Monday, November 28, 2011

Hold Up: Pre Reading

Journal Activity:
The transition from adolescence to adulthood involves developing a personal identity, a sense of self. Write a paragraph that describes you, and explains what makes you uniquely you. Consider your future goals and dreams; what you value in a friend; favorite pets; preferred sports and hobbies; best-loved music, literature, movies, etc.

Nitty- Gritty:
Do a little "Google" investigation Ayn Rand. What are five (5) intersting facts you found about her?

Honors: Investigate her ideas on 'objectivism.' How does this theory transcend into modern culture? Structure your response as if you were explainig to your peers in a formal speech. Use specific examples; write your response in a 2x5.


  1. I consider myself an amusing person. My sense of self confidence and my ability to look at the big picture help motivate me. My favorite type of music is rock, and I value trustworthiness in a best friend. I enjoy almost every form of media and entertainment, and I want to be a pharmacist. These unique qualities are what make me an independent person.

    Legendary filmmaker Cecil B. DeMille gave Rand her first job as an extra and then a script reader on his movie King of Kings. It was only her second day in Hollywood.
    The Fountainhead was rejected by twelve publishers before finally being picked up in 1935. It has since sold over six million copies—about 100,000 a year.
    Rand met her husband, Frank O’Connor, on her second week in Hollywood. They were married for 50 years, right up until his death.
    Rand’s major philosophy in life was objectivism, which she described as “a philosophy for living on earth” but critics call an extreme, hyper-selfish form of individualism. She spent the latter part of her life and career writing about and lecturing on objectivism.
    In Atlas Shrugged, her last work of fiction, Rand uses the cigarette as a symbol of human intellect—glowing, burning, bright. A smoker throughout her life, she would eventually lose a lung to cancer before she died in 1982.

  2. Objectivism can be found throughout our everyday life. Our decisions and use of common sense reflect the different aspects of objectivism. Throughout all stages of history, world leaders and vigilantes used objectivism as a way to gain the following support that they required. The transition from unintellectual society to a front runner of knowledge represents objectivism. The choice to go outside or play video games is an example.

    The theory of objectivism literally is described in every aspect of life. An engineer designing a bridge must make the choice: buy the expensive equipment and be safe or use cheap materials and regret it later. The Untied States chose to be an independent country, so they freed themselves from the clutches of Great Britain. My decision to start typing on this blog is an example of objectivism. It is more than a mere word, it is everything.

  3. I am a dedicated, hard working person and when I commit to something I see it through. Dancing and music are a big part of my life. I've been dancing since I was three and I don't think I could get through the day without music. I like to read historical fiction and I would like to be an english or math teacher. These qualities are what make me who I am.

    1) She believed that capitalism was the best economic system
    2)She based her book "We are the living" on communist Russia
    3)"The Fountain Head" was turned down by twelve publishers
    4)She was born with the name Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum and adopted the pen name Ayn Rand at 19
    5) As a child Ayn Rand lived above her father's pharmacy shop

  4. I can be describe as a very compassionate person. My compassion makes me want to someday have a job that can change or save lives. I always look for trust in a friend, I believe a person isn't really your friend if you or that person don't have full trust in each other. One of my favorite sports is dancing, I have been dancing since the age of three. I like music that tells a story, it helps me find the emotion of the song when I'm dancing. These unique qualities are what make me the person I am.

    1. Ayn Rand was born in Russia.
    2. Ayn Rand's major philosophy in life was objectvism.
    3. In 1926 Rand moved to Hollywood and sold her first screenplay.
    4. She decided to become a writer at the age of nine.
    5. Her books have sold more than 20million copies.

  5. I can describe myself as a person who is a hardworker and someone who likes helping others. Those qualities drive me to become a doctor. The thing that I look for in a friend is honesty and a friend who can be serious and fun. I believe that when a friend is honest they aren't afraid to voice their opinion about you. Two of my favorite sports are soccer and track because, I love having the wind hit my face with all the surrounding smells and I love going so fast to where the scenery becomes a blur. I also love music that makes the listener feel the emotions their feeling and i like music the makes you want to dance and have fun. Those qualities make me sepreate from everyone else.

    1)In high school she witnessed two revolutions:Kerensky Revolution, Bolshevik Revolution
    2)Her husband was an actor
    3)Her first book was We the Living; it was rejected and two years later published
    4)Her book The Fountainhead was reject by 12 publishers and when it was publish it became a bestseller by word of mouth
    5)Atlas Shrugged was her last work of fiction

  6. I describe myself as someone who works hard and cares about others. I look for humor, determination, and respect in my friends. I like friends who can be serious and determined at times, but can also be fun to be around. I like to play baseball, play guitar, and hang out with friends. All of these things make me who I am.

    1. Ayn Rand voted for Franklin Roosevelt the year after she became a citizen.
    2. Born Alisa Rosenbaum, Ayn Rand changed her name after moving to the US in 1926.
    3. Rand was a life-long atheist.
    4.Rand met Mr. O’Connor, her husband, on the movie set of "King of Kings" in 1926 and allegedly tripped him in order to get his attention.
    5. She was born in Russia.

  7. Objectivism is an idea that basically rejects what many people believe and do in our time.Objectivism says that facts are facts so, that means that it rejects the supernatural forces( like god, fate,ghost). In our media today, it is full of ghost stories and vampire movies so basically, our media rejects that part of objectivism. Objectivism also says that man can only obtain knowlege through reason which reject faith,women's intuition or a "6th sense". People in our modern times use faith so therefore our time rejects that part of objectivism.

    Objectivism also says that man is selfish and that they are not responsible for others. That contradicts our time today because we have people who sacrafice their lives for us and objectivism says that, that is wrong. Objectivism also states that man may not use physical force to gain valuables from others unless the opposing people use force first. This is something in objectivism that our time is more like. The only recent objection to this was when the occupy walkstreet movement started and police used force to remove the people from the area. That is definitly against that part of objectivism. Overally objectivism is all around us in our society even though in our time, we go against it.

  8. I am organized and very controlling. I set goals for myself and work hard to reach them. I like all different types of food, but my favorite has to be Mexican. My favorite movies are either scary or comedy, depending on my mood. I'm a major neat freak, and I like for things to go the way I want them to. I think I'm a very hard working person, who follows the rules. I would describe myself as a leader, not a follower.

    Nitty Gritty- 1: Best selling novels, Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead.

    2: Came to New York in 1926 with only 50 dollars in her purse.

    3: Met her husband her second week in Hollywood.

    4: In Atlas Shrugged, she used a cigarette to symbolize human intellect- glowing, burning bright

    5: Lost a lung to cancer, died in 1982

    Objectivism Speech-
    The basic principle of objectivism, in our kind of language, are one: "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed." 2: "You can't eat your cake and have it to." 3: "Man is an end in himself." 4: "Give me liberty or give me death." All of these together are supposed to make up the phiosophy of how a man should live his life. Every year, or maybe every decade, this philosophy might change. It changes all of the time in fact, whether you realize it or not. Really, over the years, the objectivism of how you live your life and how we see this phiosophy has changed in many ways.

    For example, lets start with number one. This means that anything that happens, happens. You can't change it or make it different. It is reality. A is A, and a fish is still a fish. Number two means that you can't have a abig house, expensive cars, and nice clothes if your not willing to work for them. You don't get handed stuff on a silver platter. So really, man only wants to know things, because knowing makes your life better. Number three means you choose how to live your life. All men have the choice to go to school, but not all of them choose that. By choosing to learn, you do well in life. By choosing to make bad decisions and not care, man is not giving himself the chance to succeed. Therefore, he is ending his life. Not literally, but metaphorically. Finally is number four. This means that no man has the right to use physical force. In todays world, there are gangs and murderers who live their lives just to hurt others. Politically, this is not right. It says in the objectivism philosophy, that causing physical harm to others is only acceptable if they are trying to cause harm to you first. Everything in this philosophy makes perfect sense. By following this, your life could be great.

  9. Ayn Rand’s philosophy is called objectivism and she described it as a “philosophy for living on earth”. The basis of objectivism is that reality is independent from consciousness. This means that fact is fact, no matter what man's opinion is. Rand is not one for faith, or mystics, but rather the proof in nature or scientific facts. There are four branches to objectivism: Metaphysics (objective reality), Epistemology (reason), Ethics(self-interest), and Politics (capitalism).

    An example of objectivism in today society is its influence on politics. G.O.P Leader Paul Ryan once stated, “The reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand.” Ryan said that Rand’s Philosophy influenced him in how he laid out the G.O.P.’s plan. However, in today’s society objectivism can be seen as a cruel and pitiless philosophy because if you see someone laying by the side of the road the philosophy expects you to walk on by unless you stand to profit by it. Altruism, the Good Samaritan, is evil. Caring for others is likened to slavery.

  10. I could be thought of as traditional. My favorite activity is reading. Often, the books that interest me are inspiring, historical fiction. My second favorite past time is singing. Classical music truly interests me. These hobbies both help lead me to my goal. I dream of achieving a doctorate in English Literature and someday teaching at the college level! My group of close friends have great qualities such as intelligence, truthfulness, and loyalty that I value. My pets (Sadie and Smokie)are Labrador Retrievers, and are well trained angels. These aspects of life make me my own unique person.

  11. Ayn Rand was a unique person. By age six she was a self taught reader. At a meek age of nine she decided she was to be a writer of fiction! Rand escaped Russia by claiming to be visiting family for a short time in America. When she would in fact never return. She married actor Frank O'Connor in 1929. Her first stage play, "Night of January 16th", was produced first in Hollywood and then went on to Broadway. Her first novel, "We The Living", was not published until 1936 though is was completed in 1934. Before she died, in 1982, she invented the concept of Objectivism.

  12. My personal identity is very unique. Sports are a large part in my life. I enjoying playing basketball and golf. I also participate in many other outdoor hobbies. School is also a large part in my life. I constantly strive to keep my grade point average at a 4.0. My religion really shows who I am. I am a Christian and try to be a great witness for God. My personality is large. I lead, not follow. I am funny, intelligent, and athletic. I am very organized, a hard worker, and I pay attention to little details. I am a one of kind.

    Nitty Gritty:
    1) She was born in Russia.
    2) Taught herself to read at age six.
    3) Age of nine she decided she was going to be a fictional writer.
    4) Was a witness of two revolutions in her high school years.
    5) Late 1925 she obtained permission to visit relatives in America. Ayn had told the government it would be a short visit but she never returned to Russia.

    Ayn Rand has a philosophy she calls "Objectivism". Objectivism is a philosophy for living on earth. It is a system of principles which is necessary to live a proper life. These principles are based off of ethics, stand up for what is right. You have to obey the works of nature. Also be thankful and enjoy the things you have. The most important is that we are our own worst enemy.

    Many of the principles reflect in our society. Many times people see something wrong happening and they don't do anything about it. Even when they know in their heart they should. Many people try to change things that can't be changed or something that has already happened. We as humans have to learn to let nature take its course. America is one of the most blessed countries in the world. We are free and have a free education for everyone. We especially need to learn to be thankful for the things we have and use them. We are our own worst enemy. Don't hold yourself back.

  13. Objectivism has been researched by many. Ayn Rand was the one who had a true grasp on the matter. Objectivism is solely the work of Rand. One controversial idea of Objectivism is to learn and follow logic. It is thus believed that something physically unproven must be unreal or logically impossible. Objectivism also focuses on the idea that everything has an identity. This implies the belief of things being identical in most aspects of their being.
    Objectivism also stresses the importance of Capitalism (man not being restricted by the government). Egoism and the moral value of man are also important. Objectivism supports the concept of varying context. Objectivists believe that people will comprehend something different due to their individual viewpoints. The number of Objectivists is unknown but Ayn Rand devoted much to the cause.

  14. The individual that I am has an identity that cannot be covered up by a facade. The want to be on the stage and my voice be heard is the largest part of my life. Commitment to what I believe in and know is a role I take seriously or at least try to. I draw and sketch as an hobby of intrest. I like to have control at times in certain situations. I like to have one personality not many that I express to one certain person or indivdual like some people do. Shy is not a word to describ me. Loud music and relaxing time take me into a place filled with good emotions and peace. This qualities express the unique individual I am and are comfortable to be.

    Nitty Gritty:
    1)Ayn Rand met her husband in her second week of being in Hollywood and they were married for 50 years.
    2)She was a smoker throughout her life.
    3)She had lung cancer and after fighting it off she died of heart failure on March the sixth in 1982.
    4)Her book 'Fountainhead' was made into a movie.
    5)Her real name was Alice Rosebaum.

    The philosophy Ayn Rand based her books off of was "Objectivism". A philosophy for living on Earth. A system that is needed for a stable life. Objectivism says that facts are facts and thats all there is to it. No other way around it only one. It also says people can gain knowledge by not using faith , like belief in a god.
    Objectivism also says that it is wrong to be unselfish. Its like syaing giving a coat to a homeless person is wrong that passing them by while watching them suffer is the right thing to do. It also says humans cannot use force to get what they want. Which is used a lot when people are boycotting in a way. An example is occupy wallstreet. The philosophy practically goes against almost everything people in modern time do. The opposite of the good person is what objectivism really is.

  15. I like to consider myself a unique individual. As long as its not country I'll listen to it and my favorite sport is just about anyway you can play soccer. To be honest as long as someone isn't stuck up and has good personal hygiene I can usually get along with them. The one pet I would like to own is a chinchilla. In the future I would like to become a successful pediatrician and if possible play on a local soccer team.

    1) Ayn Rand's real name was Alice Rosebaum.
    2) She was an atheist for her entire life.
    3) Rand was a script reader for the the movie King of Kings on her second day in Hollywood.
    4) Her book "The Fountainhead" was rejected by 12 different publishers before selling over 6 million copies and being made into a movie.
    5) Ayn Rand lost her lung to cancer and later died of heart failure in 1982.

    Ayn Rands books are centered around the idea of 'Objectivism". This is a philosophy she herself created. Ayn Rand believed humans have unreserved contact with reality through sense perception. She believed that people should pursue there own happiness. Objectivism is an atheist based philosophy that only relies on what you think. Ayn Rand picked the name Objectivism because she believed that our thinking and values are things we can reach and are not given to us.

    The gist of Objectivism is being selfish and only reaching your own goals. In Objectivism the more selfish you are the better off you are. Instead of doing the right thing when you see a Salvation Army person (which is usually putting a dollar or two in their bucket) Objectivism says that you should pay no attention to them and keep walking because being unselfish is wrong in that sort of philosophy. Her philosophy is that reality exists on an objective absolute. This means facts are facts that depend on peoples fear, emotions, wants, and hopes.

  16. Journal Activity:
    I consider myself as a very energetic and happy person. Laughing is a major part of me and I'm usually the first one to start and the last one to stop. I like to have fun and maybe not worry about what is going to happen in the end. I like to take risks and I can be very daring at times. Usually my friends are right next to me warning me about the consequences and help me make the right choices. I like to play many sports, but mainly volleyball. I am very competitive and I like to be the winner. I have big dreams and goals, and someday I'm going to reach them. Music is a big part of my life, I like to listen to it and play it. I really have a thing for indie rock and softer rock genres. I also am a sucker for old music and I'm constantly listening to it. All of these qualities and traits about myself make me into I am, and no one is ever going to change that.

    Nitty Gritty:
    1)At age 6 she taught herself to read
    2)She decided to become a fictional writer
    3)In 1924, Ayn entered the State Institute for Cinema Arts to study screen writing
    4)Her first commercial success came from The Fountainhead in 1935
    5)Ayn's major philosophy in life was objectivism, and she described as “a philosophy for living on earth”

    The philosophy of objectivism is used throughout Ayn Rand's writing. Rand describes objectivism using four parts of a philosophy which are: metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and politics. Metaphysics of objectivism is reality is absolute, that facts are true and there are facts for every little thing that happens, which means there are no supernatural beliefs. Epistemology is used in objectivism because objectivists have reason for things; there is no mysticism or skepticism. The ethics are every man makes his own decisions and his decisions exist for his own sake, so he must live for himself. Capitalism is the form of politics used, which means every man has individual rights, including property rights. This philosophy is still used in modern culture today.

    Today, objectivism is used in psychology because it has to find the facts about the human brain and how it is working. There has to be reasons for mental illnesses, emotions, and personalities. Capitalism is used today by many people. I know many capitalists and an example of one is Donald Trump. Another way objectivism is used in modern culture is most people need reasons for what is happening. Also, you have to get things for yourself and not let other people do it for you. If you needed some money from your parents for a game, that would be considered wrong because you did not earn that money. Basically, objectivism is everybody lives for themselves and there is reason for everything which needs to be known for man to do what they want.

  17. I can often be described as funny, hard-working, strange and all around different. I’m a hard worker whenever I can get to something that truly interests me, such as the theater. Music, dancing, stage performances and anything in front of a huge audience is where I love to shine; in fact, the stage is where I hope to live the rest of my life. I admire in all of my friends is that I can trust them, they can listen to me talk and nonstop and they won’t get angry or tired and they all love and except me for the loud, goofy person I am. That includes my opinion on the media which I judge as I go, not genres, just each work individually. This is what makes me the star that I am and I won’t change anything, nor will I let someone change it for me.

    1. On her second day in Hollywood she got her first job.
    2. She sold her first screenplay “Red Pawn” to Universal Pictures in 1932.
    3. The Fountainhead was rejected by twelve publishers but finally accepted by the Bobbs-Merrill Company.
    4. Met her husband, Frank O’Connor in her first week in Hollywood, married in 1929 for 50 years.
    5. Her first novel was completed in 1936 but it was rejected by may publishers.

  18. Journal Activity
    I consider myself a funny person, but I can be sincere. I am very kind, and I’m there for anyone at any time. I constantly strive to grow closer to God, and he keeps me motivated to stay out of trouble and do the right thing. In my free time, I’m usually outside playing basketball or riding my four-wheeler. Without these qualities, I wouldn’t be me.

    1) She decided to be a fiction writer when she was nine.
    2) Filmmaker Cecil B. DeMille gave her her first job as an extra, then a script reader in the movie, King of Kings.
    3) She met her husband on her second day in Hollywood.
    4) She died of lung cancer in 1982.
    5) Some readers absolutely love Ayn Rand, while other readers absolutely hate her.

    Ayn Rand invented objectivism. Objectivism is basically the belief that one’s happiness comes from the purpose of their life. It also is the belief that there is no other greater goal in life than reaching happiness. Many times, in Ayn Rand’s novels she has described her “ideal man” with the qualities of objectivism. Ayn Rand believes that objectivism is one of the greatest virtues to have in life.
    Obectivism is practiced by many people, without them even realizing it. In hundreds of thousands of people’s everyday lives, they are doing things that make them happy. Whether it’s spending time with loved ones, playing a sport, or traveling to their favorite vacation spot, they’re still trying to reach happiness. There are many people though, who do not practice objectivism. If everyone in the world would practice objectivism in their everyday lives, this world would be a much better place.

  19. Ayn Rand uses the ideas of “Objectivism”, a philosophy that she made herself, as a basis for her books. “Objectivism” has four main branches, or ideas, that it tries to follow. Metaphysics are the facts which do not change based on feelings, wishes or hopes. There is man’s Epistemology or reason and that shows his perception on life, all of his knowledge, and causes his action. The Ethics of man are his self-interests, his ideals of only working for his own happiness and not the happiness of others. Capitalism is an example of the type of Politics used in “Objectivism”. Capitalism can still be seen today as the economic structure in the United States of America. The government through regulations is supposed protect man’s rights.
    “Objectivism” is a very selfish philosophy. Its basic foundation is that man does things only if they profit him. For example, if you were to see a man on the side of the road, or a beggar then according to the philosophy you would leave them unless it will somehow help you in the future. Another example of “Objectivism” is the recent financial crisis where the banking industry focused on profits instead of the average person and where the government had to pass rules to help “man’s rights.” Finally, another example is a basketball player who tries to scores all the points by shooting the ball all the time instead of working with the entire team to win the game. In my opinion, “Objectivism” is a basis of evil, centered around each man only working for his own, personal goal and not the goal of all people together.

  20. I consider myself to be a funny guy but i can rarely be taken serious. I've played drums for seven years and its by far one of my favorite hobbies. Reflecting upon my past i've always been a confident person ready to attempt most challenges ahead. My future goal is to become a graphic designer, or something in that field. I'm also big into music, preferably dubstep.

    Nitty Gritty:
    1. She was born on February 2, 1905 in St. Petersburg, Russia
    2."We the Living" was a book Ayn Rand wrote that was based on Russian Communism.
    3.Her favorite author is Victor Hugo
    4.Ayn was married to a man by the name of Frank O'Conner for 50 years.
    5.Ayn and her husband are both buried in Valhalla, New York.

    Objectivism is considered by Ayn Rand a way of living on Earth. Not taking advantage of the things and creatures around you. Having self control and having the self respect you deserve. In other words the golden rule. Treat others how you would like to be treated but with a bit more complications. Its a way of saying "you can't have your cake and eat it to". Its knowing the difference between right and wrong. The space between make believe and reality.

    Objectivism over the years has defiantly been dulled down,but is still going strong. Most people my age are spoiled and have imaginations that run wild. We don't appreciate the stuff we have, not saying that theres some that do, cause I know there are. There are also some people that just focus on there goals, not giving a single thought on the well being of others and there goals. For example maybe you just want that loaf of bread, even though you already have some and there could be a family that really needs it, or you have a bunch of spare cloths but you don't want to take them to GoodWill so you just through then in the garbage. So basically Objectivism is facts for facts, your fears, hopes, and dreams, and your emotions.

  21. Objectivism is the belief that there is no better moral than finding happiness. This so called happiness doesn't just appear to the person, the person must work for and deserve this happiness. A person's knowledge is found through reasoning and facts. This knowledge will only effect the person if the knowledge will benefit him or her. This makes the ideas of objectivism sound very selfish.
    A simple example of this is if a friend asked a person if they could borrow some money, this person would only do this if later one they could benefit by maybe recieving extra money. Though objectivism isn't talked about in today's society, it is still being "secretly" practiced. Many use the morals and rules everyday, mainly the ones having to do with selfishness. The opinions of facts and reasoning are still also used today, such as in the medical field, especially in pshychology. Without objectivism, many ways of reasoning facts wouldn't have been found.

  22. I am a conflicted person I suppose; I worry about everything. However, that doesn't mean that I don't like to enjoy myself. I love to play video games and soccer, among other things. If I am truly interested in something, I will apply myself to the best of my ability. This is why I'm unique.

    1) Ayn Rand's husband was Frank O' Connor.
    2) Her real name was Alice Rosenbaum.
    3) Ayn Rand's views are recognized as a philosophy called objectivism.
    4) She was married for 50 years.
    5) She died in 1982.


    Ayn Rand, as a general rule, thinks about herself first. In her opinion, anything that is not self-serving is pointless and not worth doing. She believes that their is no supernatural realm, and that revering any such realm or it's inhabitants is a negative experience. She believes that individuals are what matter, that they are the source of progress. She believes that facts are facts and that is all that one can be sure of.
    In today's society, objectivism would likely be viewed as cruel and selfish in the extreme. Although pure objectivism isn't necessarily common, diluted forms of it are common throughout day to day life. It is not uncommon for someone to not want to do something simply because it isn't what they want to do. It isn't for them. I believe that objectivism is present throughout life, and will be especially present in situation where one serves another.

  23. Ayn Rand uses Objectivism in her book The Anthem. Objectivism is a philosophy that Rand describes with metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and politics. Metaphysics is the idea that reality is what it is and no matter how much a human wants, wishes, or hopes for something, they can’t change reality. According to objectivism, epistemology is man way to perceive reality, his only means of knowledge and his only means of survival. Ethics says that man must live for himself and to not be unselfish. Objectivism politics is capitalism where force is used only in retaliation of another using force.
    Basically, in objectivism humans are supposed to be selfish and better themselves. People are supposed to be selfish and not worry about anyone else. Objectivism rejects supernatural things such as god and ghosts. Objectivism is in modern culture. Metaphysics is in science that has discovered things in nature that people accept that they can’t change, epistemology is reason, many people practice ethics by being selfish and not donating to any cause and not thinking about the benefit of others, and politics is practiced by police officers.

  24. Journal Activity:
    I’d describe myself as a happy and sociable person. I’m also very caring and I tend to worry a lot. I love playing soccer; I started playing when I was seven years old. Being with my friends is one of my favorite things to do. Qualities I look for in a friend are trustworthiness and a sense of humor. I want someone to be able to keep my secrets and laugh with me. One day I hope to become a lawyer or a pharmacist. I have big dreams and goals and with the help of God and the continued love and support from my family I plan on achieving them.

    Nitty Gritty:
    1) Ayn taught herself how to read at the age of six
    2) She was born in Russia
    3) Her and her husband, Frank O’Connor were married for 50 years
    4) She died of lung cancer in 1982
    5) She was born with the name Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum

    Ayn Rand described Objectivism as "a philosophy for living on earth." There are four branches involved in objectivism: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, and Politics. There were also three axioms: existence, identity, and consciousness. Objectivism meant that fact is fact, or it is what it is. No matter how much you want to, you cannot change reality.
    Basically objectivism is a concept of every man for themselves. It would be considered wrong to help someone out or to donate money to charity. Objectivism goes against supernatural beings, such as, ghosts or God. Many people nowadays belive in ghosts and/or God. In todays culture many people are not going by the way of objectivism.

  25. I'm determined when I want something. I am an independent person when I want to be, but also like having people around to help me sometimes. I'm the average teenage girl, nothing special, and I make mistakes. I've learned in life that there are friends you can and cannot trust. In a friend I look for someone who is trustworthy and will be there through anything while they still expect the same from me. I spend a lot of my time playing sports and it is one of my passions. I go to church on Sunday's and I serve God. I consider myself very organized. I worry a lot and always think of the worst on accident. I love life.

    1. Born in Russia; February 2, 1905
    2. Thought of herself as a European writer.
    3. She characterized objectivism as "a philosophy for living on earth."
    4. Her vision of man has changed the lives of thousands of readers.
    5. She launched a philosophic movement with a growing impact on American culture.

    Ayn Rand's definition of objectivism is "a philosophy for living on earth." Her philosophy is made up of four things. Reality shows facts are facts and that it's independent of a man's wishes, feelings, hopes, or fears. Reason is man perceiving reality, his source of knowledge, his guide to action, and his basic means of survival. Next, every man must exist for his own sake. Lastly, capitalism is a system where men deal with one another as traders (respectful human beings).
    Everyone has different views on objectivism. In today's world objectivism is said to confuse people about liberalism. Objectivism is the means of using one reason in order to solve a problem. For example, simply stealing food and stating you were hungry. People who blindly follow objectivism are going against reason and each person should be individually judged in their own actions. Objectivism says that when you put your own happiness before another person's interest is not selfishness. Many people follow Ayn Rand's thoughts on objectivism, thinking that the purpose of one's life is to pursue one's own self-interest.

  26. I am a random person who loves making people laugh, but I am serious when I need to be or if I am nervous. I value loyalty in a friend. I love playing soccer and also watching soccer. My favorite book series is the Alex Rider Series. I also really love listening to Christian music and singing it. I plan on going to Cedarville University after high school, but I do not know what profession I will pursue.

    1.Ayn Rand taught herself to read when she was six years old.
    2.She supported the Bolshevik Revolution.
    3.She married Frank O'Connor in 1929.
    4.She published The Fountainhead in 1943.
    5.Atlas Shrugged was her last novel of fiction.

  27. Objectivism is the philosophy of someone being the most important thing in his or her life, and self pleasure comes before everyone and everything else in life. The first point of objectivism states that the facts of life, such as scientific laws, cannot be changed by men and their emotions. The second point says reason is the only reality for a man, what he knows, and his guide for life and the choices that he makes. The third point says that a man is ultimately the end of himself, and others lives do not die because of him and what he does. He doesn't sacrifice for others, and others do not sacrifice for him. His highest purpose is to bring himself happiness and seek after his own interests.

    The fourth point of objectivism says that the best economical system is capitalism. In capitalism, people deal with each other as fellow equal traders. In this system, force is not used to make others hold the same values as another person. The government protects the rights of men, and only uses force on criminals and invaders. Objectivism as a whole holds that people are equal, a person is the only reason for the end of his or her life, reality is the only guide for life, and self-pleasure is the only important thing in one's life.

  28. I’m a person who would walk in front of a stranger to say hi. My friends tell me I’m smart, funny, and sometimes a little crazy. What’s so unique about me is that I’m different; I can be seen in a huge crowd. Even sometimes I can say random words at a random time. My favorite animal is my cat Hazel. My favorite sport is soccer and I love to read and watch TV and movies. My favorite series in books is Pretty Little Liars (which is also my favorite show) but right now I’m in love with the Hunger Games series. I can’t wait until the movie comes out. I love taking adventures. In my past life I’ve been to amazing places like Bethlehem and Jerusalem in Israel, and I have also been to parts in Europe like Germany and England. I love traveling. I’m a person who can get bored easily but I always need adventure! This is me!!

    1)Ayn was married to Frank O'Connor for fifty years. Nathaniel Branden was one of Ayn Rand's associates until 1968, Peter Keating is a character of "The Fountainhead", and John Galt is the hero of "Atlas Shrugged."
    2)Ayn Rand was born: February 2, 1905. She was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. Ayn came to the U.S. after graduating from the University of Petrograd in 1924. She began her career working in the film industry as an extra and script writer.
    3)Ayn Rand's philosophy is called: objectivism. Ayn's philosophy is based upon rational thought and individuality.
    4) Ayn's heroines were most often light-haired, blue-eyed, tall and thin. Ayn herself was short, stocky, and her hair as well as her eyes were dark.
    5)Ayn Rand's real name was Alice Rosenbaum. She chose the name 'Ayn' from: A Finnish author. It has also been suggested that Ayn may have been intended as coming from a Hebrew word meaning 'eye'. The source of her professional surname is unknown.

  29. I consider myself to be quite a unique person. Throughout the past couple of years, my perspective on life, and the way I carry myself, have changed multiple times. I believe that within the upcoming years, it's probable that I'll change a few more times, too. As of right now, my favorite things include music, writing, organizing, and my passion, which I found in the younger stages of my life, art. Art is a way to escape for me, it is how I can express my feelings, in a way other than words. The passion that I feel for art makes me the person I am. I'd much rather set up a large canvas and paint, than go to the movies. I prefer to spend my earnings on new brushes, graphite pencils, paint tubes, and sketching books, rather than new clothing. Aside from my art creations, to stay fit and be active, I occasionally run. With my headphones in, and my music loud, I can accomplish at least a forty-five minute jog. In friendship, I value trust, because I feel that I should be able to tell anything to any of my friends, with the guarantee of keeping secrets. I'm more reserved than outgoing, so I treasure my friendships, and keep great trust in them. I feel it's better to have fewer friends that are best friends, rather than being friends with everyone, and having no trustworthy ones. I have a few goals in life, and the ones I will keep with me forever, are to not change for anyone, and to follow my dreams. I will always be myself and no one will ever have the ability to alter that, and I've always had the saying "follow your dreams" embedded in my mind. I have big goals, but I am going to achieve them.

    Nitty Gritty-

    1. Ayn Rand was married to Frank O'Connor for fifty years
    2. Born in Russia
    3. Taught herself to read at the age of six
    4. Died of heart failure in 1982
    5. On her second day in Hollywood, she got her first job

    Ayn Rand created the philosophy of "objectivism". Objectivism is the belief that ones happiness comes from the purpose of their life. Rand used this idea as the basis of her books. There are four branches to objectivism: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, and Politics. Theses four branches can translate into four things: 1. "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed" or "Wishing won't make it so." 2. "You can't eat your cake and have it, too." 3. "Man is an end in himself." 4. "Give me liberty or give me death." These four concepts can be used as a philosophical system to guide the course of your life.

    Reality was important to Rand, as she believed there are no supernatural beings nor occurrences; facts are facts. Reason is ideal and a complete necessity, as it prevents man from being harmed from the everyday dangers in the world. Objectivism can be seen as selfish, as one only does what could provide benefits to them; "every man for themselves." Rands idea on politics was that the governments existence was made for protecting the rights of its citizens, and that man had to "deal with one another." These branches make appearances in modern life several times each day, especially Epistemology. Reasoning and common sense are extremely important; for example, without common sense, one could just walk out onto a busy highway and get hit by a car. The presence of these four branches are crucial and ideal in today's society, for a large amount of people.

  30. I would consider myslef as a very unique invidual. I am quiet and shy around people I don't know but loud and energetic around the people im close to. I get mad extremely easily, but can't hold a grudge for very long. I love to entertain people, so I became a dancer when I was very young. Music is a big part of my life, I listen to it constantly and the more up beat it is the better. When I have my mind set on something I make sure it happens and if it doesn't I won't be happy. I plan to go to Marshall University when I get out of high school. I would like to have a career in the medical field.

    1. She studdied philosophy
    2. She was married to Frank O'Connor for 50 years (until his death)
    3. She moved to the U.S. in 1926
    4. She died from lung cancer in 1982
    5. She published The Fountainhead in 1935

  31. Ayn Rand named her philosophy "Objectivism" and described it as a philosophy for living on earth. Objectivism is an integrated system of thought that defines the abstract principles by which a man must think and act if he is to live the life proper to man. Ayn Rand first portrayed her philosophy in the form of the heroes of her best-selling novels, The Fountainhead (1943) and Atlas Shrugged (1957). She later expressed her philosophy in nonfiction form.

    Her philosophy of Objectivism rejects the ethics of self-sacrifice and renunciation. She urged men to hold themselves and their lives as their highest values, and to live by the code of the free individual: self-reliance, integrity, rationality, productive effort.In her novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, and in nonfiction works such as Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, Ayn Rand forged a systematic philosophy of reason and freedom. She loves using objectivism. Objectivism celebrates the power of man's mind, defending reason and science against every form of irrationalism. It provides an intellectual foundation for objective standards of truth and value.

  32. Honors-
    Ayn Rands, objectivism, is her own philosphy that reality exsists as an objective absolute. Her ideas include that human beings have direct contact with reality through perception. Which means that humans can contact reality with simple understanding. Another idea would be that the moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness. So the more moral you are, the happier you will be. Ayn Rands ideas portray a sense of content and happiness with nature and her surrondings.

    Objectvisim is the idea that human knowledge and values is objective and this relates to modern culture because sometimes it is and it is not. For example, people can be unbaised and predijuce towards one values and personal knowledge. Rand's idea that we can all live in a peaceful place does not go right with with way that the world is set up today. However, Rand was not far off because while some people are like that, some are sensitive and observant the way that Rand imagined. It depends on the person and that is what objectivisim summarizes.

  33. Journal-
    What makes me uniqe is my keen sense of direction and the way I space myself from the crowd. I take pride in the fact that I am different and I would rather crawl up with a good book than go out. I am a loveable nerd who loves animals, punk music and exploring. These are the things that make me, me.

    Nitty Gritty-
    1. She was married to Frank O'Conner for 50 years.
    2. She died on March 6, 1982.
    3. She miggrated to the United Sates from Russia in 1926.
    4. She taught her sef hot to read when she was only six.
    5. She was born on February 2, 1905.

  34. Journal-
    I have a very shy and laid back personality. I don't like being the center of attention. I guess you could consider me to be somewhat of an athlete. Running cross country and track are what I do. Softball used to be a big part of my life until I recentely quit. I go to church a lot and enjoy it with my family as well as my church family. My family means a lot to me, even if I don't show it as much as I should. I love listening to music, but I can't sing at all. I love reading, but I'm very picky. The books that interest me most are by Nicholas Sparks and Jodi Picoult. Others do appeal to me, but those are my favorites. I have high standards for myself and hope to reach them someday. My life isn't planned out and I don't know what I want to do like some people. I change my mind about everything and over think too much, but that's just me.

    Nitty Gritty-
    1. Ayn Rand was born in St. Petersburg, Russia.
    2. At the young age of nine, she decided to make fiction writing her career.
    3. She witnessed both the Kerensky and Bolshevik Revolution.
    4. Both her and her family went to Crimea to escape the fighting, where she finished high school.
    5. She arrived in New York City February of 1926.

  35. I consider myself to be kind of a weird person. I think way to much and I'm kinda lazy. I'm smart but my grades don't reflect it. I like having fun and enjoy time with the guys. I'm unique because Chittum is a rare last name and there is no other Sam Chittum. I'm also unique because of reasons unknown. I love sports, women, food, and Star Wars, that makes me unique.

    1) she lived above a pharmacy
    2) she came to the U.S. of A in 1926
    3) she died on march 6, 1982.
    4) she was born on February 2, 1905.
    5) she learned how to read at the age of six

  36. Honors: Objectivism is Ayn Rand's own philosophy that she describes to be a way to guide your life. She uses her discovery as a guideline for her books. There are four different parts to objectivism Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, and politics. To put those in simpler terms she says 1."Nature to be commanded must be obeyed" 2."You can't eat your cake and have it too" 3."Man is an end in himself" 4."Give me liberty or give me death". Ayn's philosophy is reality and reason. You must face whatever life throws at you because you can not change it.
    Obejectivism is something we use in our everyday lives. You may not even realize it but every decison you make is based off of obectivism. Even the small tings like watching t.v. or riding your bike are examples. The bigger decisions you make in life that can change your future are also part of it. You must always think ahead because what once the choice is made you must live up to it.

  37. Who are you?
    I am a firm believer in the fact no two people are exactly alike; not even your best friend whom you seem to have everything in common with. It’s difficult to explain why no two people are alike without bringing religion into the argument, and as a devout Christian I’d likely be unable to explain it any other way than God made us all different. One reason we are all unique though is that we as humans are constantly changing and evolving; our likes, dislikes, physical and personality traits, morals, and outlook on things continuously evolves as we experience more and more in life. I consider myself to be very unique. My personality is somewhat contradicting of itself; although I’m extremely good at being there for others and reminding them of their worth, I’m very critical on myself in everything I do. As far as my set of values and morality, page after page could be filled with different things I believe in, but the main thing to know about my values is that I am firmly set in them and will not change my beliefs for anyone. I am a runner and a martial artist, both of which affect who I am greatly. It’s difficult to be asked to describe yourself because each of us has so many different qualities and characteristics that to sum a person up in but a few do them injustice.

    Nitty Gritty- Five Interesting Facts
    1) Ayn Rand witnessed both the Kerensky and Bolshevik revolutions which is likely to have had a great deal of influence upon her philosophical views of the inner dynamics of man.
    2) The Fountainhead was rejected twelve times before a publisher finally gave it a chance in 1935. Since then, Ayn Rand’s novel has sold a rough one hundred thousand copies a year.
    3) Her novel, the Fountainhead was later produced into a film.
    4) Ayn Rand was born in Russia, and moved to the United States in 1926.
    5) Ayn Rand rejected all forms of religion, regardless of beliefs.

  38. Honors-
    Ayn Rand's philosophy of objectivism is all about life, facts and individuality. There are basically four branches of this: Metaphysics (objective reality), epistemology (reason), ethics (self-interest), and politics (capitalism). This philosophy is based on facts and truth. Not what people think they want, but what they truly need inside to bring happiness in their lives. Her books are all based off of this theory.
    Objectivism is rather selfish. Man is only considering himself, and no one else. That is what the theory is all about, happiness to one person through himself only and not the rest of the world's decisions around him. Man must rely on himself and have integrity, rationality and a productive effort; not sacrificing for anyone or yourself. For example in a group project at school one member works alone to better himself and does not care about the overall success of the group. Another example is a man makes $20,000 per year. That person's hopes and wishes may be that he earns more money, but the reality is he only makes $20,000 per year and must live within his means. Objectivism is a philosophy based on “me first”.

  39. I see myself as a hard worker. When not in your class I'm a very social person.I consider myself to be a very musical person. Anything that has to do with music, is very interesting to me. When ever I have any free time, I play my bass guitar or my clarinet. I like every kind of music except for rap and the "new" stuff that everyone's listening to.

    1)Died March 6 1982
    2)She invented the philosophy of Objectivism
    3)She was a screen writer in Hollywood
    4)She produced a Broadway play
    5)She married Frank O'Connor on April 15, 1929

    Objectivism, it is a philosophy that was created by Ayn Rand. Ayn called it "The philosophy for living on earth." It teaches people to seek there own happiness what ever that maybe. It also teaches that knowledge can only be learned through one own perception of the world. Art in this philosophy is anything that someone could have a emotional response to.
    In today's world the people in USA are trying to have fun and following their own path. When everyone is trying to have fun and following their own paths, and people opinions on things aren't the same there won't be any kind of law. Everyone would be arguing with each other, saying that everyone else should do what their doing. Peoples views on life are also different, others may see them as wrong, but to themselves they are normal.

  40. Objectivism
    Ayn Rand developed her own philosophical system know as Objectivism. One aspect of Objectivism is that that greatest goal in life is the achievement of happiness; but this happiness must be achieved through one’s own effort and given because it is deserved to coincide with the beliefs of Objectivism. One core belief in objectivism is that happiness cannot be obtained by mere wish and desire. For happiness to be obtained desire must be partnered with dedication and hard work to achieve one’s unique and individual happiness. The central belief that all knowledge must be discovered through reason and rational thought, as opposed to otherworldly and improvable sources is what makes Objectivism such a controversial philosophy. The majority of people in the world today follows some type of religion and believes in a higher being of some kind; the belief that knowledge is given by this higher being is where Objectivism collides with religion.
    If one were to take religion out of the equation when considering the benefits of living life in an objective way, one would likely see many aspects of Objectivism that coincide with living a moral and virtuous life. Objectivism is an optimistic belief system. In today’s world one is faced with many trials and tribulations during their lives, often disheartening them of a hope for a better tomorrow. The phrase, you can do anything you set your mind to, has legitimate meaning in the fact that for a person to obtain their goals they must believe that their goals are obtainable. In today’s society the downfall of innovation and reason for the stifle of creativity is the human belief that something is impossible. Belief in objectivism could be beneficial to modern society in that it has the capability of driving people to do greater things. A crucial issue in the world today is the lack of hard work by many. People, especially those of free nations, have developed a sense of entitlement to what they want in the world; this sense of entitlement has led to decreases in not only work ethic but also work in of itself. If society were to follow the objective belief that happiness can only be achieved through one’s own hard work, society would experience a large scale increase in innovation and motivation to work. The previously listed aspects of objectivism have clear benefits were they to be implemented by people in today’s society, but the majority of the world today believes in some type of religion and renouncing their beliefs for the belief that knowledge is obtained through reason would be blasphemy in the eyes of many. Despite the benefits to society from objective beliefs, the human spirit is naturally rebellious and would rather die than renounce their beliefs.

  41. I think of myself as a person who dedicates time and effort into everything I set my mind to, and I always try my hardest to please others. I'd like to study to be a pediatric nurse, an occupation that will allow me to benfit others. I value honesty, trustworthiness, and loyalty in a friend. I like almost every kind of music, and pass my time tumbling and performing in show choir. These things make me a unique person.
    Ayn Rand uses the cigarette as a symbol of human intellect—glowing, burning, bright.
    2. Ayn Rand's real name was Alissa Rosenbaum. She chose the name 'Ayn' from a Finnish author.
    3. Ayn admired writer Victor Hugo.
    4. Ayn believed laissez-faire caitalism is the best economic system.
    5.While Ayn was growing up, she lived above her father's pharmacy shop.

    Honors: Objectivism is the main theme in Ayn Rand's books. One idea of objectivism is that facts are facts. They do not have any bias or influence from any individual. An example would be that a tomato is a fruit. No matter how much you want to believe its a vegetable because you grew up believing that, it is a fruit. That fact cannot be changed. Objectivism also states that reason is the only way man can comprehend reality. Karma is one example. Mankind has created karma to bring peace to their own minds. We believe that if we are wronged in some way, the person that caused us torment will eventually experience injustice themselves and everything will be evened out.
    The third principle of objectivism is that man is centered around himself. He must exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself. The pursuit of his own self-interest and of his own happiness is the highest purpose of his life. The final principle is that men are to help each other by free will, not force. It also says that the state or police are there to help and protect, not for force or coercion.

  42. I see myslef as a dedicated person. I work really hard in order to get something,I never give up. My goals in life are to become a pharmacist. I want to help people feel better, because I can't stand to see people in pain. My friends have to be very trustworthy, because I have to be able to depend on them whenever I need them. I spend a lot of my time dancing, listening to music, playing with my adorable puppy, playing tennis, and hanging out with my friends and family.

    1.Died March 6 1982
    2.She was a screen writter in Hollywood
    3.Learned how to read at age six
    4.Lived above a pharmacy
    5.She married Frank O'Connor in 1929

  43. I consider myself to be a hard working person that can achieve almost anything when I set my mind to it. I hope to be in the science field working with the environment for my future job. In a best friend I value loyalty, ability to listen, and truthfulness. I enjoy to hunt, march in the band, play video games, hang out with my friends, and just to be outdoors. I love movies that contain a lot of action and violence where there is a lot of tension and fighting.

    1)her birth name was Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum
    2)She was born and educated in Russia, moving to the US in 1926
    3)she developed philisophical system of "objectivism"
    4)she endorsed several republican candidates for president
    5)she never wrote an autobiography

  44. Journal:
    Every aspect of me makes me unique. I’m a hardworking person, in my opinion, and I like to keep everything organized. In a situation, I like to be in charge, especially if I know more than the others. I'm willing to try most things. However, if I don't want to do something, I'm too stubborn to be forced to.

    1) Ayn Rand taught herself to read at age six.
    2) Rand escaped to the United States from Russia by telling officials that she was visiting family.
    3) Rand's first screenplay was performed on Broadway.
    4) Rand's book, "The Fountainhead", was rejected by twelve publishers.
    5) Rand got her first job after only two days in Hollywood.

    Ayn Rand's novels are based on the idea of objectivism. Objectivism is simply a philosophical system that focuses on the truths in life. There are four branches to objectivism. Metaphysics is "objective reality", epistomology is "reason", ethics are "self interest" and politics are "capitalism". Rand claims that putting all of these together provide a philosophical course that can guide you through life.
    Rand believes that making one's self happy is the ultimate goal of life. Your happiness should not involve other people, as in you should not give or take anything from them. Men should deal with each other as traders, causing a mutual benefit. In reality, facts are solid and not protested, and man's thoughts and wishes should be private. Altogether, independence is a large factor in this belief.

  45. I see myself as a fun, loud, crazy person. I like to laugh, and I am really only friends with stupid people who make me laugh, because I don’t like boring people. I think that being headstrong and spontaneous help define me as a person, because I usually do things without thinking too much about what is going to happen afterwards. My favorite types of music are dubstep and Irish rock. I like video games and old movies, such as Skyrim and Braveheart. I want to be a doctor, and specialize in anesthesiology or orthopedics. I am a very athletic person, and play football, wrestle, and run track. These certain characteristics are what make me who I am.
    1) Ayn Rand was born in Russia under the name Alisa Rosenbaum.
    2) Lost a lung to cancer, died in 1982
    3) Taught herself to read at age six
    4) “The Fountainhead” was rejected by 12 different publishers before being published.
    5) “The Fountainhead” was later turned in to a movie, and sold six million copies since being published.

    The main point of Rand’s theory of objectivism is that life is all about reaching goals for yourself. After setting a personal goal, you need to achieve it, no matter what it takes. Objectivism also means that you don’t use the things around you in life. You don’t pay attention to free things or people. As an objectivist, you are self-centered, and control your own destiny.
    Objectivism in modern times is confusing, and people in today’s world are unsure of whether it is a good or bad philosophy, like the difference between Marxism (communism) and Buddhism (peace). Objectivism is neither good nor bad, but simply lets you live life however the heck you want to do it. It is a philosophy that relies on using reason and logic to give you the answers to whatever it is you are looking for. If someone has oil, and you really need it, the logical thing to do would be to steal the oil. That way you have what you wanted. People who follow objectivism simply put their self-interests in front of the feelings of others, and don’t see it as being selfish.

  46. Objectivism breaks the golden rule; treat others as you would wish to be treated. Objectivism goes against many of the principles that we follow today. Wellfare, foodstamps, and other programs that help to care for others clash with objectivism. One example in the modern day world of objectivism is show in the politicians and the people that are against bailouts, claiming that the system will straighten itself out. Scrooge is the perfect image of objectivism at its prime.

    Scrooge cares for himself and his success only. He feels that there is nobody he needs to satisfy besides himself. Objectivism is directly confronted by charity which helps others, because that goes directly agianst main principles of the philosophy. Each person becomes totally independent from any other person, isolated and seperate. Though it is not always blantly obvious, Objectivism is all around us.

  47. Journal:
    I am uniquely me for various reasons, then again aren’t we all. In my opinion I am hardworking and devoted to achieve the goals I set for myself. I am a perfectionist and try to do the best on everything possible. I love to be praised for good work and don’t like to be corrected because of some insecurities. As for my dreams I promise myself that I will accomplish them. My biggest dream is becoming a vet, I wanted to be a vet when I was knee high and now I am slowly making that dream a reality. The things I look for in friends are honesty, loyalty and a something in common. My best friend and I are in archery together because we share that same passion. The type of music I listen to says things about me; my favorite would have to be alternative rock or new country. I also have an ear for the classical because I am a learning violinist.


    1. Ayn Rand was born in Russia.
    2. She decided to be a writer at age nine.
    3. She was a smoker.
    4. As a child she lived in her fathers pharmacist shop.
    5. She died of heart failure in 1982.

    Objectivism is a philosophy created by the Russian-American philosopher and novelist Ayn Rand in 1905–1982. It is in our everyday life, we just don’t completely comprehend its being. Objectivism is says there is no moral greater than achieving happiness, but you cannot just get happiness. The way to gain happiness is to earn the right to have happiness. Objectivism says to be happy one must live by his or her own effort and does not give or receive the undeserved, and honors achievement and rejects envy.
    Critics perceived Ayn Rand’s style of life as a hyper-selfish form of individualism. Objectivism is an idea that rejects basically many people’s beliefs and religions. It also means facts are facts and the unknown isn’t real so if we as people haven’t seen something through our own eyes it is not real unless proven by some mere chance. That means that the idea of objectivism counts any sort of religion out because we weren’t there to see if the things really happened as books like “The Bible” portrays them as. In reason though if you yourself has seen it in you everyday life then it is real because it is factual that you did see it, given your mind wasn’t playing tricks on you.

  48. I see myself as a very outgoing person. I get along with almost anyone and everyone. Something unique about me is a race dirt bikes nationally and that's pretty much my entire life. Other than school, all I really like to do is ride and train. As I grow up, I realize that riding a dirt bike isn't going to make me a living. Though one of my goals is still to win a national championship, another one is to take the family business under my control and expand it farther than ever before. In a friend, a feel like there should be a lot of trust between one another. You should be able to tell your friend anything and be able to have fun with them. This is just a little bit about me.
    1. Her first husband was Frank O'Conner
    2. Her real name was Alice Rosenbaum
    3. She was born Febraury 2, 1905
    4. She wrote The Fountainhead
    5. She wrote Atlas Shrugged

  49. Journal Activity:
    I think of myself as an educated and hardworking person. In a good friend I mostly look for trust, and somebody who is cool to be around. My goals are to work hard, get into a good college, and someday have a great job. Sports have always been a favorite as I enjoy watching and playing them. My favorite sport is Tennis, and I have become very good over the years. Music is a great feature in life. I enjoy all kinds, especially Classic Rock. I also enjoy comedy movies and video games. These are a few reasons why I'm an interesting person.

    Five Facts:
    1.She created the philosophy of objectivism.
    2.She was born in Russia in 1905.
    3.She married Actor Frank O' Connor in 1929.
    4.She became an American Citizen in 1931.
    5.She wrote Anthem in 1937.

    Ayn Rand is the creator of the philosophy Objectivism. Rand described it as the philosophy for living on Earth. Objectivism also states there is no greater moral than happiness, which connects with reaching your goals. Rand has used the philosophy in most of her novels. Rand's theory also transcends into modern culture.

    Objectivism has gained a worldwide audience and is still considered by many in today's time. The truth is the act of objectivism is very selfish itself. It's like saying don't do anything for anybody but yourself, and that's the right way to live. This fact reflects that there are many people in this world who act like this. Personally, I don't agree with Objectivism, because most selfish people never are truly happy.

  50. I consider myself a very trustworthy person. When I am dedicated to something I will work as hard as possible to accomplish it. I’m not afraid to be myself and I don’t listen to what anyone says about me. I’m always quick to speak my mind even when I shouldn’t. I love to listen to any kind of music, and music is one of my passions. I feel that in a friend I look for someone I can trust completely, and I can always be myself with. In the future I’m not sure what I want to do with my life, but I plan on going to college and having a well paying job. I am a part of Cabell Midlands band/color guard, and that’s one of the most important things to me. I love any fiction book but my favorite would have to be the Maximum Ride series. These qualities are what I feel make me who I am.
    1. Her books have sold over 20 million copies
    2. She’s Russian
    3. Her major philosophy in life was objectivism, which she described as “a philosophy for living on earth”
    4. Got her first job her second day in Hollywood
    5. Died in 1982

    Ayn Rand is a strong believer in objectivism. Objectivism is basically the belief that happiness comes from your purpose in life. Ayn Rand gives us that example in The Anthem. It’s also about someone’s self control and giving yourself the self respect you deserve. An example would be not letting people walk all over you, or take advantage of you. It’s also knowing the difference between what is right and what is wrong; like that little voice in your head that tells you not to do something.
    In today’s society we see objectivism come to life in many situations. For example, the United States of Americas government. It gives the citizens freedom and they are allowed to be selfish or however they want to be. It has rules, but it also gives the people freedom to choose what they want.

  51. During the time period of 1905-1982 a thing that is in our everyday life was created. This thing is objectivism, and was created as a philosophy by the Russian-American philosopher and novelist Ayn Rand. One feeling every human wants to achieve is circled around objectivism. Yet it is the greatest moral one can achieve you cannot just get it you must gain and earn the right to have happiness. The key to being happy thought is that a human must live by their own effort and not just give or recieve the undeserved, and honors achievement and rejects envey.

    The saying " I'll believe it when I see it plays a big role in objectivism. With this it regects peoples beliefs and religions. If a person has not seen it with thier own eyes then it is not true, such as "The Holy Bible." In the idea of objectivisms its a true true basis, the facts are the truth and the only thing to worry about. So unless you or someone else has saw it given your minds were'nt playing tricks on you then it is not true or to be worried about.

  52. I would consider myself a "stand outside the crowd" person. I tend to keep to my ownself. I am stubborn and I will not take breaks when I am completing a project unless i work myself. I am always an observer. I am also distrustful in people I always do a personal investigation in the people. I have goals in my life to go to college, yet I am not so sure what profession to take. Whatever friends I pick I always stick too, I can get very attatched to objects in life, such as my dog and very objects in my room. I am a more of a person who goes with the flow. These would be the things that make me.

    1)Ayn Rand was born in St. Petersburg, Russia.
    2)Ayn Rand eyewitnessed the Kerensky Revolution.
    3)Her family escaped to the Crimea, where she finished her education.
    4)In Hollywood she job a job as a screen writer, where she met her Frank O'Conner whom she married in 1929.
    5)She began writing The Fountianhead in 1935.

    Objectivism is the philosophy for living on earth, named my Ayn Rand. Objectivism is a system of thought that defines priciples that man should live and act if he is to live life properly on earth. Examples for this would be a bible. In a bible its tells of the "beginning", the way that life should be lived and defines set rules to live by. This specifies that in order to get this desire you must gain this proposition for man.
