Monday, November 28, 2011

Chapter Two

Respond to 2 of the 5 questions listed below. Follow the same instructions from the last chapter's blog.
Reread the account of Liberty 5-3000 . What character traits are revealed in this brief description?

Of the whole range of feelings possible to man (joy, excitement, anger, embarrassment, etc.), why is fear the prevalent emotion in this society?

Using the descriptions, contrast Equality with the rest of the men living in this society.

Equality says “a word steals into our mind, as we look upon our brothers”. What is that word and why would that be the word he thinks of?

Start a personal glossary in which you explain the following terms:a. The Great Truth b. the Unmentionable Times c. the Uncharted Forest d. the Evil Ones e. the Great Rebirth

Honors' Discussion Prompt: Follow the same instructions from the previous prompt.

What word is Equality struggling to recapture at the end of this chapter? In your opinion, why is this word the only crime punishable by death in this society? How does this word contradict the ideals of this society? What could its rediscovery possibly lead to?


  1. 2. The councils want to strike fear into the souls of all people. They use it as a source of power, so they can stay in control. The only trait of individualism Equality shows is his care for Liberty(p.44). Any use of other emotions seems to result in death(p.50). If I was alive in this society, I would show no emotion.
    4. The word is obviously "I". The Transgressors were sending thoughts into Eqaulity's mind before they were killed(p.51). The council does not want any source of individualism, so they destroyed this word and anyone who says it(p.49). Equality must have had a uniqueness to him, for he was chosen to think of the wor(p.50). The word "I" is truly the only individual word that I can think of.
    Honors: As I stated earlier, the word is I. The only reason anyone would be put to death for saying this word is due to the control of the council. The council is most likely afraid that if anyone uses this word, a rebellion could break out and overthrow their government. This word does not tend to agree with the unity of more than one man speaking as a whole, so it is forbidden. The discovery of this word could lead to mass hysteria.

    1. I agree that the council wants to strike fear into the souls of all people

    2. I agree with your responses to #4 and the honors assignment. "I" definetly is the Unspeakable Word that would cause uprising if it were revealed.

    3. I agree with your idea that the council wants to strike fear into people because in our history some dictators and kings have used that as a source of power,too.

    4. I agree with your honors prompt. The council wants control of the society, and that's how they think they can gain that control.

    5. In my opinion, your honors project is very correct and is vividly described.

    6. I believe you answered each question well. I especially like your honours answer: adding the rebellion was a nice touch and you showed an insight into the Council's selfishness.

    7. I don't think that the discovery of the word "I" could lead to mass hysteria, but you are right when you say that it could lead to a rebellion.

    8. Honors: I completely agree with what you are saying. The council is just scared of what would happen if this word got out.

    9. I agree with you that the word could be I. The fact that Equality continually refers to himself as We is likely to restrain any sense of individualism found in the word I. Once people realize they are different, they strive to be better than one another.

    10. I definitely agree that the word "I" is a powerful word that the council is very afraid of, and I also agree that it could easily lead to a rebellion if "I" became a well know word to all of the society.

    11. I must agree with you that the rediscovery of "I" will mean rebeillion.

    12. I agree that the council wants to strike fear so they can be in control.

  2. #1 Equality described Liberty as being completely different from any other woman. Her eyes were dark and hard with no fear, kindness, or guilt in them. Her hair was golden and long, which seemed to fascinate him.(Pg.39) Liberty is like Equality in personality and demeanor. They are both willing to go against the Council.
    #2 Equality is different from his brothers in several ways. First, he is taller than his brothers which is “evil” (Pg.18) Second, he is much smarter which is frowned upon. Third, he has the ability to question authority and reason while his fellow brothers just do what they’re told without thinking twice about it. Finally, Equality actually feels real emotion not just what he is told he should feel.
    Honors: I think the word is either “I” or “Ego” because both of these little words go against everything his society is about. Both of these words represent individuality, free will, human emotion, and curiosity. The council fears that the rediscovery of this word could destroy everything their society is built on. For that very reason, the use of the word is punishable by death. The rediscovery of the word could cause a rebellion.

    1. Kwats, you chose a very effective way to interpret Equality's traits compared to the rest of the characters in the book.

    2. I agree with post #2. It is not an obvious trait that he is smarter than his brothers. That is a good reminder to include in your paragraph.

    3. Your interpretation of Equality's traits put me in total awe

    4. Your honor's paragraph was basically what I was going to say! Very good

    5. I'm impressed on how you thought of ego as a word he couldn't have spoken.

    6. I like how you explained Equality. You pointed out things I never really thought of.

    7. I think that if "I" were to be used amongst the people, the council would have a very difficult uprising to deal with.

    8. I think that "ego" can also easily be The Unspeakable Word as well.

  3. 1. Liberty 5-3000 is a woman who walks the soil at the Home of Peasants. On page 38, Liberty and other women of the tribe are described in their white tunics. Their tunics are like seagull wings over black soil. (pg.38) Liberty 5-3000 had a body as thin as a blade of iron with dark eyes that consisted of no kindness or guilt. Her hair was a gold color and she fertilized the soil as if the earth was a beggar.
    3. Equality 7-2521 was one of a kind even though he wasn’t supposed to be. Each tribe had their own rules they were not to break. Equality had a hard time with this considering he has already broken several rules. The men living in the society know their life is to be what the Council says, and they are not supposed to break the rules. Equality on the other hand leaves the set routine, thinks before the Great Rebirth, thinks highly of some people and some not, notices females, and many more things.
    Honors: In my opinion Equality is struggling with the word “I”. I think the Council is afraid that by using the word “I” they will harm the type of society they are trying to prevail. The word contradicts the society by not making the society a whole group. Also the rediscovery is what I stated in the last sentence. The rediscovery could possibly lead to the Unmentionable Times when all men were not one.

    1. I think your use of descriptive words was very interesting and informative. Thanks for describing all the characteristics of Liberty

    2. I agree with everything you said for the honors question and I think that you were very descriptive and expressed your opinion.

    3. I was thinking the same thing about the honors question. I believe that once they discover the word "I" and what it can do the counsel will no longer exists.

    4. I think your responses were very descriptive and I also agree that the rediscovery of "I" could lead to the Unmentionable Times.

  4. Equality is very different from everyone else in his society. Equality thinks on his own. The other people go about with glossy eyes and live their lives lonely when they are all supposed to be one, together. Equality dares to care and has love for others, but this is not alowed(p. 38). Equality has a want to follow his instincts and the others in his society only follow the associated laws. Equality naturally is unique from the rest of humanity.

    1. I agree Equality is one of a kind and thinks on his own. No one else in that society thinks on their own.

    2. I like the way you described his uniqueness, it is exactly what I think.

  5. 1. Liberty 5-3000 is a beautiful woman who spreads seeds in the fields. She is straight and thin. She has dark glowing eyes and golden hair. She seems fearless and guiltless. Equality 7-2521 refers to her as the Golden One. (Pg. 38-39)

    5. A.The Great Truth: Is what happened before the rebirth. What were the people like and what did they know?(Pg. 20)
    B.The Unmentionable Times: The times before the rebirth that is not aloud to be talked about. Very few know about these times. (Pg. 19)
    C.The Uncharted Forest: A forest that is not known about. No one goes there and it's not talked about. (Pg. 48)
    D. The Evil Ones: People who fought against government before the great rebirth. They were thought to be evil. (Pg. 49)
    E. The Great Rebirth: Is when the unmentionable times ended and the new society formed and the defeat of the evil ones. (Pg. 19)

    Honors: At the end of chapter two (Pg. 51) Equality 7-2521 was having trouble remembering a word. That word is the unspeakable word. The word is "I". The government wants to control everyone by making them restricted to being we, not an individual. The government does that because it is harder to control a large amount of individuals. Death is a punishment for saying "I" because if the society knew, they could overthrow the government. Our society is the complete opposite. It's all about "I".

    1. On number five I like how you completely explained the words and what they mean. Then after you finished explaining them you listed page numbers for each so we could see for ourselves the words.

    2. When you say that our society is all about I, I couldn't agree more. Everyone is all about only doing things for themselves and maybe that's what the council doesn't want. They don't want it because really a world like that isn't very happy at all. They think by making peoria all the same it will make the world better.

  6. The Unspeakable Word in my opinion must be "I"(p.49). "I" must be left out of the language used by the society that Equality lives in. In this book even the daring Equality has not been brave enough to use this word, yet. Throughout the part of the book that I have read Equality refers to himself mostly as "we" . The severe communist society described in this book doesn't even encourage talking! "We are one and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever."(p. 19) suggests that each person should think of themselves as many not as one. "I" is the quantity of one but humans in this society must think of themselves as many.

    1. I agree with you a hundred percent and I think you answered the question well

    2. I agree that the unspeakable word is I, but I don't think that Equality knows the word yet and thats why hes not using it not because he isn't brave enough.

    3. I don't think that he has not been brave enough, I think that he just doesn't know the word because it has not been spoken in his lifetime.

  7. In my opinion "I" must be the Unspeakeable Word. This word has not been used in Anthem(p. 49). It also defies all of the boundries set by the Council. The council would kill those spreading the word to prevent revolution. If one person says, the word, it is entered into the vocabulary of the listeners. The speaker already has this word posted in their mind and it would continue to escape their mouth for the rest of their life. Death as a punishment is the only prevention of further spread and the survival of the Council.

    1. I also believe that the unspeakable word is 'I', It would make a lot of sense if it really is.

  8. 4)The word that goes into Equality's mind is the word fear. He sees that his brothers have fear by looking into their eyes. The brothers have fear, in my opinion, because they are scared of they laws and of the Council. I also believe the brothers fear the days that they are living and they are in great pain but, they can't express it for fear of the Council. That is why Equality says their is fear in his brothers eyes(p.46-47).
    5)The Great Truth:is the statement:"that all men are one and that there is no will save the will of all men together."(p.20)
    The Unmentionable Time:the time before the 'rebirth' or the civilation hundred years ago.(p.32)
    Uncharted Forest: place beyone the city(p.48)
    Evil Ones:the ones defeated in a great fight(p.48)
    The Great Rebirth: The time that came after the 'Evil Ones' and what they made were burned.(p.48-49)
    Honors:The word that Equality is trying to recap is the word "I". This word is punishable by death because it makes the person that uses it seem selfish and it goes against the "The Great Truth". I think it contradicts the ideals of the society because of the specific jobs they are given imply that, that person has an impact on their certain society. I think that if they brought back the word "I" then there would be an outbreak of fights and lots of agression. If the word was brought back with the state people are in, in the world, then it might cause another rebirth.

    1. I really like the way you explained the words for question 5. They are simple but they still give all the necessary information to understand what they mean which is always great to find.

    2. I think that you described the terms well.

    3. I agree with the way you wrote that the rediscovery of "I" would end in fights and aggression.

  9. 1) When you first read about Liberty 5-3000 on page 38, you learn she lives in the Home of the Peasants and her job is to tend to the soil beyond the city. She has golden hair that flows in the wind and eyes that are dark but yet glowing at the same time. She shows no fear or guilt as she spreads seeds onto the earth below her. Her body is thin and straight like an iron blade and she always wears a sharp, white tunic (page 39). Overall, Liberty is a very beautiful woman and she is much different than the others.
    2) Fear is prevalent in this society because everyone has to do what they are told. If they disobey any of the rules, they will be sent to correctional detention for a period of time. Fear is in everyone's eyes. No one can be themselves and they are all scared to be themselves because they do not want to suffer the consequences. The only one able to be fearless is Equality, and he can only do it when he is alone in his tunnel.(page 46)

    Equality is having trouble recapturing the word 'I'. No one may speak of it or hear of it. It is the only punishable by death because of its meaning of independence. It contradicts the society because they think of everyone as a whole and not as an individual. The council wants no one to become independent and think for themselves because it can lead to greed and rebellion. Once people learn the word 'I', it could lead to people making decisions for themselves and realize they can do what they want.

    1. The way you descibe the honors question was good. I liked how you described the the reason for the Council wanting to get rid of "I" from their language.

    2. I agree on #2 the people are always afraid of doing something. I like how you put it.

  10. 4. Equality thinks of the word fear when he sees his brothers. He thinks of that word because of the simple fact that that is the true emotion the people of this society feel. They may not think freely for themselves, they only think like how all the brothers think together (pg. 47). If the any one brother would think that then they would be punished by death. The entire society must think only as “we” not “I” and the constant threat of having any other thoughts against the rest of society would be enough to make anyone emotionless except for that of terror.

    3. Equality 7-2521 is very different from the rest of his brothers. First is through his looks and how he has his own thoughts which we learned about in chapter 1. The second way Equality 7-2521 is different is that he has fallen in love even if he doesn’t know he has yet (pg. 38). Another way is that he can think for himself and do things that the others dare not do. Equality 7-2521 not only loves someone but he also believes that the Saint, Transgressor of the Unspeakable Word, has called to him and meant for Equality 7-2521 to hear the Unspeakable Word (pg. 51).

    Honors: Personally, I believe that Equality is searching for the word “I. It’s punishable by death because of the way the society works. The Council wants its citizens to follow the great “We” and not think of themselves as individuals but as a whole group. I believe that if the others would discover this word it would first lead to a revolution. It could however lead to a collapse of the society that they all know. Men would be able to think for themselves, have opinions, make choices and the great ”We” would no longer exist.

    1. I really think the way you described question #4, I think it fully describes the word and ow it is used in the society

    2. I like how you describe the society's reasoning for not using the word I, and the impact this word would have on them.

    3. I agree with your answer to #3, I've also noticed that equality is much different from everyone else.

    4. i think how you descibed question number four is how they think of fear.

  11. #2 Fear is the prevelant emotion in this society because the the counsel has scared all of the people. The counsel has ruled over them with an iron fist, not letting them even budge an inch. So the people of the society are terrified to do anything the counsel doesn't approve because they don't want to be persecuted by the leaders of the counsel.

    1. I agree with this. I think that the council has made the word "I" unthinkable to the society.

  12. 2. Fear is the prevalent emotion to the people because of the council. The council controls every aspect of life in the community. With all these rules and expectations, it causes the fear. The people have no rights to feelings, emotions, education, or of anything of that matter. This leaves anyone to be fearful, fearful of the life that is being chosen for them.

    3. Equality is different from the men in his enviroment, both mentally and physically. Equality is much taller than the other men, making him wonder why he isn't "average". He also loves to question facts and information. None of the men in the society do question, for reasons of the council. Equality is different. He has the courage and determination to find the answers to what many never knew existed.

    Honors: Equality is struggling to understand the word I. The society always does for the help of all in the society. The people can never be selfish enough to help only themselves. The council tries to avoid this selfishness by it resulting in death. The discovery of this word could cause a whole different aspect of their lives. For once, people might see themselves as one, rather than a whole.

    1. I agree with you that the Council is the source of fear in the Anthem's society.

    2. I love how you answer question three. I think you worded it well and I think that Equality has courage and determination like you described.

  13. #3 Equality is not like the other men of the society, he isn't as afraid as the other men are. He still has a fear I the counsel but doesn't care what they do to him if he gets captured. He is very rebellious of the counsels rules they set. He is socializing with one certain women everyday and has feelings for this girl. Other men of this society wouldn't even be caught looking at a girl, let alone have feelins for one. Equality is quite a different man than every other man in society.

    1. I like how you described Equality as a person that is rebellious and not caring.

  14. 2- Out of all of the feelings possible for man to feel, fear is
    definitely the dominant feeling. I believe this because all of
    Equality’s life, he has been taught to not be selfish and he can’t
    even use singular words such as I. The World Council has basically warped Equality’s and all the other members of the segregated group’s minds. They have taught them that they are less than everyone else and that they’re pretty much worthless. Because of this, I believe that fear is the main feeling in the novel.

    3- In my opinion, Equality is different than any other person introduced in this society. Equality has been described as being smarter than the rest and he is able to learn much faster than anyone else. Also, he is taller than anyone else in the society. Lastly, he is obviously very adventurous, and you can tell this by the fact that he was interested in Liberty 5-3000 and he wanted to talk to someone outside of his group.

    At the end of the chapter, I believe that Equality is obviously trying to recapture the word "I". Using the word "I" would be the only crime punishable by death in the society because the society does not want the inhabitants to be selfish whatsoever. "I" contradicts the opinion of no selfishness in the society. If Equality or anyone else in the society discovered the word "I", I believe that the council would kill anyone who knew the word. Basically, if anyone discovered the word "I", things would be horrible.

  15. Honors: In my opinion the word that is only punishable by death is "I". They society is based on everybody as a whole and none is worth more than the other an they are all equal. The counsel doesn't want other people of the society to even think about using the work "I" because they would go against everything they taught. Also, I think it could cause the fall of the counsel all together. The counsel will crumble and the people of the society will rule.

  16. 2. In the book, fear is the foremost emotion of the society. The people are in constant terror because the Council looms over them at all times. They fear that they will be punished for even the slightest mistake. This oppression smothers their other emotions and causes them to always be afraid. In addition to this, they also fear that they will be "evil" if they do anything that is considered wrong by the Council.

    3. Equality is different from his peers in almost every imaginable aspect. He is taller, stronger, and smarter than his fellow men. His personality is also different. He desires to learn, to know forbidden things. He is a rule breaker, seperate from the brainwashed crowds.

    Honors: The word that cannot be spoken is one of individuality. It is likely "I", however it could be any number of words that denote singularity. Saying this word is punishable by death because the Council does not want their control to be upset. They wish to prevent everyone from thinking for themself, because their is no single person, only the "great WE". If the concept of the "great WE" is destroyed, they could lose control of the society.

    1. You obviously explained your reasoning of why they do not use the word "I". But anyways, I do agree that the council wants more people to agree and answer as a whole then just one specific person.

    2. It's true what you said that would happen if they rediscovered the word "I".

    3. Your reasoning of fear was exquisite and correctly determined.

    4. I agree that it would make them lose control of society, because individuality would encourage more freedom.

  17. 4) The word that goes into Equality's mind is the word "fear." He sees that his brothers have fear by looking into their eyes withoututtering a sound. The brothers have fear, in my opinion, because they are scared of the laws and of the Council. I also believe the brothers fear the days that they are living and they are in great pain, although they can't express it for fear of the Council and their life. That is why Equality says there is fear in his brothers' eyes. (p.46-47)

    5)The Great Truth is the statement: "That all men are one and that there is no will save the will of all men together."(p.20)
    The Unmentionable Time: the time before the 'rebirth', or the civilation they live in, hundreds of years ago.(p.32)
    Uncharted Forest: a place just beyond the city(p.48)
    Evil Ones: the ones defeated in a great fight(p.48)
    The Great Rebirth: The time that came after the 'Evil Ones' were gone and what they made were burned.(p.48-49)

  18. At the end of the chapter, Equality was tongue-tied, but in a way that was never fixable. He was struggling to use "I", a highly punishable crime if uttered. "I" totally goes against everything preached in his world, straying upon the "share this, share that" path. Also, if used, "I" could crush everything the city is built on. Plus, a huge war would break out, and the Leaders would be all in a frenzy!

  19. 1. Liberty 5-3000 is a women who works on the soil in the Home of the Peasants. This is where Equality first sees her and notices he likes her more than other women, even though it is a sin. Liberty 5-300's body is straight and as thin as a blade of iron. She has dark eyes that are hard and glowing, showing no fear. Liberty 5-3000 has hair that's as golden as the sun and her hair flys in the wind, shining and wild.(pg.38)

    2. Fear is the prevalent emotion in Equality's society because they are scared that if they do anything that the Council member's don't like they will get killed(pg.50). The people in the society are living in constant fear of making even the slightest mistake. They are taught at a young age to not be different or be their self, which can cause fear.

    Honors: I beleive the word Equality is trying to remember is the word "I". The Council believes that if the people use the word "I" they will start to become unique and someone could overthrow their government. The only punishment they have for using this forbideen word is death. This word does contradict how their soiety sees themselves because it is the reason they aren't becoming a whole group. Using this word could lead to serious danger.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. At the end of chapter 2, Equality struggles to guess the forbidden word. The word that he keeps on trying to guess is the word “I.” Because every man is supposed to be unselfish and not think of himself as an individual, the word was banned. Every person who even utters the word I will be burned. (pg.50) The reason that Equality tries to guess the word that everyone else doesn’t even think about is because he isn’t like everyone else and is different, so he feels like he doesn’t fit into a group and feels like it is wrong to include himself with everyone else.
    1. There are character traits revealed about Liberty 5-3000 in the brief description in the book. The book describes her eyes as fearless, kind and not guilty. (pg.39) This is the type of person that the society is trying to create. However, Equality comes and makes her stray from the path. The book also describes her hair as golden and wild, as if id defied men to restrain it. (pg.39) This represents the fact that there is still some part of her that is fighting the society and longs to break free and be an individual.
    2. Of all of the human emotions, fear is the most prevalent in this society. Fear is used to control the people to make sure that they follow the rules. Fear is used to keep others away from things that would explain things that the leaders don’t want the people to know. Also, joy, embarrassment, and excitement are difficultly experienced in a group because no all things that make one person feel one way make another person feel the same way. So, the emotions can be a form of individuality which is what the society forbids.

  22. 2. i believe why they do not show these emotions is because they people there are not allowed to because it is a law. For example, when he sees the golden one he gets very excied to see her but he knows it is aisn to show his excitement(41). therefore he has fear that somebody will see him and turn him into the council.

    1. when equilty first sees the golden one he really thinks that she is pretty and different from the other ones. The reason why is because she is thin, fearless eyes, golden hair, and sorta graceful at her job(39). this also reveals for equilty or the men in general that they do kind of notice the females even though are not allowed to talk about them with anyone.

    1. #1 I don't think that all men notice women in this society, but this was one of the differences of Equality.

  23. honors:I belive that he the unspeakable word is "I", but the reason why he can not think of a word for it is because it is not in his vocab. the reason why this word is a crime for death is because they are not allowed to set themselves apart from there brothers and be individuals. like i just said the people in this society they are not allowed to be who they want to be it is all chosen for them.According to the council maddness, but i personally think that it would be good for them to figure out who they really are there.

  24. 2)The reasoning for fear being expressed so much is because of the councils. They seem to want the people to have fear of them. They have all the power and the people are afraid of the councils becasue what they could do with that power. They want the people to fear them. This is how they will keep control. All other emotions can get a person killed.(50)Other than happiness. That is allowed to be expressed with good reasoning.(45)

    4)The word is "I". The council does not use this word because they do not like individualism. That is why everyone has no name and they are in groups of people. The council will kill nyone that uses the word "I".(49-50) Equailty has some aspect to him or something unique that let him understand the word or even think of it.(50)

    Honors: The word he struggles to find is "I". The reason people would be put to death is becasue of the control of the council and how the council does not like individualism. They think if anyone was to use this word they could go against the council and take control. The council believes in multiple people speaking as a whole and not one person, that is why they do not use the word either. The discovery could lead to the end of the council.

  25. In the description of Liberty 5-300, Equality 7-2521 describes them as beautiful almost. They say Libertys body is straight like a blade of iron, (p.29)and her eyes are hard and glowing. Equality says that they see no fear in Liibertys eyes, and that they have no kindness or guilt. It's almost as if liberty doesn't care or fear anything. Equality also describes Libertys hair as wild and shinning. Liberty might be somewhat like Equality becausee of hoow (p.41) Liberty seems to act like she doesn't care of what others tell them to do.

    1. Equality describes Liberty very effectively, showing how the author made him smarter than the average man, by making his vocabulary awesome,like the Dragonborn.

  26. Personal Glossary:
    The Great Truth- this is the truth of the mankind that lived in the unmentionable times. It is the truth of emotions, colors, and most importantly the word 'I'.

    Unmentionable Times:The Unmentionable times is the world back then to the people of the society in the Anthem. It's the time of names, wives, jobs people wanted, and independance. The time when people made their own choices on how to live. (p.48)

    Uncharted Forest: The Uncharted Forest is the land just beyond the cities. It's where all the ruins of the unmentionable times are. No man is allowed to go into the forest because the Council is afraid of what they might discover. (p.48)

    Evil Ones: The Evil Ones were the bad people in the Unmentionable Times, who maybe were the ones who started making everything evil. They were conqoured by the many who fought against them. All of their things were burned and destroyed, and they are now known as a legand. (p.48)

    Great Rebirth: This is when the Unmentionable Times stopped burning and the world started over again. It is the time that Equality now lives in. (p.48)

  27. 1. Although Equality was forbidden to notice women, he noticed Liberty. She was tall and thin like a blade of iron. Her eyes were dark, hard, and glowing; they had no emotion hidden in them. Her hair was wild and golden, and the wind blew through it as she flung seeds to the ground. (Page 39) Equality knows she is different from the rest.
    3. Equality is nothing like any of the brothers. He is taller, smarter, and more curious. He asks many questions and learning is easy for him. Equality is mischievous and goes against all the rules. He just wants to learn and find things out because that’s the type of person he is. He’s a rule breaker whether he likes it or not.
    Honors: The word I believe Equality is trying to recapture is the “I”. That word emphasizes singularity and that is unacceptable in the society. I think the word “I” is punishable by death because the council does not approve, they want it to be all about “WE”. If the word “I” is used then the people could go against the council and there would be no control. It’s much different from our society today where it’s more about “I” rather than “WE”.

    1. #1 shows that there is true love at first sight and that when you find that person you know.

    2. I like the way you described liberty and how he noticed her, it gave me a better mental picture.

  28. honors: In this chapter, Equalityy is trying to recapture the word ego, I think. This is the unspeakable word, and the only crime punished by death. Everyone in the society of the Anthem only know what they are told, and what they are told are things that make them all equal. If anybody heard this word they would want to know what it means. if they found out what it meant the whole design of how the society is ran would be destroyed. The word ego means much more than anyone in the city knows.
    If the peole would fin out what it meant, everything the Council has tried to protect would be revealed. The Council whats everyone to be equal, and they don't want anyone to have choices, or emotions. By knowing what ego means, people might think that it would be ok to have one. The rediscovery of this word could lead to the city being ruined. Everyone would be different then, and everything the Council was trying to keep a secret would come out and finally be known.

    1. Now that you mention it, ego may very well be the unspeakable word. I still think that it is "I" because of the way that they always use we, but you do have a point.

    2. way to think outside the box and look at the bigger picture

    3. I never thought about how ego could also be the forbidden word. You made some very valid points about it.

  29. 2. The Council forbids emotions because they know it eats away at people. It gives them a source of power and make them feel like top dog. MOst kinds of emotions show can result in death (page 50) It stops any kind of relationship between people because there won't be favortism going on. If there is favortism going on nobody knows besides that person because they can't tell. It stops the chance of people rebelling against the concil. The council was smart of doing this to keep their ways.
    4. The council as engraved in their heads of using the word "we", "us", or "they. The word "I" has totally disappeared from society and is unmentionable. They will kill you if you use the word (page 49). They stopped using the word so that everyone feels like they're together or one.
    honors:Using the word "I" will get you killed because of the council. They are afraid of every going against them if they use it. They want complete power and they don't want any change unless they make it. They feel that the word "I" will cause change which will ruin everything for them.

  30. 1. Equality describes Liberty 5-300 as a beautiful woman. He says that there is no other woman like Liberty. Equality describes her as thin like a blade of iron, hard and glowing eyes; no fear in them, no kindness, and no guilt. He also describes her golden hair smacking through the wind, and he finds himself in a situation where he feels want for her. Equality 7-2521 states that for the first time he felt fear and pain.
    3. Equality 7-2521 was unique. He had individuality, even though he was not supposed to. The other men in the house, or "brothers", were all alike. Being different was not allowed, but Equality didn't care. The other men in the society felt no need to learn more than needed, but Equality yearned to make further discoveries. Being that Equality already broke most of the rules, such as experimenting, finding electricity, and noticing women, he didn't feel the need to live by the other rules.
    The word that Equality is trying to recapture is "I". I believe this word is the only crime punishable by death, because it could lead to the unravelling of the secrets of the Unmentionable Times. The Council does not want anyone to find out how society was during the Unmentionable Times, because they believe the way their society is is perfect. The Council believes that if their society finds the word, there will be a rebellion, and their society would become more educated. Speaking the word "I" would indicate that the speaker is talking about his or her complete self, and the way their society works, is that no one is a whole complete self.

  31. 2: To grow up in a society where it is not permitted to think for oneself is a one-way ticket to operating on blind obedience, driven by fear. Being trapped inside such a violent and strict doctrine prevents one's mind from experiencing any happiness or pleasure. Fear is present because the people are raised in an environment where natural emotions and thoughts are sins, and where these sins have formidable and excessive consequences. In a society such as the one presented in Anthem, the majority of the population is comprised of automatons taught never to question or deviate. Since it is only natural to do so, fear spawns from their inevitable transgressions.

    3: Essentially, Equality differs from his 'brothers' in that he is not afraid to sin (albeit in secrecy). He values the emotions he gets from his sins over the fact that they are sins. While most members of Equality's society tremble that they have sinned, fearing the punishment they may receive, Equality thrives on his own pleasure and preference and would rather have his happiness even if he is punished for it. He steals away to a tunnel underground to discover things the Scholars haven't, breaking so many laws in the process. But while most people in his society would either never dream of doing such a thing, or would be terrified of having done so, Equality thrives on it.

    Honours: The word Equality is searching so hard for is "I". "I" is a forgotten memory of the Unmentionable Times, back when people were individuals and not sheep. I believe the reason why this forgotten word is punishable by death is because the Council has established control over almost every mind via the strength of the great "We", and to gain a sense of individuality is to gain power over even the Council. With enough free thinkers, their power would easily be overthrown. This would be good for humanity, as they would rediscover what they had lost, but bad for the greedy Council.

  32. 2. Fear is the prevalent emotion in the society because everyone is afraid to break the rules. Equality knows that there are many things undiscovered and that there are a plethora of lost secrets, but he is not allowed to investigate them.(page 48) Another reason for fear to be the prevalent emotion is because the people are not allowed to love someone more than another, and children and parents never know each other.(page 41) Also, no one is allowed to sing without reason.(page 45) Because of these tragedies, fear is the prevalent emotion in the society.

    3. In comparison to the rest of the society, Equality is very different from the others. Everyone obeys all the rules except for him.(page 17) He is six feet tall, while almost everyone else is shorter than him, and he is cursed.(page 18) He breaks some of the rules, including the Transgression of Preference.(pages 22-23) Overall, Equality is different from others in the society because he thinks differently than them, and his height makes him stick out from others.

    Equality is trying to recapture the word "I" at the end of the chapter. The word "I" is the only crime that holds the death penalty because the government wants to control everyone by telling them that there are no men, only the great WE.(page 19) "I" contradicts the ideals of the society because it is an individual pronoun, and everyone is taught that people are all one and they are nothing by themselves. If the word "I" was discovered, there could be a revolution, and people would go back to living the way they did in the Unspeakable Times. The word "I" could make the government not hold as much control as it currently does.

    1. I sort of agree with your response to question 2. While I do believe that fear is prevalent because everyone is afraid to break the rules, I believe that it is also a fear of the unknown. The society fears what they do not know and that amounts to a large sum considering that they do not always search for knowledge.

    2. I agree that the word must be I, but the book hasn't outright told us that yet. There is the possiblility of the word being a connection to a higher power than the World Council such as God. I agree that the government fears loss of control.

  33. 1) Liberty is described to be beautiful. She is depicted to have blonde hair and sort of fearless eyes. She works in the House of the Peasants on the outskirts of their city. She seems like a person that is in control of the things around her. I say this because she is described in a sort of menacing way.

    2)Fear is a big part of this society. They know if they do something wrong they will be punished. They will also be punished if they even make a gesture of feeling towards a woman. If someone out does a fellow person in the colony they are frowned upon or even severely punished depending on what they do. Secrets are also not allowed because the colony is supposed to be a open community.

    Honors) The word Equality is trying to capture is "I". This word is punishable by death because the government feels that everyone is a group. Everyone in their society is supposed to be a group and not a person by them self. Their society believes that is why the "Evil Ones" were destroyed in the past. It's rediscovery could mean rebellion and people having their own ways, names, and thinking.

    1. I agree with your last paragraph, it's very similar to mine.

  34. 3. Equality has many things different about him though they are all supposed to be the same. On page 18 it describes his difference in height. He is six feet tall while the others are shorter. He also likes to see life through his own eyes and not by what he has been taught. He goes about things the way he wants too and occasionally breaks the rules. This is what makes him unique compared to the rest of the people in the society.

    2. Fear is the biggest felt emotion in the society. This is because everyone fears breaking the rules. Everything done in this society must be equal to the other men or you will be frowned upon. The goal is to not be better but to be equal, as one. When any rule is broken punishments are serious and they should be fearful. Majority of the time the punishment they will be given is death.(page 50)

    Honors: I think the word is "I". The word contradicts the ideals in the society because they want everyone to be a whole not their own person. The word is punishable by death because if used they are defying the rules of the Council. In their head that is the only reasonable punishment because they believe that is one of the worst things a person could do. If rediscovered, the word could cause individuality and that is completely opposite of what the Council wants.

    1. I not only agree with your honors prompt but you said things I wish I had said. I like your thing on how saying I is almost scary to the people because of the punishment involved with it.

  35. 1. Equality 7-2521 describes Liberty 5-3000 as an extraordinary woman. He tells of her dark and hard eyes that seemed to be glowing. She appeared fearless, innocent, and kind. Equaliy was fascinated with Liberty's golden, shiny hair. (pg.39) Everything about Liberty 5-3000 sparked his interest and curiosity.
    2. In this society, fear is the dominant emotion. Every citizen is terrified of disappointing the Council. They are afraid of the meny consequences they might face if they disobey the orders of the higher powers. In this chapter, Equality struggles with his thoughts and feelingsfor Liberty. (pg.41) Equality has to control himself in order to not be caught and punished by the Council.
    Honors: Equality yearns to use the word "I". However, this word is forbidden because their society is all about being one group and doing everything to benefit others. In my opinion, this word is the only crime punishable by death because to them it shows a sign of selfishness and individuality. The council needs total control. The rediscovery of the word "I" could possibly lead to rebellion and retaliation from the rules and citizens would become independent.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. 3. Equality is unlike no man. Even though he was given the job as a street sweeper, he knows more than the scholars. He does what he feels is right even though it may mean unspeakable punishments. His feelings for Liberty are not supposed to be but he doesn't care. His curiousity may get him into trouble because he really wants to know what the unmentionable word is.

    5. A. The Great Truth- "All men are one and that there is no will save the will of all men together."(p. 20)
    B.The Unmentionable Times- A war between the Good and The Evil side where there were many good and few evil.(pg.48)
    C. The Uncharted Forest- The forest whch Equality is afraid of. Few men dare to enter it with its misleading terrian and wild creatures, but when they do, they do not return.
    D. The Evil Ones- They were beat during the Unmentionable Times and all of the records and persons were destroyed.
    E.The Great Rebirth- "Great mountains of flame stood in the squares of the cities for three months. Then came the Great Rebirth."

    The society lives on the words that you must live to serve your brothers. So I think that the word is me. The society would not like the fact that one perosn is putting themselves over the entire race. This word can only be punishable by death because It goes against everything that the society is for. If the people found out about this word, they would probably rebel and finally stick up for themselves.

    1. I like how you explained number one. It points out all the major ways he was different, like how smart he is and how he has fallen in love with the "Golden One."

  38. 1. Equality 7-2521 is like no other man in his world in every aspect possible. His appearance is different because he is tall, unlike his brothers (pg. 18), but there is nothing he can do about that. His intelligence is much greater than those around him, which is looked down upon (pg. 21), and he knows that, yet he can’t help himself. He doesn’t quite understand individuality, but has a better grasp on it than his brothers; he has an idea about emotions, but doesn’t know what to do about them. Equality 7-2521 finds him attracted to a woman – which is not allowed because they are all brothers and sisters – and no one else has ever had this happened to him. He knows that he is different and unique from everyone else, but doesn’t what to do about it. There are no similarities, other than that he does do his work, which is expected of him. Equality 7-2521 is close in relation with his brothers, yet so far away.
    2. Liberty 5-3000 is a woman who works at the Home of the Peasants. She has golden hair and shows no fear in her eyes. Equality 7-2521 is attracted to her even though he is not supposed to be – they are supposed to be thought of as brother and sister. She works in the soil and they see each other every day. They wish that they were not considered brother and sister, but there is nothing they can do about that. Liberty 5-3000 is tall and very thin, like a blade, she is rather attractive. The way her hair flows it’s as if she is pushing the men away immediately. She is different from every other woman like he is different from every other man (pgs. 38-39).
    Honors: There is one word that is to never be spoken of in the society. I believe that word is “I” because it has never been used and they are thought of as a whole, not individuals. Everyone in the society is nearly terrified of the word. It is rarely spoken and when it is, they are punished by death. The word “I” is not only unspoken because of the fear, but because of the society they want to be and want to stay away from. The Unmentionable Times were a society of one, individuals. They are trying to stay away from that time and completely forget about. If that word is spoken, it would be like the past, and a different future.

  39. Prompt #1: Liberty 5-3000 is a woman who works in the fields, in their white tunics in the wind are like the wings of sea- gulls beating over the black soil (pg. 38). Liberty's body was straight and thin as blade of iron. Their eyes were dark and hard and glowing, with no fear in them, no kindness and no guilt. Their hair was golden as the sun; their hair flew in the wind, shining and wild, as it defied men to restrain it (pg. 39). Overall they are beautiful women who catch men's eyes

    Prompt #3: Equality 7-2521 is special, but also different. They are much taller, smarter, and more emotional. First (pg. 18), Equality is six feet tall. Mostly no other man is 6 foot tall. The Teachers said," There is evil in your bones; Equality 7-2521, for your body has grown beyond the bodies of your brothers." Second (pg. 21), he has no knowledge like others. The learning was not too hard, but it was too easy for them. The teachers said," That it is a sin to be born with a head which is too quick. It is not good to be different from your brothers, but it is evil to be superior to them." Finally, they have feeling. On pg. 30, it is a sin to make friends with other people, but Equality decided to trust and become friends with International. Also on pg. 40-42, they have fallen in love with Liberty 5-3000. Equality is his own man.

    Honors: In my personal opinion, Equality is struggling with the word "I". They are not allowed to speak of this word because all men in society should be equal. Communists also come back and relates to this too. “We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever." (pg. 19), this text explains exactly why he wants to use I but he can't.

    1. Your answer for number one helped me understand better how he feels. I also think that it is sweet how only " The Golden One" stands out to him.

    2. Your posts are so good! You help me understand the thingss i didnt know before! thankyou!

    3. I like the way that you described Equality, it really make hims stand out from the everyone else.

  40. 1. Liberty 5-3000 is described as having a body straight as an iron blade, eyes that show no fear,kindness,or guilt in them. Liberty 5-3000 has hair as golden as the sun and defying men to stay away from it. They way they threw seeds from their hands was described as a scornful gift given to a beggar under their feet.(page 39) They made them stand out by giving them a name inside his head, the "Golden One" (page 41)

    3.Equality stands out from his "brothers" in every aspect from his height to his intelligence."There is evil in your bones"(page 21) Equality asks question and the council doesn't want anyone knowing more than they are willing to tell."How dared you,gutter cleaner,to hold yourself as one alone and with the thoughts of one and not of the many"(page 72)

    HONORS:Equality does struggle with the word "I". "I" gives individuality and the council doesn't want that. This a society that wants everyone to be the same and they don't want them thinking for themselves. For example, in China they live for the whole country by having sons that can work and girls that can be obedient to their husbands.By doing this they are making a contribution to their Country."We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE,One, indivisible and forever"(page 19) This passage tells us that they are not one person ("I") but a whole group ("We") working together.

  41. #2 - Fear is the prevalent emotion in this society because the council acts as a dictatorship that can eliminate anyone. Equality can feel it in the air (p 46) everywhere but his private tunnel. There, of course, no other men have been. All men and women in the society, deep down, feel fear of their fates, which are at the hands of the Council. When it is a sin to feel real emotions or favor any person, the reflex emotion of a person is fear.

    #3 - Equality is one of the few men that truly differs from others. He strives to learn more, even if that means smuggling documents and literature into his secret hideout. As stated in the previous chapter, the Council and Equality believe that his large stature means that he has evil in his bones. Because of that, he is already different than his brothers. Equality tried to stay at the same pace as the rest of the citizens, but his secret love of knowledge was too strong. Altogether, Equality is different in that he is attempting to get back a personality that was lost long ago.

    Honors - Equality is struggling with the word "I". It is an unknown word, long covered up by the need to be the same. Even though Equality does not know the word, he can almost sense its meaning as the Unspeakable Word (p 49). Since this society has banished individuality, anyone who uses this word is killed before the meaning can spread. The use of this word could lead to the end of their civilization.

  42. 1. Liberty is described completely different then the other women. She stands out to Equality; I think he is attracted to her because she's willing to go against the rules too. Equality said on pages 38-39 that,"Her body was straight and thin. Her eyes were dark and hard, glowing with no fear. Her hair was golden as the sun. She threw seeds from her hands as if they deigned to fling a scornful gift, and the earth was a begger under her feet."

    3. Equality isn't like the men in his society. Eventhough he is suppose to be the same as all the others, he isn't. He is a lot smarter then the rest of the men, when they were in school he got bored with the work because it was far to easy for him. (page 21)Another way he is different, is because he has fallen in love with the "Golden One." He notices everything about her, and just her. None of the other females get his attention. As the book continues you notice that Equality is starting to make decisions for himself, which is forbidden.

    Honors: He has trouble with the word I. He isn't suppose to be seen as an individual, eventhough he is. The council wants all the men to be seen as the same. No one can be seen better or worse then another. The rediscovery of the word I could lead to the Unmentionable Times.

  43. #2- Fear is the constant feeling because the society is afraid of the council. Equality feels the fear everywhere, but in his private tunnel he is fear free. Everyone is in fear because they can't show any emotion of their own or say what they want, because if they do, it's a big sin.
    #3-Equality is a strong, tall, and independent man. He wants to know more about the world. Because he is tall, he is automatically evil. Equality was labled as a Street sweeper, and he took that as a backwards compliment. That the council was trying to hide him because he is better than everyone because he can learn faster and is more intelligent.
    Honors-"I" is the evil word. It must be unknown or if it was to be discovered it would start independence. Which the council trys to hide from the society. Equality doesnt know this word but he somehow knows the unspeakable word. The punishment for saying this word is death. The council doesnt want the word, "I" to spread around because it would reveal their dirty works of trying to keep the society from the outer world.

  44. Chapter Two
    1. Liberty-5300 is first introduced to the reader on page 38 of the novel. Equality commits their second crime of preference when they are introduced to Liberty; for Liberty is the first and only woman Equality has ever taken notice of. (pg.38) An important aspect of Liberty to consider is her job as a field tender because it is symbolic of the nurturing, compassionate quality of women. (pg.38) When Ayn Rand first begins to describe Liberty, she first mentions her eyes that had no fear nor kindness nor guilt in them. (pg.39) The author’s description of Liberty’s emotionless eyes could indeed symbolize the effects that the constrictive society has on its members through the suppression of individuality. The author next describes Liberty’s golden hair as it waves in the wind, giving the golden hair personification in that she stated it was dying for someone to try and hold it back. Ayn Rand’s personification of Liberty’s hair as rebellious and free is the first characteristic we see shared with Equality. The final description in the short paragraph that we are introduced to Liberty in describes her as she plants the seeds. The author’s use of the words, scornful gift, while describing Liberty planting seeds implies of Liberty having a discontentment with their place in society. (pg.39) The author also compares the earth to a beggar unto Liberty which allows one to make the connection between Liberty and Gaea as nurturing mother earth.

    2. If one stops and thinks of all the different emotions felt by man, the majority of them are felt through interaction with another person or thing. For example, Happiness is felt when you are around someone you care about and embarrassment is felt when you’re conscious of what those around you think. The society in which Equality lives strictly forbids preference of others, so if man cannot prefer someone then he cannot feel joy, sadness, or embarrassment in their presence. (pg.41) The fear that is present in the society is not a fear of a specific nature. The fear is a trepidation of the unknown; the unknown being a society different in which they live and the punishment they would face for searching for a different way of life. (pg.46) In the society everyone must agree because to differ from your brothers is a sin; this fear of committing sin keeps mankind from discussing different points of view and advancing in society. (pg.47)
    Honors Discussion Prompt: Equality is constantly searching to discover new things and they can’t help but wonder what great knowledge had been lost in the past. Towards the end of the chapter Equality begins to ponder a word known as the Unspeakable word; a word of such power that it has been wiped from the history of the world and those who utter it are punished with death. (pg.49) Equality is intrigued by the possible knowledge the Unspeakable Word could offer to them. I believe there could be only one reason speaking the word could be punishable by death, that reason being that it must contradict the beliefs that the World Council instills in mankind. I believe the word is capable of giving humans a sense of individualism or connection to someone other than their brothers. In my opinion the word is me or God. The discovery of a word such as this could lead to mankind looking at life in a completely new way, which would likely lead to great advances in technology and society in general.

  45. 2. Felings are generated based upon those around you and your perseption of those happenings. Love is forbidden for people to feel as show in the following line "For men are forbidden to take notice of women, and women are forbidden to take notice of men." (p.38) For most people in this society, they do not know love, but they fear the consequences of what would happen if they were to fall in love. The same is done to most other feelings in the society, people haven't experienced them and they are afraid to try. That is the reason that fear is the most prevelant feeling in the society.

    3. Equality is described as different and outcast from the socitey. He dares to think about love which has been forbidden by the council. (p.38) He has dared to give a name that distinguishes. (p.41) Both of these things are strictly forbidden by the council yet he does them anyway. From the standpoint of the council, Equality is an imperfection in their system.

    The word that Equality is trying to grasp, the word that he is trying to discover is simply "I." This word goes against all that society has claimed as right. Socitey says that there are no individuals, just units and groups and the word "I" violates this. This is the word that could lead to individuality, which leads to difference of opinion. From that point on, the socitey could easily experience a rebellion that could turn their world upside down.

  46. 2) Humans have the ability to experience many emotions. In the Anthem there is only one emotion known to the people. This emotion is fear. The reason that this emotion is the only emotion that keeps the citizens in line. The citizens know that if they don't do what the government tells them to do then, they will be punished. The laws that are set in place make it impossible for anyone to experience any other emotions.

    5) There are many terms that the people in Anthem use to refer to passes events and places. For example the Unmentionable Times, is the time before the Dawn of the Great Rebirth. The Uncharted Forest is a forest that has overgrown the cities of the past.
    The Evil One's are the one that were defeated in the Great Fighting, and all of there scripts were burnt. The Great Rebirth is the event that occurred after the fires had stopped and the Evil Ones were destroyed. Finally there is the Great Truth, which is an idea that say's all men are one and there is no will save the will of all men together.

    At the end of chapter two Equality is trying to recall the word "I". The government doesn't want people thinking of themselves so they made the word "I" punishable by death. It contradicts the council, because it lets people think about themselves, and not everyone as a whole. If this word was to be rediscovered the effect it would have on the government would be tremendous. People would begin to think of themselves, and the entire system that the council has set up would be destroyed.

  47. Equality is different than most men in his society. He doesn't obey by all the rules and isn't exactly how he is supposed to be. He breaks rules set by his group and truly doesn't care. He isn't what the council wants him to be which is what all other men in the society are.
    The society is to obey the governments harsh rules or they will be puished. The people are to be the same in Equality and do what the council says. The emotion throughout this society is expressed through fear. People are afraid of the government and that's why they act like they do. They obey the council cause they will get punished if they do their own thing.
    Honors: towards the end of the chapter he talks about the word I. I is a word that isn't to be used in his society because there is no I, only we. There is no individuals, the society is one and Equality doesn't like that but who can blame him. He isn't allowed to be different in anyway. His life is planned out for him, too bad he doesn't always obey the council. Equality is different!

  48. 2) I think that above all other emotion, fear is dominant because it helps the new world run. The council uses fear to control all of their subjects. By scaring them into submission, the council doesn’t have to worry about being overthrown. If people want to use any other emotion, it must be done in the safety of their mind, like Equality thinking about Liberty. (Page 44) Just to survive every day, citizens of this society must be completely passive, and show absolutely no emotion.

    5) a) The Great Truth- All men are one, and there is will save the will of all men together.
    b) The Unmentionable Times- What the world was like before the Rebirth.
    c) Unchartered Forest- The giant forest beyond the city that is forbidden to enter.
    d) Evil Ones- The ones defeated in a great battle
    e) The Great Rebirth- After the “Evil Ones” were defeated, the time when all things from their time was destroyed.

    Honors- I think that the word that Equality is trying to think of is “I”. It is a great sin to think of oneself as a singular being, which reiterates the fact that this is a type of totalitarian society, ruled by a council that demands complete sovereignty. Using “I” is only punishable by death because if it were to resurface as an idea that people can be themselves, the council would have a rebellion, led by people who now know that they can lead their own lives. “I” contradicts with this society because the idea that the council is trying to get across is that there is no singular being, only the citizens as a whole.

    1. I also think that the word is "I" and I have the same reasoning that they will learn that can be theirselves.

  49. 1. Fear is the main feeling in the society because that is the way the council can keep control over all of the people. If the people feel joy and happy, then they can figure things out and possibly figure out that they are being controlled.
    3. The word he thinks of is "I". Because he is always referring to himself as "we" and never uses a singular name.
    Honors:Again, the word is "I". It is so forbidden because the society's council is afraid that they will find out that they can be their own person. They can learn about the Unmentionanable Times, and learn about how they lived then. They'll learn how to live happy and not out of fear.

  50. 1. Liberty 5-3000 is a woman that Equality 7-2521 shows some liking towards. Equality notices her outside working the soil at the Home of Peasants.(pg.38) From his interpretation, she is thin with dark glowing eyes and golden hair that flew with the wind.(pg.39) Equality is saddened when he sees Liberty walk away after being called inside. Equality will only return to see her the following day.

    5. a. The Great Truth- that all men are one and that there is no will save the will of all men together.(pg.20)
    b. Unmentionable Times- hundreds upon hundreds of years ago men knew secrets which have been lost.(pg.32)
    c. The Uncharted Forest- a place where few men have gone and never returned.(pg.48)
    d. The Evil Ones- fighters, outnumbered in battle which led to them being conquered.
    e. The Great Rebirth- the time after the " Evil Ones," in which all their possesions were burned.(pg.48-49)

    Honors: Equality is having a hard time remembering the Unspeakable Word. In my opinion, the word is "I." Really nothing in this society is done by oneself and there is no privacy. The Council likes this, and if "I" is spoken, you would be put to death in fear of ruining their society. The rediscovery of "I" would break the society apart and return life similar to what is like today.

  51. 1. Equality says "We wishes to write name. We wish to speak it."(pg.38) When Liberty first faces him she does not smile and her eyes are dark. But the following day she smiled.(pg.40) There was no fear in her eyes. Equality no longer thinks Liberty as that name; he calls her the “Golden One.”
    5.a)The Great Truth: That all men are one and that there is no will save the will of all men together.
    b)Unmentionable Times: The world before The Great Rebirth
    c)Uncharted Forest: Forest beyond the city witch men do not go in to.
    d)The Evil Ones: Those who were defeated in the great battle.
    e)The Great Rebirth: The time after the "Evil Ones" when all signs of the time before were burned.
    Honors. Equality is trying to figure out the unspeakable word. The unspeakable word is "I". The word "I" contradicts the society's teachings because they focus on a group structure. The word "I" is punished by death because it goes against all of the Society's teachings. The rediscovery of the word "I" would make everyone unique.

  52. 2.)The council strives to put fear into their people. Its what they do to keep their society in shape, but you can tell that fear is being put into place early on. In Equality's society there are few emotions floating around but one is defiantly fear. The people of the society have a good reason to have this emotion and for it to be in play so often. If any of them does something wrong even the tiniest thing they know there will be consequence and thats a perfect example of why they fear.

    I believe Equality was different because he knew he was different. He always stood out for multiple reasons. One is he is much taller then the others in the society. Also he doesn't view his brothers as the society would like him to. Most importantly is he knows he is being singled out unlike the rest of his brethren, for example putting him in the street washer room.

    I believe the word stated it "I". I think its punishable with death because they know that you have figured out the word that leads to individuality. I also believe it contradicts the thoughts of the society because your thinking of yourself as a individual, not a whole. And the council, well they defiantly don't want you to think of yourself as an individual, to them your worth nothing more then the person beside you. Lastly I think this could spread and it would let everyone know that your an individual and your worth more than the society is letting you know.

  53. When Equality first sees Liberty 5-3000 he’s blown away. He’s never seen anything so beautiful before, and it’s also a big deal because men and women are segregated. He says she is very thin and lean with eyes that were dark, full of life, and you could tell she could hold her own. Their hair was a beautiful shade of blonde and blew freely in the wind. They walked lightly and threw seed almost perfectly. I feel it was love at first sight for Equality.
    Equality is very different from his brothers. He is 6 feet tall, and the others are much shorter than him. He is the only one who is aware of what is truly going on around him. Unlike the other men his mind is always thinking in the terms of preference. The others think that what the government does is right and they never question it.

  54. 2. Fear is the most prevalent emotion portrayed in this book because that’s what helps the Council “rule” over all mankind. The Council feels as long as mankind is afraid of punishment and consequences then they can over rule them. So favoritism is banned from society. The feelings Equality 7-2521 has for Liberty 5-3000 (p.44) are strictly banned because its rebellion against the Councils rules. The rebellion of Equality 7-2521 would normally amount to the death of him. (p.50)

    5. The Great Truth- “that all men are one and that there is no will save the will of all men together” (p.20)
    The Unmentionable Times- the times before the great rebirth, not talked about times (p.19)
    The Uncharted Forrest- several forests that men do not enter fore they have no power to (p.47-48)
    The Evil Ones- the rebellious people who fought against the government and were conquered (p.48)
    The Great Rebirth- the fire that all the evil ones and all the things the evil ones had made were burned in (p.48)

    The word that Equality 7-2521 is trying to recapture is obviously the word “I”. I believe this is the only word the Council considers punishable by death because it shows individuality. Individuality is a characteristic of the Unmentionable Times and the Evil Ones were punished then for their actions. The word “I” is supposed to show selfishness because in that society that would be like saying, “I’m an individual but the rest of you are a group”. The rediscovery of this word could lead to an outbreak of rebellion and the people overthrowing the government because they would know the truth.

  55. To believe that in todays society in almost all states nothing is punishable by death, but in the story's society using the simple word "I" is. this is the word Equality is looking for or tying to recapture. This word is forbidden thought because it shos shelfishness or individuality. If this word was found and used it would ruin the work of The Council or their plan to make everyone equal or the same
