Monday, November 28, 2011

Chapter Eight

Respond to 2 of the 3 questions below.
1- What is Equality experiencing for the first time in this chapter? What does he feel as a result?

2- Explain why Equality laughs when he remembers that he is “the Damned.”

3- Equality bends to get a drink of water and has a new experience (pg 80). What is the new experience? How does he react?

Honors' Discussion Prompt
What does the Uncharted Forest symbolize in Anthem? Is this a prevelant symbol in today's society? In Ayn Rand's society? Use examples.


  1. 1) For the first time ever, Equality experiences happiness. He feels like he is free for the first time and he can do what ever he wants. Equality feels satisfaction when he can finally get food with his own hands. He also experiences his own reflection in the water. Equality finally realizes why he is different from all the others. (pages 78-80)

    2) Equality laughs when he remembers he is called 'the Damned' because he really is not. He realized that all members of his society are really the 'damned' ones. They are the ones that have to be told what to do while he runs around in the forest. Equality's brothers are the fools for letting themselves live their lives like they are. Equality has finally learned how ro live by himself and that is why he had been called 'the Damned'. (page 80)

    The Uncharted Forest represents the realization of what life's about and maturity when someone goes from having it all as a child to being an adult and having to do everything themselves. It represents the freedom and responsibility one gets as they age. This is a very prevalent symbol in today's society. Many people are getting out of high school and not knowing what to do with their lives because they've had everything given to them. If people go through this stage of life successfully, they would have gone through the 'Uncharted forest.

    1. I think the way you described the Uncharted Forest was interesting and i really liked it.

    2. I also believe that your description of the Uncharted Forest's symbolism was a very good interpretation.

    3. I agree that the uncharted forest represents maturity.

    4. I like the way that you compared the uncharted forest to leaving high school and not knowing what to do.

  2. #2 Equality laughed when he remembered he was “the damned” because it is really not true. He realized that the other people in is society are. They have to do whatever the council tells them to without question. How their life is going to play out has already been determined by the council. The council holds no power over Equality anymore and he can live his life the way he wants to. (Pg. 70-71)
    #3 Equality sees his reflection for the first time on the forest when he bends down to get a drink from a stream. He is fascinated because he has never seen his reflection before. He is amazed because he is not like his brothers. He felt no pity when looking at his face. He looked strong not worn down. (Pg.80)
    Honors: The uncharted forest in Anthem represents a safe haven. It is the only place where the council has no power. In Ayn Rand’s Society it represents freedom from persecution and communism. The Church is an example of a safe haven. People are free to come and be them selves.

    1. I liked the way you described how Equality 7-2521 when he sees his reflection.

    2. Your description of Equality's first time seeing his reflection was very accurate.

    3. I like how you explained the reserved role to show that the other people in society are the ones that are damned, not Equality.

  3. 2. Equality laughs about being the damned, for he is an outcast. The irony is that he was the only person that stood up for himself. His intelligence was a threat to the council, so the forced him into exile. He may take enjoyment in the term, for he considered himself different. Equality probably enjoys that title.
    3. Equality saw himself for the first time(p.80). He became self absorbed, for he liked the way he looked(p.80). Equality took pride in the ways he looked different from everybody else. He never see,s to take shame in who he is, so he is representing great pride(p.80). He represents true individuality.
    Honors: The uncharted forest is an example of maturity. Each person has their own experience, and they all learn during their time there. Equality realizes he is his own person, and he loves himself(p.80). It may be used to represent a purgatory or solitude in today's society. In the book, it is used as an area that is free from rule, such as a refuge

    1. good point about speaking of the irony in #2

    2. I agree with the way you emphasized Equality's pride in himself.

    3. I really like the irony that you mentioned in 2, it is very truthful.

    4. I also agree how you mentioned irony because I never noticed it until now.

    5. I agree that the forest stands for maturity

  4. 2. While Equality is in the Uncharted Forest, he suddenly remebers that he is one of the "Damned". He laughs at this thought because he doesn't feel like he is damned. He feels saved from all the restrctions and torment he had to live in. Equality feels that being 'damned' is the best thing that could've happened to him, despite the harsh title. Being a disgrace to society, in Equality's opinion, is a lot better than being dominant in a place of torture.
    3. While Equality is leaning down to get a drink in the stream, he notices his reflection in the water. He is pleasantly surprised by what he sees. He does not feel pity when looking at his face, and takes notice of the fact that he is strong and healthy. Equality feels he can trust the man he is staring at to survive in the wild. He has nothing to fear from this human being looking back at him. (pg.80)
    Honors: In this book, the Uncharted Forest represents refuge. Equality spent his whole life thinking of others by force and trying not to stand out and be an individual. This is the one place where he can relax and enjoy being himself. He has never had this luxury before. In today's society, such a place might be at home, at church, or anywhere one can find peace.

    1. Yuor response to #2 i think explains exactly how equality felt about being "the damned".

    2. I like the way you described Equality's delight when he saw himself in the water.

    3. I like how you said Equality trusts himself to survive.

    4. I just noticed the disgraced part, interesting!

  5. 1. i belive what Equality experienced for the first time was a since of freedom. Because he didn' have to listen for a bell or follow a routine like he usually did(78). also how he could make a choice about what he wanted to eat, where he would wlak next, and sleep that night(79,80). Also how he could finally see his face for the first time in his life(80).

    3. Equality for the first time in his whole life gets to see his face. He was shocked when he first saw it because he felt that it was much prettier than the rest of his brothers faces.Also he got to see the rest of his body along with his face in the stream. Once he saw his face and body he was not ashamed that he finally got to see it.(80)

    Honors:I think that the uncharted forest represents undiscovered ideas. the reason why i think this is because in that society they are not allowed to invent or discover and that is why nobody but equality has entered the uncharted forest. i think this is also a revalent symbol in todays society to because there is still a lot of world to be discovered and ideas to make happen.

    1. I agree with what you think the uncharted forest means. it represets undiscovered ideas.

    2. I like your discription of how Equalityy felt when he saw his reflection for the first time.

    3. I like the examples you used to explain the freedom Equality was feeling.

    4. i agree and like how you described the Uncharted Forest.

  6. 3. When Equality bends down to take a drink of water he sees himself in the water. The reflecton of him makes him stop and hold his breath. Equality saw himself as beautiful because he did not feel pity like he did with his brothers. Equality felt as though he could trust the being he saw. he did not fear himself.

    2. I think Equality laughs when he realizes he is damned because he now has it better than all the rest. He can sleep, eat, laugh, and explore all he wants. It was a good, happy feeling for Equality. Being damned to him, he thought, meant having a horrible life. Really though his life was better than it was in his society and thats why he laughed.

    honors: In the Anthem, the Uncharted forest symbolizes a part of the world that is bad. It's forbiden. There is a lot of these kind of things in our world today. For example, bad neighborhoods, and even some cities would kind of be like this forest. In Ayn Rands society there are none. Everything is good, and there are no bad places. Only the things that can not be known to all are bad.

    1. I like how you described Equality of not being afraid of himself. I agree that he thought of himself unlike everyone else.

    2. I believe that your connection from the forest to the bad neighborhoods was good and original.

    3. I don't think that the Uncharted Forest represents a place that is bad. It is forbidden, but is a place of truth and peacefulness.

    4. I like your answer for number three. I agree with it completly.

  7. 2. Equality 7-2521 laughs because in truth he isn’t the Damned one, he is really the opposite, he is blessed. He is free from his oppressive society. Equality 7-2521 is able to make his own decisions and no one gets to make them for him such as when he killed and ate the bird when he was hungry (pg. 79). The entire world is open to him now. There are many things he’ll be able to watch, see, experience and learn from that his world, his own brothers, would never allow him to be able to experience. That makes him the one who is blessed.

    3. He is able to see his own reflection for the first time. He is surprised to see how he looks. I believe that he feels a sense of pride at seeing how beautiful he really is (pg. 80). Equality 7-2521 also feels surprised. In his society citizens are not allowed to look upon their own reflection. There is also the feeling of confidence, he knows that he is strong and different which allows him to trust himself (pg. 80) and his own body to survive, giving him a feeling of self-confidence.

    Honors: The Uncharted Forest represents the unknown. In Equality 7-2521’s society if the Council doesn’t know something then it is evil or forbidden. The forest is also a place where Equality 7-2521 feels safe and at home. He is able to relax and be himself and not try to fit into his own society. There are many places like that in societies. To many people it is scary to go to some place unknown but if they take the chance they could find a place where they are really and truly safe and free.

    1. I agree that Equality is the exact opposite of damned.

    2. I agree with your description of the feelings that Equality experiences when he looks at his reflection.

  8. 1. In this chapter, Equality experiences freedom for the first time.
    As a result of his newfound freedom, Equality experiences great
    happiness. He realizes that there is no longer anyone around to tell
    him what to do. He no longer has to fear the Council and the laws of
    his old society. He can do anything that he wishes to do.

    2. In the Uncharted Forest, Equality remembers that he is the "Damned" and he laughs. He laughs because he feels happier than ever before, and is free from the will of others. He may say or do anything that he wants, in addition to being able to go where he wants. His life is better than those of the "saved". He knows that no other man can exert control over him at this point.

    I believe that the Uncharted Forest represents undiscovered knowledge. I think this because no one knows what is inside the Uncharted Forest, and they are afraid to search it. Undiscovered knowledge is a prevalent theme in today's society. The fact that we do not know everything is widely accepted. Scientists today are constantly searching for that undiscovered knowledge.

    1. You have a great interpretation about the uncharted forest.

    2. I like that you relate Equality's happiness to his freedom.

    3. I agree with undiscovered knowledge being prevalent in today's society.

  9. 1. Equality feels happiness for the first time in his life. He finally is free and can do what we wants and not have somebody tell him its wrong. Making his own decisons makes him feel relax and calm because his life is in his hands. It gives in enjoyment knowing that he doesn't have to listen to anyone again.
    2. Equality laughs when he remembered he is the "Damned" because in reality he is the one that is lucky. He is more intellegente, stronger, taller, and better looking then everyone else. He starts to feel bad for the that is stuck in their boring life being forced to do what the council tell them.
    honors: The Uncharted Forest represents the real world and freedom. Here you have to make your own chose and do figure things out by yourself. In todays world that represents growing up. In the "Anthem" Equality has to "grow up" in a matter of seconds and that can be a very difficult challenge.

    1. On the honors question I like how you said that the uncharted forest is the equivalent to growing up in our society.

  10. 2. Equality laughs when he remembers he is called the damned, because he isn’t damned at all. He is actually a very lucky person. He is smarter, stronger, and more beautiful than all of his brothers. He doesn’t have to be told what to do all the time every single day anymore. Equality can do as he pleases and not be punished for it. The rest of the society are actually the damned ones, they have to follow the councils rules. (pg. 70, 71)
    3. Whenever Equality bends down to get a drink from the forest he sees his reflection in the water. This is the first time he has ever seen himself so he is fascinated by it. He finds that he does not look like his brothers and is satisfied with what he sees. (pg. 80) Equality feels no remorse when he sees his own face knowing that in the society it is wrong. This shows his true individuality.
    Honors: I think that the Uncharted Forest symbolizes uncertainty, because Equality had no clue what lied in the forest, he had to take a chance and find out. He had heard bad and scary things about the forest but he went anyways. In today’s society people take big and risky chances all the time, like moving out on your own. Of course it’s going to be scary and difficult to live on your own because you’ve had your parents all of your life to help you. Equality takes many chances in the book and going into the Uncharted Forest was a big one.

    1. On number two I like how you describe equality 7-2521 as being the lucky one.

    2. I like how you describe Equality's feelings when he first sees his reflection.

  11. 2- When Equality is in then Uncharted Forest alone he think he is "the Damned." But when he thinks of this he laughs. It occurs to Equality that he is really lucky to be there, He has many more opportunities in the Forest. When he wakes up he has nothing to get ready for, and he can kill his own food. Equality loves the fact that he is not held back by the society and he knows he is not "the Damned".
    3- When Equality bends down to get a drink of water he sees his reflection for the first time. Equality is taken aback because he looks nothing like the other guys of the society. He knew after he saw himself that he had nothing to fear. He says, "Our body was not like the bodies of our brothers, for we felt no pity when looking upon it." (pg.80) He gets a sense of happiness after he sees his face and body.
    Honors- In the Anthem, the Uncharted Forest symbolizes ideas that people do not know. The forest is like a new world outside of the society that no one ever knew. Equality had always seen the forest from a distance, and wondered what it was like. Once again the people of the society were taught that the forest was nothing. They knew everything that there ever was, but Equality knew that something was in the forest. The unknown forest was a place where one could mature and realize there is more to life than what the society has planned for you.

    1. I agree that the Uncharted Forest symbolizes ideas that people do not know

    2. I agree also, because it keeps a secret from the people so they have no knowledge of the truth.

  12. #1: Equality experiences the joy of freedom in this chapter for the first time. He instinctively lies down and looks at the sky (p. 78). He feels free and relaxed. When he rose, leapt, and ran he felt excited, energetic, and free to express his emotions (p. 78). As he walked he felt motivated to go with the flow of his own thoughts and body as well as the forest (p. 79). He felt powerful when he killed his own meal and cooked it (p. 79). At the site of his image he felt confident and proud (p. 80). In the end of the chapter he feels confused when assessing the day for he has never experienced freedom as in this chapter. He has been taught that freedom is bad but it has been good for him on this day. Equality is free and an individual and now he knows the satisfying feelings that come along with them.

  13. #3: Equality experiences new feelings along with the sight of himself for the first time. In this chapter Equality bends to drink water in a stream but then he sees his image causing him to pause (p. 80). He took a sharp breath (p. 80). He looked and assessed his features(p. 80). This was something he had wanted for a while. Vanity crept into him. He saw that he was different and he felt proud. These reactions were his own decision and he now had individuality, which is just another example of his new seperation from his old society.

  14. 2. Equality 7-2521 eventually realizes that he is now "damned" from the society (Pg.80). Once he realizes this he laughs because he knows he is really free now. The society is the one that is "damned". He has defeated the council. Equality 7-2521 is free, not "damned" and he knows it.

    3. On page 80 Equality 7-2521 sees his own reflection in the water of a stream. He is suprised, that was the first time he has ever seen his own face. His face and body was beautiful. His limbs were straight, thin, hard, and strong. His brothers were nothing like himself. He was suprised but never pleased with his body.

    Honors: The uncharted forest symbolizes many different things. It shows the undiscovered, knowledge, and independence. The uncharted forest is where Equality 7-2521 learned to provide for himself and become more of an individual. This reflects into our society. Many times people have to do something on their own to feel good about themselves. Also people don't see how important they are. The uncharted forest is very important.

  15. Honors: The Uncharted Forest is symbolic of a number of things. It stands for all that is unknown. The dark symbolizes the lack of education in the society that Equality seems to have escaped. The forest seems to be symbolic of the potential that is avoided blocked off, feared, or ignored by many. The average person in the society Equality had been living in never got a chance to explore or to be free. The forest is great and has many pros and cons. It must stand for the uneducated and the inexperienced.

    1. The way you described the Uncharted Forest made me think about the society there really living in.

  16. 2. Equality laughs when he remembers that he is "the Damned". He does because he feels the exact opposite. Equality doesn't feel damned because he has freedom (page 80). His new freedom he has showed him how better off he is without the Council or society. Equality has now realized he isn't damned if he is free from the controlling society he once lived with.
    3. On page 80, Equality bends down to get a drink of water and see somthing he has never seen before, his reflection. He was astonished by his different look than his other brothers. Equality noticed he was much more thin, straight, and strong. Seeing his reflection gave him more courage. The courage came from knowing how different he is from all people, and that he can trust himself.
    Honors: The Unchartered Forest symbolizes independence. It shows how when one grows, one must become more independent. Independence is a very important factor in today's society. Today's society believes all need independence to succeed in life. Without independence, one can't succeed as an individual, which explains the Anthem society belief of being a whole and not one.

    1. I would have never thought about the forest symbolizing independence.

    2. I like your response to number one

    3. I really enjoy and agree with what you said in question 2 about his freedom and feelings.

    4. I agree with your thoughts about his freedom.

  17. 1: Equality experiences the joy of freedom in this chapter for the first time. He instinctively lies down and looks at the sky (p. 78). He feels free and relaxed. When he rose, leapt, and ran he felt excited, energetic, and free to express his emotions (p. 78). As he walked he felt motivated to go with the flow of his own thoughts and body as well as the forest (p. 79). He felt powerful when he killed his own meal and cooked it (p. 79). At the site of his image he felt confident and proud (p. 80). In the end of the chapter he feels confused when assessing the day for he has never experienced freedom as in this chapter. He has been taught that freedom is bad but it has been good for him on this day. Equality is free and an individual and now he knows the satisfying feelings that come along with them.

    3: Equality experiences new feelings along with the sight of himself for the first time. In this chapter Equality bends to drink water in a stream but then he sees his image causing him to pause (p. 80). He took a sharp breath (p. 80). He looked and assessed his features(p. 80). This was something he had wanted for a while. Vanity crept into him. He saw that he was different and he felt proud. These reactions were his own decision and he now had individuality, which is just another example of his new seperation from his old society.

    Honors: The Uncharted Forest is symbolic of a number of things. It stands for all that is unknown. The dark symbolizes the lack of education in the society that Equality seems to have escaped. The forest seems to be symbolic of the potential that is avoided blocked off, feared, or ignored by many. The average person in the society Equality had been living in never got a chance to explore or to be free. The forest is great and has many pros and cons. It must stand for the uneducated and the inexperienced.

  18. 2)Equality doesn’t feel 'Damned' because he realizes that he’s free from the council’s laws, fear, and ideals. He realizes that he now can make his own choices. He realizes that he has total freedom and he laughs because it’s ironic. The one thing people in the city don’t want, is what sets them free.
    3)His new experience is that he saw his own reflection. This is new to Equality because in the city they aren't allowed to know what they look like. Equality thinks that his face and body are beautiful and that his face wasn't like the one of his brothers(p.80). He realizes that his face holds no pity and that he's strong(p.80).Apon looking at his reflection, he decides that he trust his face and he has no fear(p.80). I think when he looked at his reflection he felt happy.
    Honors:After I looked up the word prevelant I decided that the Uncharted Forest symbolizes the answers. I believe it symbolizes it because once Equality got into the Uncharted Forest he found many answers. In today's society this is revelant because we always look toward the Unknown for answer for everything. In the book society it represents answers because in the city everything is the kept the same. I bvelieve anyone who wanted to learn he to go find their answer somewhere else which is what Equality did.

  19. For the first time in this chapter, Equality is experiencing freedom. As a result, I believe that he thinks that he can do whatever he wants. Equality laughs at the thought that he was "damned". He is starting to realize that the Council is corrupt. Soon, I believe that Equality will find out the words that are hidden from him.

    1. I how you added a thought of what you think will happen in the future.

  20. 2- In this chapter, Equality laughs at the thought that he was "damned". He laughs at this thought because the Council has brainwashed him for so long. They've made him think that there's no way other than their way. He is starting to unravel their lies and he laughed. Equality is starting to also discover singular words.

    1. I also believe Equality is finding singular words.

  21. 1. In this chapter, Equality experiences freedom for the first time. He also experiences happiness because of this freedom. He is no longer controlled and makes his own decisions. He is able to think for himself and this brings great joy to him. While in the Uncharted forest, he no longer has to fear the council or anyone else in the society.
    2. Equality laughs when he remembers that he is “the Damned” because he doesn’t feel like he is damned. He makes decisions for himself and chooses what he wants to do and how he is going to do it. He experiences great joy in these things and considers them great accomplishments. Equality is smart and realizes that he is not the one that is damned but it is everyone else who are damned.
    Honors: In the book the Uncharted forest represents safeness and freedom. The Uncharted forest is the one place where the council holds no power. Here a person can be an individual and be themselves and not concern themselves with the wants or needs of others. Unlike Ayn Rand’s society, there are many places in the modern world where you can go and be yourself. Some examples are: places of religious worship, wherever you live, and the internet.

    1. I like your view of the uncharted forest.

    2. I like how you describe Equality's feelings on himself being damned.

    3. I like ur description of how you think Equality's feelings were on being damned.

  22. In this chapter, the Uncharted Forest represents peace. All the time that Equality is in the forest, he seems at a happy peace. He is starting to realize that he is not really "damned". In our society, this represents nature and how peaceful it is and not many people discover it. When Equality discovers the forest he is extravagant.

  23. 1. For the first time ever, Equality had experienced true happiness. He has his freedom and no one can touch him (pg.78). Also Equality feels a great feeling after being able to eat his food he caught. More so, he was taught that freedom is bad, but after feeling it, I believes he wonders why it is bad. Now Equality knows he is free and can do what he wants, and feels the need to do with no one to control him.

    2. Equality finally realizes he isn't really damned. He really just laughs it off when he realizes it (pg. 80). Also he knows how much better off he is without the council judging him and his every move. He knows in reality he knows the there society is damned, not him. Lastly, in Equality's mind he knows he has beat the council at there own game.

    The Uncharted Forest has many meanings. One could maturity, or realization. Another could mean the breaking through of ones understanding. It could also mean when someone tells you something you shouldn't always believe it. A perfect example was Equality was always told it was bad to go into the Uncharted Forest, but i think they were just hiding something from them, something they didn't want them to know. In reality I think it stands for some sort of hiding, or some sort of education.

    1. There may be something that the Council doesn't want anyone to see inside the Uncharted Forest.

  24. 1. In this chapter, Equality is feeling satisfaction for the first time. He is very glad when he kills a bird and eats it because he did it by himself. He feels so satisfied by this that he wishes that he was hungry again so that he could kill and eat another bird.(page 79) He also feels joyous that he is free, and he doesn't have to wake up to a ringing bell.(page 78) For the first time, Equality feels a sense of freedom,happiness, and satisfaction.

    3. While getting a drink of water, Equality experiences what he looks like for the first time. He reacts by saying that he is beautiful. He says that he doesn't look like his brothers. He says that his limbs are straight, thin, large, and strong. He sees what he looks like, and he is satisfied with his image.

    The Uncharted Forest represents the truth. The government tells the people that enter the Uncharted Forest never return because they do not want people to find happiness. They tell people that anything not done for others is wrong, but if they go into the forest, they will realize that all they have been taught is false. The truth being hidden is a prevalent thing in our society. One example of this is found in our government. They hide the truth or twist it a lot of times.

    1. I agree with your response saying that Equality is satisfied with his image. You also responded very well to how he felt at that point.

    2. I agree that the government was scaring people away from the forest, and away from the truth.

    3. The Society is definitely trying to keep its citizens away from happiness.

  25. 2. Equality laughs when he remembers that he is considered apart of "The Damned". This is because Equality doesnt think he's damned because of his new found freedom in the Uncharted Forrest he had possibly the best day of his life. Because of this new freedom Equality realizes that he can do whatever he wants to, when he wants to, and he really likes that. Equality comes to realization that everyone else still living under the council's laws are the people who are damned, not him.

    3. While getting a drink Equality sees his reflection in the stream for the first time in his life. Equality was stunned because he did not look like the rest of his brothers, he was far more beautiful. He feels no pity for what he looks like, like he does when looking upon his brothers. Equality notices that his limbs are perfect being straight, thin, hard, and strong. Equality decides that he can trust his reflection, for it brings him no fear.

    Honors: I feel that the Uncharted Forrest represents freedom and the challanges up ahead for manknind. In the forrest, Equality is free from the pressures of doing what the Council wants you to do. It represents the challanges up ahead for mankind because Equality has to figure out where he is going to live and what he is going to do to support himself. At some point the people in Equality's old society are going to have to do that. An example in our society today would be going to a place like a church or a temple,because you can be free there and do what you want just like the Uncharted Forrest.

  26. 1) Equality realizes that he is happy. He also realizes that he likes to be dependent on himself. Equality shows that he likes to be dependent on himself by killing a bird, eating it, then stating that the meal he prepared himself tasted better than the ones he ate at the colony. He feels happy because he is free from all law while he is in the Uncharted Forest. Equality likes these feelings and does not wish to go back which shows that he is content.

    3) Equality experiences something while he is getting a drink of water. He sees his own reflection in the water. Equality has wished to see himself in previous chapters. Equality reacts calmly and ecstatically when he sees himself. He is very proud of the way he looks and says that he is better looking than his brothers and likes this.

    Honors) The Uncharted Forest represents two important themes in the book. These themes are freedom and independence. The Forest shows that it does not abide by the laws of the Council. I believe this is a prevalent symbol in society today. There are places or groups in the world that don't go by the laws of others like the monks. Ayn Rands society, I would say, has these kinds of places or groups.

  27. 2. Equality laughs at being one of "the damned" because he feels the complete opposite. (p.80) This is the most freedom that he has ever had, and Equality is the happiest he has ever been. While the Uncharted forest is supposed to be a punishment, it becomes a blessing to Equality. The council no longer punishes him and he is free to think on his own. The irony is that the people who "damned" him and all of the society are more damned than he is.

    3.When Equality goes to take a drink of water, he sees himself for the first time. Previousaly, he had begun to worry and wonder about what he looked like, and now he knows. Equality is very happy with his image and he realizes just how different he looks compared to his brothers. He realizes that what he sees is a face that he likes, and a face that he can trust. (p.80) Seeing that he is large and powerful makes him satisfied with his image.

    The Uncharted forest represents the whole truth. The council banishes threats to their power to the forest, and no one else is to go there because it will reveal to the society the truth of inidviduality. The government has taught that to help yourself or to work for self improvement is wrong, and going into the forest shows just how wrong that really is. The act of hiding the truth is also readily happening in our society. Most news channels tell us either twisted truths or no truths at all, and this is an example of the Uncharted Forest in our everyday lives.

  28. 2) The reason Equality laughs at being one of "the damned" is because he knows that in a way it is a compliment. He has finally found a way to be free of the Council. He knows that he is free and being damned is the best thing he has ever happened to him. He is not damned but the society still is and hes on the outside laughing in their faces. That is why Equality doesn't mind being one of the damned.

    3) When Equality bends down to get a drink of water he sees his own reflection. For a long time he did wonder what he had looked like. Equality is fond of his image and knows that he is better looking and different from his brothers.(80) He knows that he has the look of power and realizes why the Council had him hidden all these years as a street sweeper.

    Honors: The Uncharted Forest represents freedom and knowledge. Because in the forest Equality is free and is learning new things that the society would never know because the Council is keeping the truth hidden from them. The council knows that the forest has powers they cannot control and that is why they say it is a bad place when in reality it is not. People like to keep things a secret to make everything seem okay when it really isn't and this is an example of the Uncharted Forest in our lives today.

  29. 1. Equality is finally feeling happy with his life. For once he's aloud to do whatever he wants. Equality loves the freedom he has becuase he doesn't have to obey. He is getting to make decisions for himself on everything, which is a huge change

    3. When Equality goes to take a drink of water he sees his reflection for the very first time. He feels a little relieved because he is nothing like his brothers. His brother are very worn down and frail looking, while he is strong. He starts to notice more individuality in this chapter.

    Honors : The Uncharted Forest symbolizes the unknown. It's a safe place for people to go becuase the Council has no control over anything there. It actually is a prevelant symbol in today's society because there are a lot of places people can go to get away from everything. In Ayn Rand's there isn't.

  30. 1) For the first time in Equalitys life, he finally feels happieness and freedom. He doesn't have to listen to anyone and he gets to make the independent choices that he has always wanted to. He isn't used to not having to obey someone, but because of this freedom he has, he gets to decide where he desires to go, when he will eat, and even how long he can sleep.
    2) Equality laughs about being "damned" because he really isn't. He finds more satisfaction in being free and loves it. He'd much rather be "damned" then be back with his brothers. For all he knows, they're the ones who are damned if anything. They have to obey rules, but Equality can move forward independently.
    Honors: the uncharted forest is a place where the council bands people to. The council try's to hide it from th
    society because then everyone will discover indivuality. This is like today's society. The government keeps things from our society today. We hear twisted truths mixed with lies.

    1. I like the way you described the forest.

    2. Your description of the forrest impressed me. Well done.

  31. 2.Equality laughs when he rembers he is the damned because he's supposed to feel sorry for himself, but he doesn't. People who are usually in tough situations get upset or cry but Equality does none of these things; he's almost happy.

    3. When Equality bends down to get a drink, he sees his reflection. He thinks of himself as beatiful and straight, thin , hard and strong. (pg.80) He likes what he sees because he can feel like he can trust him and he doesn't fear what he sees.

    The Uncharted forest symbolizes that this is the only place where the council has no control over Equality. They say its forbidden and even if you go in, they won't bother hunting you down because the wild animals or hunger would kill any one who goes in there. It is powerful because everyone needs to escape every once in a while.

  32. 1. In this chapter I think Equality experiences happiness for the first time. He is finally free and can make his own decisons. He now gets to live his life how he wants to and not by the rules of the Council. Life has finally fallen into place for him and he is satisfied.

    3. When Equality bends down to get a drink he notices his reflection. This is the first he has ever seen it. He looks at himself and see's a strong healthy looking man while his brothers all look worn down and weak. For the first time he can actually be confident about himself.

    Honors: In this book the Uncharted Forest represents the unknown. It holds many things that Equality never knew about. The forest is basically a part of him growing up. He is now making all decisions himself and not what he had previously learned. The forest is a new oppurtunity for him to change his life. The forest can be compared to people today moving to a new place. They aren't sure if they will like it or what it holds for them. They are now on their own and must make their own decisions.

  33. 1. While in the Uncharted Forest, Equality feels some freedom and happiness all at once. He has never experienced those before while being with the rest of the society. There is no one else around to tell him right from wrong, he discovers all on his own. Equality got to fix his own food for himself and gave him a great since of happiness and accomplishment (pg. 79). He feels more relaxed without fear from the council and the rest of the society. Equality finds himself while in the forest.

    3. Equality sees himself for the first time (pg. 80), and is shocked and just breathless. He discovers that his appearance is different from everyone else’s. The fear he has while looking at everybody else is absent from his mind while looking at himself. He felt that he was beautiful, and began to feel more as an individual. Looking into the water had great effects to him, and makes him feel more fearless.
    Honors: The Uncharted Forest represents the unknown of the world. It’s what everyone needs, but few have discovered. That is like our world today, many people need to know what further knowledge is to better themselves, but don’t know how to find it. The few people who are invited in, or discovered it, don’t know what to do with the knowledge and findings. The Uncharted Forest represents uncertainty and darkness.

  34. 2- Equality is feeling so great and full of freedom. He has seen his own reflection and admired himself. Also, he has been able to explore, eat, and drink from the Uncharted Forest. Therefore, when he remembers that he is "the Damned", he laughs because he feels the exact opposite feelings. equality feels lucky to have escaped his old society.

    3- Equality sees his own reflection. Since he has always been forbidden from seeing his own reflection, as have his brothers, it comes as a big shock. He is proud of his looks. "[our face] and body were beautiful (p 80)." This shows another branch of Equality's personality, a smugness of himself.

    Honors - The Uncharted Forest represents a shelter, in my opinion. Although it is looked down upon by the Council, it could be because it holds secrets that they want to keep undiscovered. To Equality, it is a sort of haven for him, a place that can take him away from the darkness of no knowledge. It is untouched by humans for the most part. Altogether, the forest is a place that new discoveries could flourish.

  35. Prompt #2: Equality laughs about being “the damned” (pg. 80) Because know, after all the chaos, he knows it isn’t true. He feels free and is laughing at his society's ignorance, and knows his brothers are the ones who are damned. He can run around naked for all he wants and be his own person unlike his brothers from the society. He can experience what he has always wanted to do. He is not the one who is damned. The only people who are damned are the ones who don’t believe in themselves.

    Prompt #3: Equality bends to get a drink of water (pg. 80) he finally sees what he has been waiting for his own reflection. On pg. 62, Equality said, “But tonight, for a reason we cannot fathom, we wish it were possible to us to know the likeness of our own person.” This quote is him wanting to see his reflection and now he can finally see it. Also since he isn’t allowed to look at his reflection he now has confidence. He knows now how people look at him and how Liberty (The Golden One) looked at him. Equality is now his own man, literally.

    Honors Prompt: The Uncharted Forest, in my opinion, represents freedom. I also feel the forest represents Equality’s mind. When Equality is in the forest he is alone, free, and lives where no other man from his society would go. The Council doesn’t allow men not to go to the Uncharted Forest. The Council problem doesn’t want them to go because it hides secret and there might be something the House of Scholars haven’t discovered. Equality found electricity in the Forest. In today’s world the forest reminds me of a bed, because in your bed you are relaxed, cozy, and never want to leave your bed. Also in today’s society it represents your home, because that is where you can be you. In Ayn Rand’s society, in Anthem, is like a mystery box, because you never know what’s going to be inside of it.

    1. I agree with your representation of the Uncharted Forest as Freedom. I can see the correlation amongst freedom and the aura of the Uncharted Forest in the Anthem.

  36. 1. For the first time in this book, Equality actually experiences what it feels like to live life for himself. He is finally happy now that he can do whatever he wants. Equality loves finding his own food, and working on something other than sweeping streets. He also finds his reflection while getting a drink. Equality finally realizes that being away from society makes him happy; yet being alone away from society is going to be a problem. (Page 78)
    2. Equality laughs when he remembers he is “the Damned” because he knows that he isn’t the damned one. All of the people that he left behind are damned, because they are still the puppets of the council. While he runs around free, all of the other citizens are forced to do the same thing every day. Equality gets to learn to live by himself, while all of the other people have to live in their prison-like lives every day.

    Honors- The Unchartered Forest represents the progression through Equality’s life as he matures. He was born into a society that kept him in a simple state of mind. As he got older, Equality started to figure out things that he wasn’t supposed to know, and he realized that he wanted to be free of the society. He was finally mature enough to know that he needed to get out, so he went to the only place that he knew of where the council had no authority; the Unchartered Forest. Going through school would be like going into the Unchartered Forest. You start out immature and unsure of yourself, and as you get older you begin to realize that you want to live your own life.

    1. I like your take on the Uncharted Forest as a symbol of the progression of Equality's life. I never thought of it that way. It's an interesting thought.

  37. Chapter 8

    1.) Equality is experiencing some new emotions and some previously felt emotions on a more intensified level in this chapter. For the first time in Equality’s life, he is experiencing true freedom. He revels in his ability to explore the world and the knowledge it has to offer now that he is no longer a part of the society. Equality also experiences pride and satisfaction in himself in this chapter when he cooks and obtains his own food. Equality’s ability to provide for himself is symbolic of the fact that there is another way to live other than the way practiced in the society.
    2.) As Equality is enjoying his new freedom, he remembers that he is The Damned and laughs to himself. I believe that Equality finds his dubbed name of The Damned humorous because of the situational irony of the name itself. Equality sees how happy he is with his new life and cannot fathom how a life such as this would belong to The Damned. Equality is finally free from the society that had so long stifled his creative mind and I think he begins feeling blessed to be free. I believe Equality now sees the society as the Damned and himself as the Blessed.

    Honors: The Uncharted Forest symbolizes unexplored knowledge in the Anthem. The Forest has remained unexplored because the people of the society fear to explore something so vastly abstract and foreign to them. The Uncharted Forest is a prevalent symbol in today’s society because there is still knowledge in the world we have yet to discover. In Ayn Rand’s society, the Uncharted Forest is also a prevalent symbol because there is much knowledge to be explored, if the society dares to investigate the unknown. The difference in The Uncharted Forest in today’s society compared to Ayn Rand’s society is the desire to discover; in Ayn Rand’s society the people fear new knowledge whereas in today’s society we openly strive to obtain it.

  38. 1) After entering the Uncharted forest, the chains that could Equality were broken. He was no longer a slave to the council. He experienced for the first time in his life true freedom. As a result of this, Equality could make his own decisions on what he wants to do. The council will no longer decide what he has to do.

    2) Equality had made the council very angry with him. They were so furious that they called him the "damned". Them calling him this only made Equality laugh once he was in the uncharted forest. The reason that he was so amused with this was the fact that he was now free, and the council was still enslaved by themselves. The council saw themselves as saints, and Equality as a demon or sinner. The reality of it though was Equality had done the relight thing and broke many laws of the council.

    The uncharted forest is a location in Anthem but it can have a symbolic meaning to it. In Anthem it symbolizes the point were someone finally see's what potential life can have. Then at the same time you realize just how restricted your life was before. In out world it is that point in your life were you look back at the things your done and notice how unimportant they were. As you get older things in your life that you once though were important, won't be.

  39. 3. When Equality bends to take a drink out of the stream he sees his reflection. He is amazed by how different he looked from his brothers. He says that his body is sting and beautiful.
    1. In this chapter Equality feels happiness for the first time. He is feeling free, like he can do whatever he wants. Like in the beginning of the chapter when he realizes that he could lay on the ground and sleep all day because there is no bell telling him to wake up.
    Honors: The Uncharted Forest is an example of maturity. In Equality's life he has always been told what to do and pretty much everything except for his work has been taken care of for him. But now he is out in the wilderness and he has to fend for himself. It will bring Equality to a completely new level of maturity having to take care of himself.

  40. 1. Equality has experienced freedom. From the moment he wakes up he feels better. The day is his and he can do whatever he wants. I think he also isn't upset anymore and enjoys his new life. Equality finally sees' his face for the first time in his life as well.(pg.80)

    3. While getting a drink, Equality notices a reflection. It is his face that he has never seen. He describes himself as beautiful, and nothing like the face of his brothers. The form of his body was also different. Maybe the Council saw that Equality looked different in height and looks. This is possibly why he was given the low title of Street Sweeper on purpose.

    Honors: When Equality was younger, The Council told him The Uncharted Forest was an evil place that few that entered came back out. The Council, who really doesn't believe in happiness chose to lie to him. The Uncharted Forest is a happy place far away from the standards of the evil city. The reason is considered because the council is just too stubborn to visit such a happy place. Success in today's life would compare to The Uncharted Forest.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. 2. Equality laughs when he says we are "The Damned" for he is happy. He is not "Damned" but it is the society who is "Damned" for they are enslaved to their rules. Equality is finally free from the society that had so long limited his creativity. I believe Equality now sees the society as the Damned. He is truly the blessed for he is no longer pawn on the chess board, now he moves on his own.
    3. Equality experiences shock, for he is beautiful. When he knelt by the stream he stopped when he saw his face for the first time. He held his breath in shock. He says "Our body was not like that of our brothers for our limbs was straight and thin and hard and strong."(pg80) He says "For we felt no pity when looking upon it" unlike when he looked at his brothers.(pg.80)
    Honors. I believe the "Uncharted Forest" represents truth. When Equality enters the forest he realizes the forest is not so dreadful. He realizes he is free, that he can do as he pleases. He also learns that it is not the “Uncharted Forest” that is evil but the Society itself. The forest gives freedom, while the society enslaves you.

  43. For the first time Equality feels happy. He is finally free from everyone and most importantly the Consul. He can finally live his life the way he’s been wanting to. He’s starting to realize the being different from is brothers isn’t a bad thing at all.
    When he looks down at the water he sees his reflection for the first time ever. Equality finally sees the difference and sees why all the teachers told him “there is evil in your bones” (page 18). He understands now that there isn’t anything wrong with him and his confidence is higher than ever.
    Honors: The Uncharted Forest symbolizes what people do not know or the darkness. The forest is creating a whole new world in Equality’s mind. It’s letting him take his knowledge or the light to a whole new level. It’s showing him things from The Unmentionable Times and is giving him a new outlook on things.

  44. 1) For the first time Equality feels happy and free. He has lived his whole life being what others wanted him to be and now he is himslef. He is free and he is happy, and he is happy to see his relection in the water and to see what he looks like as an individual.
    2)He laughs when he thinks of being called "the damnned" because it doesn't fit hhim,he is the one that is free. His brothers are the one's living life how others want it to be done. Equality is living life how he wants to in the forest.
    Honors: The forset reprsents adulthood, growing up and doing things for yourself. The society is childhood where people tell you how to do things and you don't have freedom. When he goes to the forest it is all about him, he does what he wants when he wants.

  45. 3.) While Equality is getting water out of the stream he sees something he has never expirenced before. He sees his reflection. The council forbid the people living under their rule to know what their own face looks like. If the people asked eachother about their looks they would be severely punished.
    2.) Equality laughs when he remembers he is the "damned" because he isnt actualy damned. He is doing what hes supposed to. The rest of society is actually the damned.
    The uncharted forest actually represents maturity & growing up. It shows that you find yourself over time, and figure out whats right and wrong. What you want to believe and what not to believe. You realize that you have choices to make, and that youre your own person. The forest represents the transition between the two.

  46. In my opinion the Uncharted forst is a symbol to the story, a symbol of fear. This does not apply to todays society because we are always discovering new things and places and we are not affraid to learn. While some in the book such as Equality would fit better in todays society, The Councul has the rest scared to dicsover new things. They do not want mankind any smarter than them. Yet The Councul is affraid of what they will find themselves, which explains why it is uncharted

  47. 1. In this chapter Equality experiences happiness for the first time ever. He finally feels free of all burdens the Council has put upon them. He feels like he can do as he pleases when he wishes to do so. Equality got to make his own choices like “where he would walk, where to sleep, and what to eat”(p.79-80). I think he felt accomplished for being able to finally do something for himself.
    3. When Equality bends to get a drink from a stream and sees his face for the first time (p.80). Equality stops and stares at his own reflection in interest and curiosity. He is amazed that he looks different than his brother’s do and the reality that he is good looking. He is no longer ashamed about himself because he sees that he is strong not wore down (p.80). Equality then realizes he is his own person and he is an individual.
    The Uncharted Forrest symbolizes danger but yet adventure. When Equality is walking through the Forrest at first he is remorseful for leaving his old life behind, then he becomes curious and starts to feel his freedom as a good thing. He doesn’t have to abide by the Councils rules any longer and he has a safe haven away from their danger. In Ayn Rand’s society it could be represented as communism. Your home is considered a place to take refuge just like Equality took refuge in the Uncharted Forrest.

  48. Equality is experiencing the feeling of freedom. He rejoiced in the feeling like a little kid playing in on the playground. "We did not wish to move. We thought suddenly that we could lie thus as long as we wished"(p. 78). To know that someone didn't expect something from you.

    2. He laughed at the thought because being "damned" is the freest he has even felt. The way he found his own food and he controlled what he wanted to do. He didn't have to worry about the Councils. He is the free on while everybody else is actually "damned" for they are in the dark.

    HONORS: The Uncharted forest symbolizes the dark. The dark symbolizes the lack of knowledge. Some people in our society today associate lack of knowledge with fear. Fear of the unknown and what could happen.In the Anthem it symbolizes the real freedom. "The forest seemed to welcome us"(p. 79)
