Monday, November 28, 2011

Chapter Three

Respond the question below.
What does Equality discover in this chapter? How important is this discovery? Describe four or five ways in which it would help society and make life easier or more enjoyable.

Honors' Discussion Prompt
Outline some of the Council of Scholars’ beliefs. What does Equality say about those beliefs? What thoughts, suggestions, etc., do you have about these beliefs? Could/ would/ do these beliefs exist in society today?


  1. Equality discovers electricity in this chapter. If the council would accept it they could use light bulbs for light, a source of heat, scientific reasoning, and for T.V. The discovery of electricity was very important, for without it everyday life would not be the same. Equality has discovered a marvel of the modern world. Now I know why there is a lightbulb on the front of the book.
    Honors: The council's stubbornness ruins their chance to evolve. Since they do not know any true answers, they create laws that say that's just the way it is(p.53). I do not believe most people in today's society are like this, yet I do not know that many people. Extremists from around the world would be the most likely candidates for an outlet such as this. Hopefully Equality will try to overthrow the system and gain independence.

    1. I agree that the council's stuburnesss ruins their chance to evolve

    2. I also agree with you both. With the new discovery, the society would be greater.

    3. I like the way that you stated that the Council's stubbornness ruins their chance to evolve. I think that it was an accurate description of the situation.

    4. I had the same idea, if the counsel would let them use the new discovery imagine all the possibilities the society would have. It would be a completely different place.

    5. I agree, electricity would open up many oppurtunities for the society.

    6. I agree that the councils stubborness ruins their chance to evolve. Pure ignorance is holding them back from becoming a much more powerful and sophisticated society.

    7. I think eventually Equality will overthrow their system.

  2. Equality discovered electricity in this chapter. They society could use the electricity to greatly improve their lives. They could use electricity for light, and heating and cooling their buildings. Electricity could also be used for communication purposes. With all of these things there lifestyle could be greatly improved. (Pg.54)
    Honors: The Council of Scholars believe that everything has been discovered in the world. They believe that new discoveries are sinful. Also, they believe that secrets should be kept from mankind. For things they can’t explain they make laws saying that is just the way things are.(Pg.53) Equality is bothered by the fact that he is alone in his discoveries. An example of this in today’s society is in communist countries where what the people know is limited to what their government wants them to.

    1. I have to agree with you. It was pretty easy to realize that Equality had discovered electricity.

    2. I agree with your honors response. Equality wishes others would want to be involved in his interesting discoveries, and allow new inforamtion to be accepted as existing in the world.

    3. I agree with what you've said here. I particularly like the comparison to communism and the description of the Council's secrecy.

    4. I also believe these all some of the things they believe. I don't really really know why anyone would want to believe this way other than thy were just taught that way and don't know any better.

  3. 1. In this chapter, Equality has discovered electricity. This discovery is very important because it could be very beneficial to the society. In this society electricity could be used to heat the different tribal homes, for lighting, for an air and heating system, and also for things like a telephone system. Each of these things would make life more easy and enjoyable. Also, electricity would make the society stronger. Although the society says it is a sin to find new discoveries.
    Honors: The Council of Scholars’ have a strong belief on almost everything, and doesn’t seem like they would be up for change. The Council believes that everything has been discovered. The Council thinking that makes the society weaker because they don’t have certain inventions that could make the society stronger. Everything that is discovered has a law. Equality is alone because he has made a discovery and he knows if something is said he could be punished or put to death. These beliefs could not exist in society today because there would most likely be someone that would not obey. Hopefully Equality will be greater and try to inform the society that his discovery would be beneficial to everyone.

    1. I agree that the council has a strong belief and is stubborn

    2. I agree that the Council of Scholars, in a similar manner to the rest of Anthem's society, has strong beliefs about everything.

    3. I agree also, if the counsel didn't have such sting beliefs they could evolve into a very important and powerful society.

    4. I agree that the councils beliefs couldn't exist in our society because someone wouldn't listen and do the exact opposite.

    5. I agree with your response to the first question, but what does the book say about tribes?

    6. I agree with you that the Council of Scholars is stubborn and would likely not accept Equality's discovery. I thing a main reason for their hesitence is mere pride and jealousy.

    7. Making life enjoyable isn't something the council is going to do if they accept electricity.

  4. In chapter three Equality 7-2521 discovers electricity. This is a great discovery. Electricity is the basis of many other inventions, from hairdryers to electric cars. This could turn their society into a new direction. They would have a continuous light and heat source. The could even invent a new form of transportation. Their whole city could run off of electricity. Communication devices could be invented for a radio system. It would be a great discover that would change the world.

    Honors: The council of scholars belief that in order for something to exist the whole society has to know about it. If only one person knows it, then it doesn't really exist. Equality 7-2521 thinks they are blind and they don't know what they are talking about. He says the secrets of earth aren't for every man. Only the men that seek will be the ones to discover. The beliefs of the council of scholars couldn't exist in today's society because every person knows less or more than another person. (Pg. 52)

    1. I agree, not all will find or notice the discoveries, but they will never be found if one doesn't look for them.

    2. The many ways you listed that the discovery of electricity is very true, the society would advance more if they would be open to this possibility.

    3. If the council did accept electricity, I don't think they would share these inventions with populace, they'd keep for a few people. Much like they did with the candle.

  5. After experimenting with wires and light bulbs, Equality soon discovers electricity. This discovery is very important because it can help them to further learn the powers of everything around them. They could use the electricity to cook food better and more efficiently. The society could also use it in place of candles and it would be less of a fire hazard if wired correctly. It could also be used for a variety of other things, like communication and heating.

    The Council of Scholars believe that there should be no new discoveries made unless they are made by Scholars. Equality thinks everyone should be able to make discoveries and they should be able to present them. I agree with Equality and everyone should be able to do their own experiments as they please. The beliefs of the Council are still probably around today, but not very many people think like that. Most people think like Equality and me.

    1. I enjoyed reading about all the creative uses for electricity that you were able to come with.

    2. i think that you explained the first response well.

    3. The crazy people that live like should be smacked. But, I agree with what you said not many people would live in a society like that because most normal people could live in a lifeless place.

    4. I like your answer to the honors question. I never thought of it as just the scholars making inventions.

  6. In chapter 3, Equality discovers the power of electricity. Just as in real life, the discovery of electricity is excessively important. Electricity is the power source of almost all of modern technology. It improves transportation, communication, work efficiency, cooking, and quality of life. Its importance is essentially unrivaled.

    The Council of Scholars believe that things that everyone does not know don't exist. They also believe that they know everything and that there are no secrets. However, Equality disagrees. He believes that he has found something that the Scholars did not know, and that knowledge is only for those who wish to seek/learn it. I don't agree with the Scholars, because there are things that men do not know, and may never know.

    1. I do believe that electricity must be what Equality found and that it's importance is grand.

    2. I agree with your honors prompt except for the part where you say that Equality thinks that knowledge is only for the people that wish to seek/ learn it. I think that Equality thinks that all need to know of his discovery.

    3. I agree that there are things we may never know.

    4. I think on today's society there are some people who actually think this way. They are set on knowing everything when really they know nothing. I also don't agree with this type of thinking.

    5. I agree that electricity is one of the most important things in our world.

    6. Our honors section is a lot alike and I agree with your reasons.

  7. In this chapter, Equality discovers electricity. The basic form of electricity could be used be the society in many ways. It could be used for producing heat, giving off a light source, and cooking food. This electricity could also be used for entertainment and communication, by making items similar to today's phones and computers. If the society could accept this discovery, they could advance in many ways.

    Honors: The Council of Scholars' have beliefs that may be leading them to a disadvantage. The scholars believe they know what exists and what isn't known isn't or will not ever exist (page 52). Equality disagrees with those beliefs. Equality thinks the earth has so many secrets that need to be found by man. Men need to be curious and want to discover knew things, and accept that they exist. Equality believes if scholars would believe like him that all could advance and find more for the society.

    1. I think what you put for the honors question is awesome because I believe that man should be curious. That's what got us a microwave and an ipad.

    2. I agree with what you said for the honors question. The society really seems to limit its advancement by being so strict about their discoveries.

  8. In this chapter Equailty discovers light or how he says it the power of the sky. This discovery could help society out a lot because they only have candle light and can only work when there is daylight. Since the council likes them to work so much they could work later hours. also by cooking and having a constant light source at there finger tips. Anothe way that it could help it could make communication easier with other societies and instead of attending a play each night they could have entertainment in there rooms.

    honors:they believe that they are the smartest people and that no one else knows as much as they do. This makes it a disadvantage to everyone else that has good ideas and knows how to construct them. They are just being stubborn know it alls is what i think that the council of scholars are acting like, and i think they should be more open minded to every idea that comes along. The only place that i can think of that these rules come into to place is in congress for new laws to be passed.

    1. I like that you added how Equality called the light the power of the sky.

    2. I agree that Equality's invention has more than one benefit.

    3. I agree with your benefits to his discovery.

    4. Equality doesn't discover light, he discovers electricity.

  9. In chapter 3 Equality discovers electricity. This is a great discovery because electricity can be used many ways. Even though Equality hasn't figured out what he can do with his new discovery there are many things. He could use it as a light source, a heat and air system,a communication system, and many more. If Equality shows his new discovery to the Council they will either really like it and use it or not accept it and kill him for making a sin.

    Honors: The Council of Scholars believe that making discoveries is a sin, unless thier the ones making them. They believe that things that are unknown do not exist. Equality does not like these rules but their to afraid to tell the Council about it. These rules are really tearing apart their society, because they will never get to progress anymore than they already are due to the fact their not aloud to discover new things. I do not beleive these things happen in our society, except for in communist countries.

    1. I agree with your honors post that the only nations in present day with similar laws are communist.

  10. Equality discovers electricity in chapter three.(p. 52-54). The society would be able to build on this invention to the point where lights, televisions, radios, refrigerators, or gaming systems would be invented. With these inventions would come waves of rebelion because of the new media outlets that would connect the people of different homes or lands. The danger this presents to the Council would be the reason for their prevention of such things. The discovery of electricity is important to the development of independence.

    Honors: The Council sets strict laws against the individuality of all humans. they believe all man should act as one. To ensure this they have laws against being friends with others (p. 30), loving others(p. 30), talking to others , or even smiling at any time(p.29). Equality is obviously against these ideas. Equality was willing to be friends with International 4-8818 (p.30), which is an example of his opinions on the laws. In America we are not exposed to such restrictions but in other countries the politics are similar but not so extreme. In the world today such isolation is not heard of and is mostly frowned upon. It would take an immense amount of time to create a society with such isolation and restrictions. I am strongly opposed to the ideas of the Council.

    1. I agree with the way you expressed your opinion in the honors question because I too, am strongly against their ideas.

  11. Equality finds something in his tunnel that leads him to the discovery of electricity. This is a major discovery because it could advance their society forther. With electricity they could have lighting and invent more machines that would take up some of their field work. With this invention it could cause people to stand up and voice their opinion against the Council. With electricity, their whole society would change and be torn apart.
    Honors:The Council of Scholars believe that "all know things which exist and therefore the things which are not known by all do not exist"(p.52). Equality thinks that the Scholars are blind because he thinks the secrets are only for the people the search for them(p.52). In my opinion I think that the Scholars are stupid because a person cannot gain something from nothing. If a person was doing math and didn't know the answer then they would have to FIND the answer. I believe that there are people in our society today have the same opinion as the Scholar like hard core Buddish, Cristian,Jews, Politicans, Extremist.

    1. I like your perspective of the society being torn apart instead of becoming greater and stronger.

    2. I agree with CKoerner, I like how you said that the society would be torn apart. I never even thought of that.

    3. I like your opinion on the Council's beliefs and the pagination included makes it even more detailed.

    4. I agree that the Council will never improve society because they won't believe in new information.

    5. I like how you compared the Scholars to real world examples.

  12. In basic terms, Equality 7-2521 has discovered electricity. It is very important because it shows how smart Equality is. It also shows readers his quest for knowledge as he searches for answers to the questions that not even the Home of Scholars know. If the civilization would be able to discover electricity then the lives would be so much easier. They would be able to create machines, electronics for communication, better cooking tools, lights, just other things to help them on their everyday lives and work. They could also be used for entertainment because they could possibly watch television, or even just use the light to read with.
    Honors: The Council of Scholars believes that the only knowledge men have is the knowledge that all men know. They do not try to look for more knowledge; they stay with the same things that can be seen by just looking. I personally believe that the Council of Scholars is very pigheaded and stubborn. To me it seems as if they wouldn’t change their ways for anything or anyone. There could very well be people with extreme beliefs like this; I personally do not know anyone like that though. Overall I don’t think that today’s society is acts this way.

    1. I like how you said that Equality's discovery of electricity shows how smart he is.

  13. Equaility discovers light. But, the way he discovers it is more fascinating then just candles and torches. He discovers electricity. If the council would agree with the idea the entire city could use lightbulbs instead of candles. Electricity is used to create light, heat and much more. Personally, I cant go to long without electricity. I like taking showers that are hot and using my phone and other objects that use electricity like television. This could increase the enjoyment in the society and possibly the vision of the people.

    Honors: The council believes that if something were to exsist the entire society as a whole has to also know of it.(52) The council thinks that they are the only ones that can discover things and other people cannot. Obviously, all that power went to their heads. He thinks the beliefs are stupid. Equaility is ready to move on in his life. Not to follow the rules and say I dont care anymore.(54) The beliefs of the council is obviously stupid also. The way they do things is to keep their power for sure. The way Equality is how humans should see it. The fair way of life and do what you please and want. I doubt anyone would live in a society like that. I believe everyone to try and escape or go insane. No regular person could live with those restrictions.

    1. I agree with your answer to the prompt, but if the council had agreed to the electricity then it would increase the joy of the people making the leaders lose their grip of the people that they cintrol with fear, and it might change the vision if the people to think that if one person could create something as signifigant as electricity then maybe it isn't best for us to all be the same.

  14. In the third chapter Equality discovers a new power of nature that he didn't know existed before. This discovery is very important because it could help all the citizens learn about things, and why they happen. The power he discovered is probably something the Council is trying to hide from everyone so that they can not use it. The new power could help the society by providing electricity, power to have heat and air, or to just learn. It could help then with cooking and cleaning, and would make everyones lives much better and eaiser.

    honors: The council believes that everyone knows all of the things that exist. All men know everything. If there is something that is unknown then it must mean it doen't exist. Equality tinks that the council is blind, and the secrets of the earth are not for sll mean to know. My thoughts on this are that Equality is correct. Some people know more than others and it's meant to be that way. If everyone were to know only what they were told, things like the periodic table, and how to make chocolate chip cookies would not exist. Things are meant to be discovered overtime, and in society today i think this probably happens. For the most part people are encouraged to do and disscover new things.

    1. I agree on the fact of how important this new power is on making life better.

  15. In chapter 3, Equality has discovered electricity. This discovery is very important to the society, and can benefit it in many ways. The society could use electricity to light up their buildings and even make food. Also, they could use the electricity for transportation throughout the community. Lastly the society could use electricity to heat themselves. In my opinion, the discovery of electricity was a magnificent find.

    The council believes that no one should be selfish or different. They have been teaching people their whole lives that they don't matter because they're different. Also they cannot use singular words to describe themselves such as "I". Equality thinks that the council is keeping many secrets from the society, but he doesn't know what. This kind of in a way represents our U.S. government in today's society.

    1. I like the way you compare the U.S. government to theirs. I had never thought about any relation.

    2. I agree with what you think about how the U.S. government is represting society today. This is the first time I have ever thought of that before.

    3. I agree on how you compare our U.S. government to theirs.

  16. In the tunnel Equality discovers something he didn’t even know existed, electricity. With electricity the society could advance and become more civilized, the council wouldn’t allow it though. Cooking, cleaning, and, seeing in the dark would be an easier task with the power of electricity. The people could watch TV and instead of using candles the people could ude light bulbs. With electricity they could also have heat.
    Honors: The Council believes that if something is not known by all men then it does not exist. (Page 52) They don’t want anything new to be discovered and for every known piece of information to stay that way. Equality obviously doesn’t agree with the council because he wants to discover new things and he has. I think it’s ignorant and stupid of the council to deprive the people of new knowledge. Nothing new will ever be learned and society will stay the same forever. There are no beliefs like this that I know of in today’s society except for maybe extreme religious groups.

  17. In the recent chapter, Equality discovers electricity. If the scholars would've accepted this discovery, the changes in the society would've been dramatic. They could use the electricity for things like lightbulbs and other electronics. Although the invention is a very signifigant discovery, the scholars reject the discovery. The reason is that Equality discovered electricity by himself and this would set an example that they could accomplish things without the help of other people.
    Honors: Because of the council, electricity is rejected. The council's decision to reject the discover proves their sturboness and their unwillingness to change. The council does not appreciate things that are undiscovered and shuns those who don't obey. The council simply creates rules that all must abide by as to limit the potential and to not make any discoveries that could threaten their way of life. There are few people in todays society who think like this and most are not commonly known other than a few extremist religion groups.

  18. In this chapter, Equality 7-2521 discovers electricity. Electricity can be used in multiple ways, from light bulbs instead of a natural light source, to ovens instead of fires. I feel that the Council would be more worthy of this finding if they were fully aware of the advantages that electricity would provide them with. Electricity would have also gave the workers longer work hours, they wouldn't have to stop working when the sun went down. The discovery of electricity can be very important and beneficial to society, but, the Council disapproves the use of it.

    The Council is under the impression that they know about everything that there is to know, and the society does not need to be changed. Equality 7-2521's findings mean nothing to them. They believe that no street sweeper could ever be of an equal or higher intelligence level than them. The Council of Scholars believe that everything that is unknown, does not exist. The Council is stubborn, and most likely will not ever accept information or discoveries made from anyone outside of the Council. In today's society, I believe there there are still few unfair and wrong things that occur, but in today's times, things are definitely not like the times that Equality 7-2521 is living in.

    1. I like how clear you make it that the counsil doesn't want to learn anything that is unknown

    2. I also think that it would benefit their society in giving them more work hours.

    3. I like how you clearly state that the council thinks it doesn't need to be changed.

  19. Equality7-2521 finds a new power that is unbeleviable. They think this discovery can change the world. This power is eletricity and he has found a way to demonstrate it. This can be a big acheviement that will make it is to have light. they won't have to use candles or mess with fire that can burn out. this will give workers longer hours to work. the only problem is that the council is horrorized by this and don't want it.
    honors: The council limit what everyone can do. They are clueless about some things about the world and they make it impossible to learn these unknowns. Society is suck in pause because of the council. Equality 7-2521 is ready for change and he knows it as to happen.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree that the Council is clueless and needs to open their eyes to the new things in life.

  20. This chapter highlights Equality's discovery of electricity (p.52-53). Because electricity is one of the staples of modern society, this discovery is an important one indeed. If Equality unlocks more secrets, over time he could craft lightbulbs to brighten houses' rooms, electric ovens to heat and cook food with ease. He could organize wires, threading them through a house with generators to keep it warm even in winter, and devise a source of power for whatever he desired. Electricity is essential to our society and strongly advances his.

    Honours: The Council rests on collectivism, making all the people sheep to strict doctrine and obedience. It is easy to tell Equality dislikes this idea and would prefer being his own person, though he worries about its sinfulness. I think such an ideology would, indeed, lead to the dystopia visible in Anthem. Somewhere in the world someone believes collectivism is key to a healthy society, almost for sure; there may be governments built around it, though probably not to the extent seen in Anthem. Collectivism's ideals exist here, but not in too much prevalence.

  21. Equality discovered electricity in this chapter. It would make life incredibly easier by allowing the society to have lights instead of candles. It would also be a different and easier way to cook their meals quicker. It would also eventually lead to discoveries like ways of communication through electricity. He could also use it to make an easier way to clean streets in his society. It would also lead to discoveries of video entertainment and games.

    Honors) He says the Scholars say they know everything about everything. Equality believes the Scholars are wrong. He thinks you have to look for things to understand them. I personally believe the Scholars are wrong in what they believe and should think about other things in the world. I think these beliefs do exist in our society today.

  22. Equality's great discovery is electricity. Though he may not know what to do with it yet in time he will discover it has many adavntages. He could use it to heat or cool buildings and as a lighting source. Electricity can also be used for communication and will make their lives easier if the Council will allow the usage of it.
    Honors: The Council believes everything they need to live has already been discovered and they don't need something like electricity. If they would open their eyes more they could possibly realize their lives could benefit from this discovery. People today don't usually believe the same things as the Council. The more discoveries we get that will benefit our lives the better off we think we will be. In my opinion I do not understand why the Council believes that and I am glad things have changed since then.

  23. Equality made an astounding discovery of electricity. This is an extremely important discovery because it would improve their everyday lives and could help Equality move to the House of Scholars. Electricity would allow them to have more advanced technologies to help them get their work finished faster, which would please the Council. Since the citizens would comlete their work sooner, electricity would help them pass time while they wait to start more work the next day. This would create more positive attitudes from the citizens. Electricity would also make it easier for the Council to know what is going on in the world around them instead of being clueless all the time.
    Honors: The Council believes that no one should be able to learn or obtain knowledge on any other subject than what they allow to be taught in the Home of the Students. Equality 7-2521 disagrees completely on this mindset. He believes that knowledge beyond the Council's should not be reprimanded, but instead encouraged. I must agree with Equality about this, because I love being encourged to learn as much as I can and reach my full potential. In today's society, people are inspired by others to create new inventions and try to make new discoveries.

    1. I agree with you that I would not be able to live in this socoety because I try to reach my full potential in all that I do.

  24. In this chapter, Equality discovers electricity. The discovery of electricity is very important because it helps Equality discover that the Council of Scholars is blind.(page 52) Electricity would make the society better because they wouldn't have to worry about their candles being blown out by the wind, and they wouldn't have to worry about other things catching on fire if they dropped their candle. Also, life would be more enjoyable because they would have brighter lights at night with electrical power than they would with a candle. The scholars at the Home of the Scholars would be able to perform new experiments with electricity. The society would also be able to have household appliances such as stoves, dishwashers, and refrigerators.

    1. I agree that electricity would benefit society in all of the ways that you named. I do not see why electricity would be a problem for the people to have because it could only make them like the government more for giving them such a gift.

  25. 1. Equality 7-2521 made a discovery that will be of tremendous help in the society. It could be used to provide light and heat. Right now all they have to supply those needs is fire. Electricity can be used for communication and transportation purposes. It can help them with their jobs to be better at them. This discovery will help the society in numerous ways, but it will also be a sin. Finding out more information and learning more about the past is a sin, but will they override the sin, for the use of something to make a society come closer together?
    Honors: The Council of Scholars’ are very stubborn and are not open for change. They have their belief and way of doing things and do not want an outside opinion. The few discoveries that they have found are believed to be all the discoveries of the world. Even though this is not true, and Equality 7-2521 knows that, they do not care. It is a sin to find more information out and they are brainwashing everyone in the society to believe the same thing. Our world today is nothing like this. Everyone is very outspoken about their beliefs and have opinions on everything. If someone tried to force this on society today it would never work because everyone would protest. The world in the book and real life today are very different.

  26. Honors:
    The Council believes that people should be content with what job they have, and that no one should prefer someone over another.(pages 24 and 30) They believe all men must be alike and that there are no individual men, only the great WE.(page 19) The Council also believes that men and women should be separate until the Time of Mating.(page 41) Equality does not abide by these rules, so I think that he does not agree with the Council's beliefs. I personally believe that these beliefs are ridiculous, and that these beliefs will slow down a society or country's progress, and that these beliefs take away a person's freedom to choose. China believes that there are no individual men, and some of these beliefs could seep into other nations as well in the near future.

  27. The unknown power of nature that Equality has discovered is electricty. Life in the society would be much easier if they had this. All they have now is candels for light and they are unreliable. The thought of electricty would mean new inventions that they haven't even heard or seen of. Electricty could also mean the idea of transportation. However, having electricty would make the people of the society overjoyed which is looked down upon by the concil. Even if he could harness its power, theres still a chance that his discovery will be destroyed.

    On page 52, it says,"The Council of Scholars has said that we know all the things which exsist and therefore the things which are not known by all do not exsist." Shortly, this means that we already know everything about everything and there is nothing else to discover. However on page 52, Equality says, "But we think that the Council of Scholars is blind." Obviously Equality thinks that there is more to learn and he will pay what ever price to learn it. No they could not exsist today because everyday more people are learning new things that we didn't know yestarday,

    1. I agree with what you said on the honors prompt. I'd like to add that not only do people learn something new everyday. But, people don't always do what they are told, they don't listen.

  28. Prompt #1: Equality has discovered a new power of nature, electricity. The discovery of electricity is able to improve society. They could star using household appliances such as a blender, a vacuum cleaner, or even a toaster. Also they could use electricity for light, such as light bulbs and candles that never go out. A major thing that electricity could help with is jobs. They can add more jobs to the society with electricity, like in the medical area. It could help with studies, using computers. Finally, making the society enjoyable, they could use a TV and also some game stations. Also, of course, they will need a device to communicate with, cell phones. Electricity could really improve society with standard living and religion, too.

    Honors: The Council of Scholars that they know all things that do exist. They believe that all things know are man made and not naturally. Well Equality believes they are wrong and blind. "The secrets of this earth are not for all men to see, but only for those who will seek them. We know, for we have found a secret unknown to all our brothers." This explains his disagreement to the Council of Scholars. Equality has proved them wrong, by discovering electricity.

  29. Equality has discovered electricity. It would them not having to use candles anymore."Then it would bring ruin to the Department of Candles.The candle is a great boon to mankind,as approved by all men. Therefore it cannot be destroyed by the whim of one"(page 73). They could use electricity as a main source in a room instead of candles. It could also be used for a dish washer, cooking purposes, vacuum cleaner, and household appliances. They don't want change and electricity can give them that. They would be able to watch TV and pop some popcorn in the microwave as well as other things. It would make life so much more easier.

    HONORS:The council of scholars think they know everything that could exist. "What is not thought by all men cannot be true" (page 73). They never expected for someone to go against the law."No crime has ever been committed"(page 72)They blinded everyone by telling them what they only wanted them to know. Equality proved to them that there is more out there.

  30. #1-Equality discovered electricity in this chapter. To discover something is wrong by the council because they wont allow it, but it could be of great use. It would benefit the society, and make life much easier. It would be less stress because they wouldnt have to use candles and wouldnt have to worry about fires or the candles being blown out by the wind. The electricity could be used for refrigerators, cooking use, and much more.
    Honors- Equality thinks that The Council of Scholars are blind. Equality disagrees with them 100%. He believes that you must seek something in order to discover it. The council thinks total opposite.

  31. Chapter 3
    1. In this chapter, Equality makes the discovery of electricity. When Equality first discovers it, they are selfish and do not want to share this discovery with their brothers; they believe that since they discovered it, only they should know of it. (pg. 52) Equality believes that knowledge is only for those who seek it out and are willing to dedicate themselves to its pursuit. (pg. 52) Equality’s belief on those who should be privileged with knowledge is suprising considering their discontentment that they are not allowed to be a Scholar; one would think that they would seek to change the restrictive world they live in so that others too may be have the knowledge of the world. The discovery of electricity is extremely important because the single discovery of electricity can branch out to wide array of discoveries for its different uses. Electricity could bring the society out of the somewhat primitive state in which it exists. Electrictiy could be used to heat water, light homes, power new discoveries, power possible new machines, and reduce impact the society’s impact on the earth’s timber.

    Honors: The council of Scholars believes that any knowledge not discovered by the council does not exist. (pg.52) The beliefs of the Council of Scholars is yet another way the society constricts creativity and innovation. Mankind believes that only those among the Council of Scholars are deemed capable of obtaining new knowledge, therefore they do not try to question and learn. Equality believes the Council of Scholars is blind because they do not believe others are capable of discovering new things. Personally I believe that this society is communistic in more ways that just its political structure. The basis of communism is that everyone gets equal amounts of things, and in this society the basis is that everyone and everything is equal. The corresponding characteristics between communism and the society in which Equality lives are almost impossible not see. Though communism still exists in the world today, it does not exist on the level of the society in The Anthem. In the world today, almost everyone strives to outdo each other. In order for a society like that described in the Anthem to exist in the world today, only the leaders and newborn children would be able to live; all others would have to die for they would remember the past and pass it on to the rest of the world.

    1. I agree that the council is trying to constrict creativity, and by doing so they limit the possibility for their own future. Like a Falmer.

  32. Equality has discovered electricity. This discovery is very important because it could benefit everyone in the society. They wouldn't have to burn a bunch of candles,they could see better at all times of the day. It could create different jobs, appliances, tools, utilities such as heat and air, and cooking.

    Honors : The council of scholars don't think it is a good idea because they didn't come up with it. Since they didn't come up with the idea they think that it is impossible for a street sweeper to know what he is talking about. Also all the brothers didn't agree upon the idea, so thats against everything. I think they should've at least given Equality a chance because they saw for their own eyes that there is such a thing called electricity. In our society today, there is always someone against something, so no it could not exists.

  33. Equality has discovered electricity. Although he will not reveal his discovery out of fear, it could greatly benefit their society. Lightbulbs could provide a much more dependable source of light than candles. Also, cooking could improve greatly with the invention of ovens or stoves. It is even possible that the civilization could discover different ways of transportation from electricity. In a society that supports ideas, unlike this one, this discovery could be groundbreaking.

    Honors: Equality does not see eye to eye with the Council of Scholars (p 52). The Council wants to be the most intellegent in society, which means that it is a sin to think outside of their rules. Any knowledge that they do not know of does not exist. However, Equality believes in seeking new information and making discoveries. If he can keep his discoveries a secret, the Council would never dream of suspecting that anyone would think outside of the box.

  34. In this chapter Equality discovers electricity. Electricity is an invention that drasticaly altered our world, and it could do the same for Equality's society. Electricity could help transportation and security levels increase. This discovery could also bring about new technologies such as light, refrigerators, television, along with countless other items. Electricity could assist in the cleaning of streets by making machines for that so the people could be used in a more needed area.

    The council does not want to evolve as much as we do in our own world. What ever they don't want to happen, they just make laws to prevent it. (p.53) Their ignorance will be their undoing and it will also prevent them from becoming a more advanced society. Equality does not like their stubborness and he feels that he should not show his invention to his regular council. He hopes that someone else will understand the greatness of his invention, but I think that there is too much stubborness in the society to let electricy become a benefit.

  35. While in his secret tunnel Equality makes a important discovery. He discovers electricity and light. This discovery could improve the productivity of the scholars, they would be able to still work even after the sun has went down. There are many other ways that his discovery could be used other than light. They could use electricity to generate heat in the winter. They could recreate the telegraph. Another way the citizens could utilize electricity, would be to make a printing systems so that document could be copied easier and faster.

    The council believes that the soul purpose of it's citizens work is to benefit the whole and not just a single person. Equality believes that people should chose what they want to do. I believe in the councils idea of everyone working, but that's the only thing that the council is doing right. I believe that the councils beliefs really stunt the creativity and innovation of it's people.
    In to today's world I don't think there is any society that as a system like this, the closest one to it though would be China.

  36. In this chapter, Equality discovered the great power of electricity. By doing so, he believes that he has discovered the greatest thing known to man. Although it very well could be the largest turning point of his society, he can’t share it with his fellow men. By discovering electricity alone, Equality has broken the most important rule of his society, which is to never do something unless it can be done as a society. He is afraid to show it to the council, because Equality discovered it alone. Electricity could be used as a light source, a way to travel faster, a way to prepare meals more efficiently, and a way to reduce pollution. It could also be used to create a television, so that Equality can play Skyrim.

    Honors- I think that the council is what limits this civilization to being as primitive as it is. If they were more open-minded, there civilization could possibly have been more advanced than the one from the Unmentionable Times. Since the council doesn’t really understand much of anything, they just create new rules that pretty much say that air is air, and that’s the extent of their knowledge. Many people around the world believe things like this, because they are ruled by a totalitarian government. Equality is bothered by the fact that he is the only one who discovered something, because growing up, he was taught that new discoveries and being an individual were horrible, atrocious sins.

  37. Equality discovers electricity in this chapter. Because the council scholars are known to posses knowledge of everything he thinks that he has something special. He believes that he is the only man to have ever found electricity. Him finding electricity is big, it creates extra jobs and many helpful things. He explores with it throughout the tunnel and he looks for new technology.
    Honors: The council feels like they know everything and nobody knows more than them. They wouldn't like a street sweeper discovering such a great thing such as electricity. They don't want anyone to be better than them in any way.

  38. In this chapter Equality discovers electricity. This would really make living in the society a lot easier to live. They could use the electricity to make light instead of using candle light. They could also use it to microwaves.another way the could use electricity is to make a weapon to take over the council and live a free life.
    Honors: The council believes that if you don't know something then it does not exist.Equality thinks that they are blind. I also think that the council is only trying to hide everything from the people. I think that today some people don't like to think beyond the lines and they are also blind

  39. In Chapter 3, Equality discovers electricity while cutting open a frog. If Equality presents his finding to the council and they except, this could easily change their strange society. It will make life more livable and less strict for the societies patrons. I believe the two main purposes of electricity are, provide light and provide comfortable temperatures for indoors. This huge discovery could easily make this society a better one.

    Honors: The Council likes for everyone to be on the same page. By this I mean everyone should know about everything that exists. Equality is alone in his discovery of electricity, which will desperately help the tattered society. Equality is bothered on being the only one who knows this and is probably disturbed that no one else knows either. Therefore, the Council and their strange idea wouldn't exist in today's time. Obviously there are smart people like Equality. There are also stupid people like the Council Members.

  40. Equality discovers electricity in this chapter. When Equality put copper and zinc into a jar of brine, they touched a copper wire to it and recreated the light bulb. When Equality created the light bulb it gave a new meaning to the picture on the book, the light bulb itself represented hope for a better life. The discovery is very important in leading the society to the future. The electricity can be used to supply constant and less dangerous light, heat, communication, and science.
    The council believes that "The things that which are not known by all do not exist."(pg.52) Equality says that "The Council of Scholar’s is blind."(pg52) Equality says "We know, for we have found a secret unknown to all our brothers."(pg.52) The thought of that kind of society would have been un enjoyable. That kind of society would not exist in today's time.

  41. In this chapter Equality discovers electricity. They could use this for entertainment for example a TV and video games. They could use it as a heat source for all the housing departments. They could use it to build machines and help with farming. They could also use it as a light source for the streets, the houses, and the theater.

  42. In this chapter Equality discovers what is known as electricity. This is probably one of the more important things that have been discovered in their society. Electricity could be used for many things one being brighter and better light. Also for entertainment purposes, for example television. They could also use it for heat and air conditioning. I figure it could also be used to make and build things to make the society grow bigger, better, and stronger.

    I believe the council is to up tight. There so strict their society can't evolve or go anyway from where there at. And since they don't really have answers for most things when they make a law its just that way. They don't need to give the society and answer. There anything and everything, and whatever they say goes. I also don't believe there is many if any people like this still out there today. I believe people are more open minded now a days then in their society.

  43. Equality discovers what we call electricity in this chapter. Electricity is one of the most used things in the world. We use it to turn on lights, cook, watch television, make things run such as fans, clocks, washers and dryers, almost everything. The council dosen't realize what a great discovery Equality has made. However, if a member of Council had discovered it, electricity would be the greatest discovery made. If we didn't have electricity our lives would most definately be alot harder, and less enjoyable. We would have no source of light during the night time hours, and no source of home entertainment. If Council would use his discovery, their society could elvove an enourmous amount.
    Council believes nobody should be smarter than them. If Council dosn't know about it, than no one else should. They have to be superior to everybody else. Equality strongly disagrees. He thinks that the Council has it all wrong. He believes that everyone should have a mind of their own. If the goverment tried to enforce this kind of society today, it would fall through. The people out weigh the goverment, and a giant rebellion would occur. People like having their own minds and if someone were to take that away from them, they would try their hardest to get it back.

  44. In this chapter Equality 7-2521 discovers electricity. The discovery of electricity is huge and could widely benefit the society. Electricity could be used for a huge number of things like to produce light, it could be used as a heat source, it could be used for telephones, and as a radio. These simple things make my life more enjoyable so wouldn’t they do the same for this society? I think that this society would benefit from the discovery of electricity even though it is considered a sin to discover anything new.

    In my opinion the Council of Scholars belief’s get in the way of learning newfound knowledge. The Council is unable to learn things not taught to their other brothers. It is considered evil to have more knowledge than your brothers. (p.21) So the Council believes that if only you know something then it doesn’t exist, because for something to exist all society has to know. In todays diverse society there are people who know much more than others so the belief of the council would not be able to stand in our modern society. (p.52)

  45. Today society is a very knowledgeable society where we learn new hings everyday. Yet the society in "The Anthem" is quite the opposite. The Council believes that it is only true if everyone knows of it, or was taught it. No one brother is smarter than the other. Any knowledge that is only discovered by one man is truly indiscoverable or does not exist. This is the opposite of today's society because man is discovering new things everyday.
