supreme group of elite people. Innovation has no place in Equality’s world, for the masses only know what they have been permitted to be taught. (pg. 23) I myself would not want to live in a world such as this. I am a very creative and rebellious person who rarely conforms to anything but that which I choose. In a society were I had no individualism, no freedom, death would be preferable over a life not lived to my full potential.

  42. 4) I would want to be friends with someone like Equality, because he seems like an interesting person. He thinks for himself in a society that does everything in its power to stop those kinds of ideas. The first pages of the book begin with him breaking the rules to write his own stories, using light from a stolen candle. (Page 1) He isn’t afraid to break the rules to discover the next greatest thing. He went down the hole, even though Equality knew the consequences of being caught. (Page 31)

    5) Rand made Equality stick out in a variety of different ways. She made him six feet tall, which was well above the average height of other citizens. (Page 18) Everybody shunned him because he was so tall, like teachers and leaders. Equality was made to think he had evil in his bones because of his unnatural height. (Page 18) He also stood out because he wanted to learn things that weren’t allowed in his society. He did everything in his power to learn more than the Scholars ever did.

    Anthem is set in a society that demands that all citizens be equal, so that nobody can be any different. Equality lives in a totalitarian society, because the people serve themselves, and the government keeps everybody in check. No man can have a friend, or a lover, because that would single the friend out above all other men. People were raised to grow up as family, so that there would be no sexual lust to distract people from the jobs given to them by the government. The society is very primitive, with torches for light and a school that only teaches to about the fifth grade level. I wouldn’t want to live in this society, because nobody is allowed to think for themselves, and you would have to do what you were told your entire life.

  43. 2. Equality is comiting a sin by writing something that he thought of individually. Equality is doing something nobody can see, something he shouldn't be doing. The evil of individuality is stated as "It is a sin to think words no others think and to put them down upan a paper no others are to see. It is base and evil."(p.17) As a result of individuality being portrayed as evil, the individuality of Equality is therefore "evil."

    4. I would be friends with someone like Equality becuase he has many charactersitics that a friend should have. Also, Equality shares a lot of characteristics that I have. Much like Equality, I enjoy to strive for more knowledge even if there are rules slowing or preventing it. Sometimes I care more for the knowledge or the goal than I do for the consequeces that I may face to get there. This is very similar to Equality seeing as he dares to defy the council by learning individually despite horrid consequences if he is caught.

    The society in Anthem is a very strict and rigid society. The society requires all to be the same, eliminating individuality. The government keeps every one under control and punishes anyone who dares to defy them. Technology is very primitive in this time using candles for light and their schools are primitave teaching on a very low level. I would in no way want to live in this society because I find the individuality of people a simple joy of life, one which would terribly suppress the joy of life if it were to be taken away from me.

    1. I totally agree with you not wanting to live there. They have no freedom and no variety.

  44. 1. On page 21 Equality descibes the sleeping halls as white. I think he does this to show that everything is neat and in order. Also to make it clear that there is uniform in every part of the town. Equality uses color to describe the setting again, (page 28) describing it as a soggy purple. I think he is saying that his job at the end of the day is very bad and it makes the sky's gloomy.
    4. Yes, I would definitely be friend with someone like Eqaulity. He like to do things his way and likes to break the rules. He expresses his feelings proudly and wants to make something of himself.
    Honors: The Society in Anthem is extremely strict and I would never want to live there. Here in the United States we are free, we be what we want to be, we wear what we want to wear, and we believe what we want to beleive. In Anthem, they are very restricted. They don't choose their own jobs, they're forced into something they might not want to be. They also have to wear uniforms and just don't have any freedom what so ever. O would never choose to live there.

  45. #4: A good description for Equality 7-2521 would be undetermined. He always wants to venture further and is usually satisfied when he does. In example, Equality finds an underground tunnel and explores it with his best friend International 4-8818.(pg.31) Equality, being undetermined goes back night after night just to get away from the Street Sweeper Life. So yes I would like to be friends with someone like Equality. Probably because I like people who are willing to work harder to please themselves.

    #5: Equality 7-2521 is a standout character because he literally stands taller than his peers. Equality stands an incredible six foot, which is considered a burden by many of his leaders and teachers.(pg.18) Maybe he used his height as an advantage. Equality fought with his brothers in the Home of Infants. He was actually seen as very smart though. So smart that he is probably smarter than the members of the council. Those two reasons are possibly why Equality was given the low title of Street Sweeper.

    Honors: The Society of Anthem is obviously very different from any of today's societies. The biggest eye opener is their housing and education structure. Student are put into homes, like the Home of Infants and the Home of Students. The students are put through this awful system before being assigned a work field at age fifteen. This method is very unfair and not and enjoyable way to grow up. This society would not be accepted in today's time.

  46. 1. Ayn Rand is one of the many authors who use color imagery to help create a setting in a section of her books. (p.19) “There is green mold in the grooves of the letters and yellow streaks on the marble floor.” This makes me think that the Palace of the World Council is an older thoroughly used building. (p.21) Ayn writes, “The sleeping halls were white and clean and bare.” In my opinion that makes me think that they were denied color because that would be preference over other colors. Imagery helps the reader to picture in his or her mind what a place in the book looks like, also it makes the book more interesting.

    4. I would be friends with Equality 7-2521 simply because I like to think for myself. I don’t believe that anyone has a right to judge you and say that it is a sin (p.17) to think what others do not. I couldn’t live life like the others, and Equality 7-2521 has the same perspective. He wants to learn what the school doesn’t teach him or want him to know. He is a rebel, with a want to change things for the better.

    In Anthem the society is in my opinion is misled to believe they are all equal and they are all one. They are both physically and mentally different though no matter what “the state” would like to tell the group. (p.18) “For your body has grown beyond the bodies of your brothers.” It is simply stated that Equality 7-2521 was not the exact same as him fellow brothers. I could never life in such a society that you could show no preference, because I’m a very opinionated person.

    1. You are completely right with this. No one person is the same just as no one snowflake is the same. In this book The Council seems to think they can make everyone believ this but where they messed up is that if everyone is equal and the same thn they would led the same lives. Each person would'nt be sent in different ways to differnt jobs. By them doing this they are telling the that in some way you are different which is a contradiction from thier whole plan.

  47. 3. Equality refers to himself as "we" because everything is done as a group. The council inscribed in stone " We are nothing. Mankind is all."(pg.21) The teachers say "And if you are not needed by your brother men, there is no reason to burden the earth with your body."(pg.22) The society does not use "I", they only use words that refer to multiple people.
    5. Equality is 6 foot tall, taller than most of his other brothers. The teachers and leaders say "There is evil in your bones."(pg.18) Equality is smarter than his brothers even though he tries to act like Union 5-3992 who only has half a brain. Even then he is lashed even more. Equality shows preference to one of the houses unlike his brothers.
    Honors. The civilization has small amounts of technology. The council makes all of the decisions for the society. The amount of education one receives depends on what house you are assigned to. It sounds like the people of the society would have a hard life. This kind of society would not be accepted because the world is becoming more democratic.

  48. I would like to be Equalities friend. He is a very opinionated person, and so am I. I feel like I would be able to trust him with my thoughts of preference and vice versa. Equality is rebelling against the government and if I was in his shoes I would feel the need to also. He seems to be a loyal person and wouldn’t ever tell the government your name if he got caught. I would love to be Equality’s friend.
    In The Anthem Equality refers to himself as “we” because his whole generation’s name is Equality. They all a specific number in which they are referred to as. It’s the governments way of giving them one little piece of individuality. Their number defines them as a person since their opinions cannot. This number is basically all he has to tell him apart from all the others. Therefore that’s why Equality refers to himself as “we”.

    1. I agree with you one hundred percent. Being Equality's friend would mean more knowledge also, and I beleive he would be a very trusting friend

  49. 3.) In "Anthem" Equality refers to himself as "we" because the Council forbids the people to work as an individual. The people are punished if they think of themselves as individuals rather than just a part of mankind. Most people living under Council don't even know that singular words exist (ex. I, me, myself). The Council has forbid these words, and as generations go by, the information is vanishing.
    4.) I think that i would like to be Equality's friend. I like the fact that he's diffrent than everyone else and has a mind of his own. Equality thinks for himself, and dosen't fear the Council. He knows what is right, and does everything he can to show the people what they need to know. Equality is very courageous, and knowledgeable. It seems like he would always have something interesting to talk about.
    The society Anthem is set in, is kind of sad. No one can think for themselves, and they have to do exactly as Council says. It is forbidden to know more than Council, so education is limited. Even your jobs are chosen for you. The members of this society normally die at a young age, and have a poor quality of life. There realy isn't a form of goverment, you just do what Council says. If you choose not to abide by what Council says, youre punished.

  50. The setting in this story is very different than our everyday life. If you lived in this time and place you would have no life, almost as if you were an adolecent living in your parents house but worse. You have no individuality or say in how your life goes. As if you were in jail your intire life following orders from someone else. I would hate to live in this society for the simple fact it would be a nightmare, I enjoy having a say in how my life goes.
