Respond to the question below.
Write a paragraph describing the house and its contents in your own words. Explain why Liberty and Equality find it so strange and unique.
Honors' Disscussion Prompt
Describe the symbolic value of the house and its contents. Perform a close reading of this chapter.
#1: The house was two stories with a flat roof and lots of windows. The rooms were colorful with a lot of mirrors. There were only two beds in the one bedroom with clothes from “The Unmentionable Times” in the closet. Liberty and Equality were fascinated because they had never seen light bulbs, mirrors, or that type of clothing before. They didn’t have electricity so everything in the kitchen was completely foreign to them.
ReplyDeleteHonors: In the house Liberty and Equality find clothes made of different colors and materials. The house in general is not the norm that they are used to. This is symbolic because Equality and Liberty are both unique individuals and are not typical people in their society. They both seek knowledge and are lucky when they find books in the house. It seems that they will be happy in their new home.
I agree that Equality and Liberty will be very happy in their new home. They might start to miss having a lot of people around, but i think they will enjoy their freedom much more.
DeleteThis paragraph was a fantastic way to describe Equality's fascination in the unmentionable times.
DeleteI like the way you go into detail about the house.
DeleteI like that you mentioned the unique items in the house match the unique attitudes of Equality and Liberty.
DeleteI like your honors response.
Delete1. The house Equality and Liberty discovered has two stories, many windows, and a flat roof. There are numerous trees surrounding it and protecting it from bad weather. It was a small house compard to the homes they were used to seeing. Each room was bright and full of light. There were items left behind from the Unmentionable Times such as shelves, books, and clothing.
ReplyDeleteHonors: The advanced technologies that the couple finds in this chapter are meaningful to both of them. They witness books, colorful clothes made out of new fabrics, kitchen appliances, and mirrors. With these new discoveries, Equality and Liberty realize that there is a whole world of things that have been kept from them their entire lives. They are eager to explore and learn of these foreign things and gain knowledge of their new enviornment. Because they both crave to know more and more, it seems very fitting that they get to experience this journey of revelation and enlightenment together.
I agree that they both crave to know more.
DeleteI think you describe the house well.
DeleteLiberty and Equality discover a two story house with two beds. It has mirrors, and neither Eqaulity or Liberty had seen a mirror before(p.90). They are amazed by the kitchen that the house has(p.92). Liberty and Equality are interested in the house, for they have never seen such an interesting place(p.90). I think Equality will discover something from the "ancient texts" he found.
ReplyDeleteHonors: the house represents new beginning. Equality and Liberty are no longer welcome in the city, so they are living in the uncharted forest. They haven acquired new items, so I think they will learn new things from these select materials(p.91). The solitude may cause a new generation to arise, and this new civilization may become more intelligent. I also think Equality and Liberty will discover the truth to why the council has all of the control over the entire world.
I agree that they will find out why the council has all the control.
DeleteI also agree that the house represents a new beginning.
Deletei agrre with the way you said that the council has all of the control.
DeleteI agree that the house represents a new beginning. At first I didn't think of that and you made my perspective shift.
DeleteI agree with you that both of them will learn new things. I also think they will find a way to let all of the secrets be known to everyone.
ReplyDeleteThe house is white and has two stories. The roof is flat and there are a lot of windows which let light shine through. There are mirriors, cooking pots, scrolls, lights, and clothes. All of these were covered in dust because of how old they were. The house is like one we would see today in a neighborhood. It had a kitchen, bedrooms, library, and etc. All of these thing Equality and Liberty had never seen before. They knew of no such items. They lived in a time that was even older than the Unmentionable times, yet is was newer.
ReplyDeletehonors: The symbolic value of the house is that it is a part of the unmentionable times. It has things that represent the life people lived back then. The house itself is symbolic of being on your own. When i did the close reading, I chose the second to the last paragragh on p.93. To me it says that they are looking into their own souls to guide them because they don't know anymore. They are within the ruins of the paast and it doesn't make them afraid. They only feel sad becuase of the things that have been kept from so many people.
Your prompt had a well thought out ideas about symbolism.
DeleteI agree with your honors prompt, it was very detailed and thought out.
Delete1. The house is very unusal to Equality and Liberty. What stands out the most to me is when they talk about how many windows are in the house. This represents the "way" or the "intellegente". They speak or darkness being the lack of intellegence; light is in their presents now because their making their own decisons and not listening to the council. That house will be a big change to their life.
ReplyDeletehonors: Equality and Liberty finds many items in the house that are different from the usual. Everything stands out from normal in their society which thats why it fits so well for them. They both stand out and are different from the rest.
I agree with the statement that the house is very unusual to the pair.
DeleteThe house that Equality and liberty discover has many windows with light shining through and a flat roof. The house is small and is filled with various items from the unmentionable times. They found book, colorful clothing, appliances, and mirrors. Equality and Liberty had never seen a mirror before and they were fascinated by it.(pg. 90)The house also had rooms that the society didnt have, such as bedrooms and kitchens.
ReplyDeleteHonors:I think the house symbolizes a fresh start. Equality and Liberty will be eager to learn new things from all of the items in the house. Since they can't go back to the society, they will have to stay in the Uncharted Forest. They may get lonley while living out there but with the new discoveries they may get out of the Forest. They may even discover a whole other society.
I never thought about the house being a fresh start but it is a true statement.
DeleteI like how you said they were fascinated by the house.
DeleteThe house Equality and Liberty found is great. It has mirrors, things that run on electricity, a library full of books, vibrant clothes, and many more items from the unmentionable times (p. 90-91). Considering that looking upon ones face was forbidden where Equality and Liberty had come from they were facinated by the mirrors (p.90). The electrical appliances were a mystery for there was no electricity running into the house (p. 90). The library was especially exciting for Equality because of his thirst for knowledge (p.91). The colorful clothes were different because all that Equality and Liberty had seen in the past were uniform (p. 91). The rooms were open and bright. Windows and colors added a change, because the houses Liberty and Equality had been exposed to were bland (p. 90). The living and sleeping areas were different because they were not built to house so many people as the houses did where Equality and Liberty were from(p.90). There is so much potential in this dwelling because it gives Liberty and Equality tools to discovering so much more than they have ever dreamed of.
ReplyDeleteI liked the way you decribed why Liberty and Equality were facinated with the house
DeleteEquality and Liberty find a two stores house that they have never seen before. It has two beds and mirrors, which the have never seen before. They have never seen themselves in a reflection before do this is big for them. There were windows also in this house that no one else in society has.
ReplyDeleteHonors: The house must symbolize potential and the light that knowledge has. The dark of the woods symbolized the lack of education so the light of this house must symbolize education. The house holds all the tools needed for a life in the light (with education). It is where Equality and Liberty are planning to be free and learn. The potential that they now hold is thanks to the house. The brightness and openness of the windows must symbolize the opening that knowledge provides.
ReplyDeleteI like the way you completely explicated this passage.
DeleteI agree with BFost, and I think that you did a great job with this response.
DeleteI like your explication and how you compoared the house and the forest with the presence of knowledge or the absence of it.
DeleteYour explication helped me understand a lot better. You did a great job on that.
DeleteEquality and Liberty find a strange house in the woods that is left over from the unmentionable times. The house is two stories and has a strange roof that is as flat as the floor. The house is filled with many things they have never seen before like windows, mirrors, pots, pans, and even some things that run on electricity. The house is painted with extravagent colors and the house has unique clothes that aren't like the plain white tunics their used to. The house's bed rooms only had two beds and that shocked Equality and Liberty. The house also had many shelves with books on them in their language but they couldn't understand some of the words. They decide that this is where they're going to live until the day they die.
ReplyDeleteHonors: I believe that this house symbolizes a new beginning for Equality and Liberty. The house is showing them what they can discover and learn with all of the new things they found in the house. The house is also where they can be free and make their own rules, instead of going by the Council's laws. With all of the books they found they might discover the lost word that they have been trying so long to remember. This house is going to be where Equality and Liberty might start their own society.
Your description of the house is a great summary. I liked the reminder that even though the books were in their language Equality and Liberty do not understand all of the words.
DeleteThe fact that there is so much light also is a symbol for all of the knowledge welled up inside the house.
DeleteEquality and Liberty find a house like no other. They do not understand all of the objects in this strange house. They see windows which let in light on many different colors in the rooms of the strange house. Equality notices a lightbulb which he calls "A globe with wire cobwebs inside", it surprised me he didn't make a connection to his box. They also see a mirror which fascinates them because they know it is glass but they can see themselves in it. Equality and Liberty find clothes in a closet and wonder why they are not white togas or tunics.
ReplyDeleteHonors) Equality an Liberty are taken aback at the sight of this house and its contents. They see there is an abundance of light and color in this house. They clearly express that this house is nothing they are used to seeing. I think this house represents individuality and being free. The colors show that this house is different than all of the others which converts to individuality. The light in the house represents being free of all things. The light reflects the feelings of Equality being in the Forest and also being with Liberty.
I think that you did a great job with these responses.
DeleteI didn't think about the globe and Equality's box being a connection until you stated it.
DeleteI didn't realize that Equality hadn't made the connection, either.
DeleteI like how you describe the house as representing individuality and freedom.
DeleteThe house that Liberty and Equality see is two stories high, with a flat roof. The walls were made of a smooth stone that neither of hem had seen before. The rooms within the house were colorful and bright. There were many machines that Equality and Liberty have never seen before. They find it so strange because they know it is from the Unmentionable Times.
The house represents all that mankind used to be, before the Great Rebirth. The discovery of it represents, in a way, gradual progression toward those times again. The house also represents undiscovered knowledge. The contents of the house represent all that has been kept from Equality's society for years. It all represents the Unmentionable Times.
I like your response to the honors question, how the house represents all of mankind that lived in the unmentionable times.
DeleteLiberty and Equality discovered a two story house with a strangely flat roof. As they opened the door, it seemed as they had stepped back into the Unmentionable Times. For the first time ever, Equality and Liberty saw their reflection in a mirror. The rooms were bright and colorful, unlike the dull rooms in their old society. There were light bulbs in every room, somewhat like the ones Equality had found in the tunnel. There were only two bedrooms in the whole house, which were both in the same room. There were also old clothes and an entire room filled with books.
The house Equality and Liberty found represents a new beginning. They are both no longer part of the society. The house also represents the Unmentionable times. The house was obviously built in this time and it seems to be way more advanced. The contents represent the lives of the people who lived in the Unmentionable Times. The entire house is the complete opposite of the society Equality and Liberty used to live in.
I like how you said that the new house was like a new begining.
DeleteI like how you said "strangely flat roof" to show how unfamiliar they are with flat roofs.
DeleteI like your description of the house being advanced.
DeleteIn this chapter, Equality and Liberty discover an abandoned house. Equality and Liberty are fascinated by the house, because they aren't used to how it's made. Equality says that it couldn't house more than twelve people. He is shocked by this, because he is used to living in a big housing environment with all of his 'brothers'.
The house that Equality and Liberty discovered, in my opinion represents freedom even more than the Uncharted Forest. The Council has forced them to live in huge houses that are almost like dorms. When Liberty and Equality discover that the house could only house around twelve people, they are shocked. In my opinion, this just shows how much farther they are getting from the Council. I believe that Liberty and Equality will stay in the house for a while before moving elsewhere.
I agree that Equality is shocked by the size of the house.
DeleteThe book says that Liberty and Equality will never leave the house, so why would you say that they will stay in the house for a while before moving elsewhere?
DeleteI agree that the house represents freedom, because they can live alone without the councils control.
Delete1. Equality 7-2521 and Liberty 5-300 have found a beautiful home that is two stories tall with many windows; in fact, more windows then there are walls. The rooms are small but filled with color upon color. In one room there are two beds, giving even more proof that it was built in the Unmentionable Times by showing that only 2 people had lived in their new home. The closets were full of clothing, very different from what Equality 7-2521 and Liberty 5-3000 would wear with the bright colors, different fabrics and styles. Many rooms and other places also had mirrors which were never used in the City. Books and manuscripts were found in a room full of shelves, going from ceiling to floor and wall to wall. Within the kitchen are new appliances and tools that are used in cooking. The house also used electricity in most rooms, something that neither Equality 7-2521, nor Liberty 5-3000 would have ever known about (chapter 10).
ReplyDeleteHonors: This house is a very symbolic in the ways that Ayn Rand describes it. First, through the appliances and other things that we have today and take for granted. Equality 7-2521 and Liberty 5-3000 don’t truly understand electricity and its uses yet. The two of them are unsure of the clothes of different colors and fabrics that were found along with the books, thinking that they were hand written and not typed. They are also not used to homes where such few people live in for in their society each group of people has a home and all members of that group live together. The house itself is also a representation of symbolism. In this particular book the absence or presence of color represents knowledge. The City is described as white, which is a like no color, which means there is no knowledge, the house however is filled with color, meaning there is an abundance of knowledge.
Your Honors' prompt was really good. It explained just about everything to the house.
DeleteThe house has two stories and a flat roof and walls with many windows. The rooms allow alot of light in and is full of color. There were mirrors everywhere and and also lightbulbs. The house was built for two and had two beds. There were many shelves that were lined with books. Equality finds the house strange and unique because all of his life he has lived in a house that was built for a lot of people. These houses were colorless and were all alike.
ReplyDeleteHonors: In this chapter Equality and the Golden One witnedd things that are new to the both of them. They find books, new colorful clothes, light bulbs, and mirrors. The house is not a typical everyday house and is very unique. Some symbolism behind this is that Equality and Liberty are both unique individuals and are not typical people in their society. Also, Equality seeks knowledge and the house has books which provide knowledge to him.The house allows alot of light which symbloizes knowledge in the book and that symbolizes the yearning of knowledge.
I liked you discription of the house
DeleteI also believe the books will be of large help and knowledge to him and Liberty.
DeleteI like your comparisions throughout your honors response.
Delete1- In this chapter, Equality and Liberty come across a house in the mountains. The house has a flat roof and more windows than wall. In this house there are clothes, but not white togas, bright unique clothes. Also, there is only two beds and a wall full of shelves with manuscripts. Equality and Liberty think this house is strange because only twelve men could've lived there. Equality said, "We thought it was strange that men had been permitted to build a house for only twelve." (pg.90)
ReplyDeleteHonors- This house that Equality and Liberty find is very symbolic. The house is from the "Unmentionable Times" and it consist of things they never knew. They found colorful clothes, kitchen appliances, and books. After this they realized that they have been hidden from most of the world because of the society. I think Equality and Liberty will enjoy their new home, and use their knowledge to find greater things.
I agree they finally realized how many things the society has hidden from them. I enjoyed that response to the honors question.
DeleteI agree with the thought of Equality and Liberty discovering more technology.
Delete1. The house Equality 7-2521 and The Golden discovers is very strange to them. They have never seen a house like it, because it is from the unmentionable times. It is two stories tall and has a completely flate roof. The house has many large windows, looking to be constructed of glass. The walls were made of very hard and smooth stone. The inside was very colorful. There were many mirrors on the walls but they didn't know what they were. They found only two beds and many colorful pieces of clothing. The most important thing they found was a library full of many different books. Even more was discovered like a kitchen and lightbulbs. The house was a great discovery protected by the mountains and the trees.
ReplyDeleteHonors: The house is symbolic for many things. It shows that they are no longer part of the society. All of their new discovers shows them new knowledge. They are becoming individuals. The large windows let in light. The light is the knowledge which was not around in the old society. They are creating a new life together.
I agree with you that the house symbolizes knowledge.
DeleteI agree that the house was a very important discovery.
DeleteI like how you describe the interior of the home.
DeleteThe house that they discover is very different to them. They see many of the lightbulbs around the house. The roof is very flat. The house has many windows and the walls are stone. There were also multiple mirrors. There was also lots of colorful clothing. There was a library filled with books. The house was something very new to the both of them. They find it unique because they had never expreinced so much color and updated items like lightbulbs.
ReplyDeleteHonors: The house has many simbolic meanings. Oe thing is it shows they are no longer part of the society. They now have knowledge that nobody in the society will ever know of. They finally realize what it is like to be there own individual. They have tons of light that they never had before. Showing knowledge and the library does also.
The house they find is very different then what they are use too. Lightbulbs are all over the house, which is electricty that Equality had also discovered. There are more windows then there are walls, so that doesn't make complete since to them of how they are standing up. Mirrors are also placed in the rooms. They find this house unique because there is a ton of color throughout the entire house, even the clothes are colorful. Also things are more advanced then what they were in their society. For example the lighbulbs.
ReplyDeleteHonors: This house is very valueable to both Equality and LIberty because it's theirs. Its something that they have together and only them. Normally you shared a house with your brothers, but not this time. Equality cliams the house because it has everything they want plus more. Its absolutely perfect for them and they love it.
I agree with you that the house is very valuable to them.
DeleteThe house they found was two stories and has lots of windows. They house the found was very bright compared to the ones their city because the ones in their city had almost no windows at all. They also found mirrors and more lightbulbs. I think the mirrors suprised them the most because in their city they weren't allowed to know their own appearence. Another surpise to them in the house was the colorful clothes because in the city they didn't have colorful clothes. They didn't have colorful clothes because that would mean they would have to prefer a certain color. Overall, everything in the house is new to them because it's a whole new world their not used to.
ReplyDeleteHonors:In my opinion the symbolic meaning of the house is knowledge. In my opinion the light in the house is that knowledge. I believe the colors,windows, and lightbulbs help represent my hypothesis. I think the house is good for Equality and Liberty because knowledge is what they're seeking. That is the symbolic meaning of the house.
1. Liberty and Equality find the house so strange because it contained things that they had never seen. For one, it had clothes that aren't togas. The house also had lots of lights and manuscripts. It had a mirror that Liberty couldn't take her eyes off of. It had lots of valuable things such as jewels, crystal bottles, and flowers of silk.(pages 90-92)
One of the symbolic properties of the house is that it is filled with light.(page 90) Their lives had been so full of darkness before they came to the house. The house reveals to them a lot of things and they come out of the darkness from their past lives. The house also has a lot of manuscripts.(page 91) They did not have that much knowledge before they came to the house, and the the manuscripts represent the knowledge that they gain.
I also think that the house symbolises individuality and the resistance of knowledge to be hidden and forgotten in time.
Delete1) The house that equality an liberty discovered is so unique to them because its bright. Filled with mirrors and lots of windows. They discover different objects of electricity and have no idea what to make of it. They found clothing that didn't consist of the old clothes they would wear. They have never seen something like this. It's totally new and foreign to them.
ReplyDeleteHonors: the house is theirs to claim. It's So different Because it's so bright and where they came from, the rooms were filled with darkness. And equality also had to share a room with his brothers, but in this case, it's just him and liberty in their own peaceful home.
I agree with your honors response.
DeleteThe house Equality and Liberty found was two stories, with a flat roof, and many windows. The house was very tiny compared to the homes they used to live in with their brothers and sisters. The rooms were also very different with bright colors and mirrors. The house also had many items from the Unmentionable Times that included books, different types of clothing, and books. The house also had many sources of electricity, which Liberty and Equality had never seen before.
ReplyDeleteThe house represents a new beginning of freedom. Within the house, Equality and Liberty found many advanced technologies. The most interesting ones were the kitchen appliances and mirrors. Equality and Liberty have found what technologies they could've had in life if they had freedom. After seeing the home and it's contents, Equality and Liberty have found how to begin their new free life.
1. This house is sort of like the houses that we live in today. Because it was two stories tall, with a flat roof, and had a lot of windows. This house wasn't built for as many people as they were used to living with only a handful or so. Also how the rooms were so colorful and the mirrors that were in them. also they were awwed be the things that they found in the house, Like books,clothing and the kitchen.
ReplyDeleteHonors: In the couples situation i think that it represents a new life that they will live together in the woods. Also all the new technology that they will discover and invent. Also there freedom from the council and what they can now explore.
The house had two stories and a flat roof. On the inside, it was painted many different colors and Equality and The Golden One found that crazy because they ha only seen gray, brown, and white houses. They were also awed by how small it was. They had no clue how they we're aloud to build a house that only held 12 brothers. Even though there were only two beds. They discovered a mirror also and were just amazed by that too.
ReplyDeleteHonors: The house represents the start of something new. Equality and Liberty have never seen anything like this house and they know that it will perfect for them. The discover many new things such as clothing that isn't a toga. They also discover books which will lead to more information that they never new before. Te two know that they can start a new life here, where they will live the rest of their lives happy and unconfined, free.
I agree that the house represents something new.
DeleteI think that they will start a family there too.
Delete1. The house is large and white, and it stands on top of a hill. It has many windows, which let natural light shine in, even though inside there are lightbulbs. These lightbulbs are almost exactly what equality discovered, but smaller. There are books and scrolls, a cooking area, mirrors, and dressers full of clothes. Some of the clothes were old, and fell apart when they were touched, but many were heavy enough to stay in good shape over time. The house had a kitchen, bedrooms, a small library, and many other rooms that are common in houses in our time. Equality and Liberty have never seen some of these things before, calling the mirrors windows that showed you reflection. All of the books in one place are also strange to them, because as a street sweeper and a field worker, there wasn’t any call to read.
ReplyDeleteHonors- The house symbolizes a new life for Liberty and Equality. There, they can live without fear of the council, and the overbearing government that they lived in. They can live together and love eachother without feeling as though they had sinned. The things inside the house symbolize the Unmentionable Times, because back then everybody was free and equal, and it wasn’t bad to have mirrors and books in your house. Now that they are away from the council, Liberty and Equality can experience this rebirth into a new life together.
In this chapter, Equality and Liberty encounter a house in the mountains left from the unmentionable times. The house was 2 stories high and had a flat as the floor roof. The house was mostly made out of glass and the texture was smoother than the material they found inisde the tunnel. The inside was covered in a variety of different colors and mirrors. Also, what they though were globe shaped objects with wires inside them were actually light bulbs. They find it so starnge because theyre are only two beds and small rooms because they are only used to big rooms which they shared with msny people.
ReplyDeleteHonors: What is symbolic about the house and its contents is that this house was left from the unmentionable times and the people who occiupied it were obviously from the "evil" side. Whats symbolic is that they are happily content with living there. They don't even care about its past, as long as they are together.
Prompt #1: Equality’s and Liberty’s new house is actually a tree house. The house they lived in was two stories and it has a flat roof. There were lots of windows even it went in a line around the corners. They had nice stone walls that were gentle. Equality knew that the house was from the Unmentionable Times because they noticed how the trees were guarding them. There were also leftovers such as garments, and furniture. In one of the rooms they noticed a huge bookshelf full of manuscripts. The bedroom was very small and only had two beds. Before Equality moved in, there were at least 11-12 men who were there before him. Equality and Liberty promised they would never leave and live in a happy ending.
ReplyDeleteHonors Prompt: In my opinion, the house that Equality has found symbolizes a new chapter in life. He has changed, became a whole new person. He’s going to spend the rest of his life with Liberty (the Golden One). He has his own house for the first time in his life; he always shared a house with others and was chosen to be in which kind of house, but know he doesn’t have to choose anymore. The new house also symbolizes a discovery. It’s true that there were the Unmentionable Times, and how the people from that era lived life. The house symbolizes for a change.
Liberty and Equality were blown away by this house from the Unmentionable Times. Trees surrounded it, but it was comfortable, with two floors, a flat roof and stone walls. The best part for them, however, was what was inside the house. Liberty loved all of the old clothes and jewelry tucked inside, and Equality was shocked by the appliances. There were new experiences too, such as only two beds, and walls of books to explore.
ReplyDeleteHonors: This house symbolizes knowledge, to me. In their old society, the two were sort of shut in darkness, as they knew no knowledge. Now, in this new house full of unknown things, it is like opening up a book. Besides that, it also gives the couple a chance of a new way of life, where they are not under the Control of the Council. The house gives them a chance to prosper.
I like your description of the house.
DeleteEquality and liberty find a house in the mountains. The house has many large windows that make up most of the outside walls. Inside there were many things from the unmentionable times. These things include many cloths and books. There is also a lot of electrical items that Equality is very interested in.
ReplyDeleteThe house that Equality and liberty find it's not just a house it has a deeper meaning. It symbolizes hope in a world that has gone into darkness. The house being undamaged after such a long time symbolizes good in the world. That no matter how much time has gone by, that there will always be good in the world somewhere. These are some of the secret meanings that the house that Equality and Liberty find.
The electrical items were probably the most intriguing part to Equality.
DeleteEquality and Liberty don’t know what to think about the house they found. It is completely foreign to them. The house is two floors with many windows all around it. There is a lot of electricity in the house they have never seen before. When they saw how big the house was, they were surprised. Where they lived many people stayed in the same room, this house only slept two people. There was a variety of books found, too, and they didn’t understand how the words looked like that and why the words were so small. The living arrangements from their time and the Unmentionable Times are very different.
ReplyDeleteThere is symbolism in the house that relates to Equality and Liberty. The house is isolated by itself, just like they are. When you live in a house with few people you are more of an individual and have to think on your own. That is the way Liberty and Equality want to live, and are trying to figure out. The house will help them discover more knowledge, and learn about the world them and the society are missing. A new society could be in the even further future of their world.
I like how you describe the symbolism of the house as realting to their character.
DeleteEquality and Liberty were shocked and amazed at the house that they discovered. The home only has two beds which shocks Equality and Liberty because they are used to living with 100 people. They find electricity in the house which is something that Equality is only begining to discover and understand. Most importantly Equality found texts from the unmentionable times. Equality finds it so shocking because he has discovered things that he never new existed, and the same with Liberty, like finding the mirror. (p.90-92)
The symbology of the house is contained mainly in its light. Light represents knowledge and with the discovery of this house Liberty and Equality are flooded with knowledge.(p.90) The house is also alone and individual, just as Liberty and Equality have become. The house surviving through such danger symbolises that knowledge and individuality can never be defeated, only temporarily hidden. This new home gives Equlaity and Liberty a safe place to flourish and create their own society that can challenge the power of the council one day and set everyone free.
1. As they approach the house they notice it has two stories, a flat roof, and many windows. The walls were stone, but they were smooth unlike the ones in the tunnel.(page 89) On the inside there were small bedrooms.They found this odd because it could room no more than twelve.(page 90) They find clothing that is colorful opposed to the white tunics and togas they had to wear in the society. This all seems very strange to them because in the society all were dressed the same and all of the houses were large but bland. This house from the Unmentionable Times is much different then what they are used to.
ReplyDeleteHonors: The house they have discovered represeents their new beginning. They are no longer needed nor welcome in the society, so they need a new place to go and a new life to live. This house could be the beginning of their life together sharing their recently discovered bond, joy. Now that they can love and share their emotions they need a place to do so. The house has opened many opportunities that they must take to complete their life.
I like your interpretation of what the house represents.
Delete1. While Equality and Liberty were walking, they came upon a white flame, which turned out to be a house. The house features two stories, a flat roof, many windows, stoned built, and big enough to home twelve men.(pg.89-90) Inside they find color, a bedroom, mirrors, two beds, and an office like library area.(pg.90-91) It is so unique to them because it is a different structure compared to anything in the Society.
ReplyDeleteHonors: Equality and Liberty find a home that they are very pleased with. It is a different experience from anything they saw back in the city. They also get to live their own private lives without any fear of the Council. It also means a lot because they had both gone through horrible times. They are very happy and say, " We shall never leave this house."(pg.91)
The house was two stories with a flat roof and lots of windows. The rooms were colorful with a lot of mirrors. There were only two beds in the one bedroom with clothes from “The Unmentionable Times” in the closet. Liberty and Equality were fascinated because they had never seen light bulbs, mirrors, or that type of clothing before. They didn’t have electricity so everything in the kitchen was completely foreign to them.
ReplyDeleteHonors: In the house Liberty and Equality find clothes made of different colors and materials. The house in general is not the norm that they are used to. This is symbolic because Equality and Liberty are both unique individuals and are not typical people in their society. They both seek knowledge and are lucky when they find books in the house. It seems that they will be happy in their new home.
Chapter 10
ReplyDelete1.) As Equality and Liberty are exploring the Uncharted Forest they come upon a building left from the unmentionable times. The house is full of things from the past such as manuscripts and clothing. By discovering the house, they are introduced to a wide range of knowledge from the unmentionable times. Everything about the house is foreign to Liberty and Equality. Typically new innovations and technology are introduced gradually and progressively to society, but in Liberty and Equality’s discovery of the house they make a great leap in knowledge. Equality and Liberty find everything in the house so strange because it was created by a society far more advanced than the one they had been living in.
Honors: The house symbolizes hope for a better future. When Equality and Liberty discovery the house, they also discovery a plethora of things from a society far more advanced than theirs. I believe this discovery shows Equality that he was right to leave the society because he could create a more promising future for both him and Liberty. They discover manuscripts in the house that give them the opportunity to learn of knowledge that was lost to the world. Everything about the house symbolizes hope. Equality and Liberty see that there is a better world available should they pursue it.
1. The house has two floors with a roof as flat as a floor. There was more space taken by windows than there was wall. There were only two beds. There were great pieces of glass on the wall. They found clothes from the "Unmentionable times" and Liberty gasped when she them and some of the clothes crumpled to dust at touch.(pg.91) They found a room with shelves filled with manuscripts.
ReplyDeleteHonors. The house represents the future. It gives Liberty and Equality hope. This starts their life together. The house is similar to Equality and Liberty because they both were once alone in the big world. They both realize that there is a better place that the society.
The house they found was two stories, many windows, and had a flat roof. It has two beds and many trees around it to protect it. Inside there are cooking supplies and closets full of clothes. It is also equip with a library, bedrooms, and a kitchen. They find it strange because they are used to seeing places that sleep at least a hundred people and this only slept a few. They are shocked that so few people would have a place to themselves.
ReplyDeleteHonors: I think the house symbolizes a fresh start for them. It has many colorful clothes there which they can use to actually make themselves individuals. The house is so full of light and unique things let can inspire them to go more towards the light.
The house is a house with a lot of windows, two stories, ahd many mirrors, and had a flat roof. The house had eclectricity, great kitchen, clothes and a library with books. The house is weird to them because in the old society they were used to seeing houses that slept a lot of people and this one only sleeps a couple.
ReplyDeleteHonors:i believe the house is a clean slate, a new begining. The fact that the house has many mirrors is something new and great because when they see themsleves they feel good about who they are. The house is great for them and I am sure they plan to remain there together.
The house provides as almost like the House of Scholars that Equality has been wanting excepted to. It contains clothing of new and odd colors that Equality and Liverty aren't used to. Not only this it contains book so the two can continue their learnings. The house is very symbolic for this because of the clothes it express how Liberty and Equality aren't normal people in their society. Then the books show how inspired they are to learn of the outside world.
ReplyDelete1. The little white house that Equality and Liberty discovered together has two stories, many windows, and a flat roof. There are trees sheltering the house from bad weather. The walls were vibrantly colorful and had many mirrors. They were both very interested in the house because they had never seen anything like it before (p.90). They were amazed at the house, especially the big kitchen (p.92). They had never seen anything like this house because it was from even before the Unmentionable Times.
The house itself represents a new start. Equality and Liberty are now on their own they can no longer return to the city for fear of control and punishment, possibly even death. So they are lucky to have found the little white house to take shelter in and start their new life together in happiness. They are both very curious and knowledge hungry so when they find books it seems like a whole other world. They find clothes that are colorful with different materials.
1. The house that Equality and Liberty stumbled upon was a house from the Unmentionable time. It was little and white. The house had two stories and a roof that was flat like a floor. The house had more window than wall and the windows went around the whole corner. The walls were hard and smooth.It was filled with so colors,so many colors. The room looked like they could only fir twelve people. They thought that weird because the Homes they lived in could hundreds of people maybe more.The kitchen was big.
ReplyDeleteHONORS:This represents a clean slate for Liberty and Equality. A place they can call their own without anybody else around. Its the finally piece to their freedom."This is our home and the end of our journey"(p. 91). The clothes they found were like nothing that had seen before. The things they didn't found they didn't know what they were but they would soon find out because that's their house. " We shall never leave this house"(p.91).