Monday, November 28, 2011

Chapter Six

Respond to 2 of the three questions below.
1- Up until now, Equality has been sneaking in and out of his hidden place to work on his invention. One night he is caught sneaking back in to his “home.” What is his punishment?

2- How did Equality become free from the Palace of Corrective Detention?

3- The old locks and lack of guards in the Palace of Corrective Detention indicate that prisoners have never tried to escape. According to the text, why not?

Honors' Discussion Prompt
Discuss the pro's and con's of the Palace of Corrective Detention. Would such a design work in the modern day? Explain your answer taking into considering both sides of the issue.


  1. 1)Equality's punishment is to be sent to the Palace of Detention. When he gets to the Palace of Detention Equality is lashed until he tells where he had been. They(the judges) keep lashing him until he says "light". They hold him in a cell for days and days only giving him food and water per day. That is the extreme punishment Equality is given for this little crime.
    3)Prisoners have never tried to escape because they don't defy that laws that much. Most of the prisoners that go to the Palace of Correction probaly only do little thing to be placed their. The Palace of Correction doesn't need guards because the people in that society don't pick lots of fights with one another. The prisoners probaly confess their crime in the first day of being at the Palace of Correction. Which is why the probaly don't need guards or new locks.
    Honors:A pro to the Palace of Correction would be that they are feed everyday. A con would be that they are whipped until the talk or pass out. Another con is that they have no gurads and they have old locks. This would not work in our society becuase people in our society would break out a rain havok on the town or city near by. The Palace of Correction is a place that only works in that fictional world.

    1. I agree that Equality's punishment was extreme.

    2. I agree that the locks would be a major problem in our society today.

    3. I like your outlook on why they don't need guards in the Palace of Corrective Detention.

    4. Sentence two on number one could have been worded better. It sounds like Equality tells where he had been, but he actually doesn't in the book.

    5. I disagree with you< I think that a place like the Palace of Correctional Detention would benefit our society.

  2. 1) When Equality finally gets caught for sneaking out, his punishment is to be sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention. In the Palace, Equality is lashed until he tells them where he has been. While he was being lashed, two judges stood in the corner of the room. The two judges repeatedly asked Equality where he had been. Before he blacked out, Equality managed to say 'the light', which made them suddenly stop. When he wakes up, he is in a room and they ask him if he is ready to tell them. Equality then says no and is left alone in the cell for several days. (pages 64-66)

    2) Equality escaped from the Palace of Corrective Detention quite easily. There are no guards and the locks were very old which made them easy to break. They have no guards and old locks because no one has ever tried to escape. Other people are not likely to escape because they are afraid they would get caught and then have to suffer through more punishment. However, Equality did this with ease and was on his way out the door in no time. (pages 66 and 67)

    There are many pros and cons to the Palace of Corrective Detention. The pros are no one will try to escape or break any of the laws again. They would be too afraid to suffer the consequences again. Some cons are it might make the people rebel more because of the harsh punishments, and the locks are old and there are no guards. This might work in today's society because it may teach criminals not to do it again. However, it may be taken the other way and be seen as torture.

    1. I agree with your opinion that says that the place could be viewed as a place of torture.

    2. I agree with your answer to the honors question. The way that you described the effects of a place like the Palace of Corrective Detention in modern society is very true.

    3. I agree with this. I also think that it might even be accepted in countries with a dictator even in today's society.

    4. I completely agree that the Corrective Detention Center is a place to punish and torture the people who done wrong.

    5. I disagree that it would work in today's society, I think that most prisoners would manage to escape.

  3. 1. Equality is sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention in this chapter(p.64). He is interrogated and is being lashed, for he did not respond to the elders when they asked him where he had been(p.64). After being beaten to the state of insanity, he was forced into a jail cell(p.66). While stuck in the cell, many judges asked him questions to resolve the problem(p.66). Luckily, Equality escaped from the jail(p.67).
    3. Honestly, I have no idea why prisoners haven't tried to escape. The level of security would make it very easy to leave. According to the text, men never want to defy the council, so they never leave(p.67). Equality's independence made it simple for him to leave the Palace of Corrective Detention(p.67). The way to escape was probably all based on Eqaulity's common knowledge.
    Honors: The Palace of Corrective Detention is basically useless. Sure many convicts are beaten and harmed, but there are noe forms of security(p.67). The obedient victims would be the only people who stay there. Eqaulity left with extreme ease, so it must not be that difficult(p.67). That design would never work in today's society, for the world is to corrupt.

    1. I totally agree with you on question 3 about prisoners not escaping because if your a prisoner and your scared and you know you could break free, you would break free and run.

    2. I agree with your honors response. It would not work in today's society.

    3. I agree that the Palace of Corrective Detention is a useless place.

    4. I agree that Equality escaped easily because he has more common knowledge.

    5. I agree with bfost, the Palace is useless. If you can escape with little effort, what's the point?

    6. I agree with your honors response.

    7. I definitely agree that the Palace is useless. While most people don't try to escape, those who do can easliy cause a lot of trouble for the council and the government.

    8. I disagree I think that the Palace would keep people from breaking the law.

    9. I agree that the Palace is virtually useless

    10. I agree that the palace would be useless in some situations, but think it could help our society in some ways.

    11. I agree with you about the uselessness of the Palace of Corrective Detention.

  4. #1) When Equality would not tell the council of his home where he had been, they sent him to the palace of corrective detention. (Pg. 64) The judges in the Palace of Corrective Detention whipped him. He was then put in a cell and left there. Every day judges would come and ask him if he was ready to speak. When he shook his head no they left him. He stayed there until he escaped to show his discovery to the scholars.
    #3) The Palace of Corrective Detention was able to have old rusty locks and guards because no one ever tried to escape. The people had never tried to defy the council before. (Pg.67) They really had to no reason to either because they had never known any different than doing the will of the council. For this reason there would be no need to replace the old locks. Or even have guards for that matter.
    Honors: The Palace of Corrective Detention has no guards which would mean it would cost less to uphold. They also can beat the prisoners and there are judges on hand. However, in today’s society such an institution would never work. The Prisoners would have no problem with defying the government and escaping. It is also not right to use corporal punishment.

    1. I agree that the reason no one tried to break out of the Palace of Corrective Detention is because they knew only how to be obedient.

    2. I agree that the Palace of Corrective Detention would not be suitable for today's society.

    3. I would have to disagree that the Palace would be suitable in today society, unless the person had done something extremely wrong.

    4. I agree that they haven't tried to escape for fear of the council.

    5. I like the way you described his punishment in number 1.

  5. 1. on the night equality is caught, he is taken to the Council. They ask him where he had been, and he refused to tell them. The Council ordered him to be taken to the Palace of Corrective Detention. When Equality got there they were taken down to a stone room where their clothes were ripped off. Equality was lashed with a whip, and every so often they would stop and ask if they were ready to tell. Equality would say no and then he was lashed more. Equality stayed at the palace for many days, and then finally they decide to escape. Doing this was not hard because the locks were very old and there were no guard.

    2. Equality decided to escape from the Palace of Corrective Detention the night the World Council was coming. All Equality had to do was knock down the and run. This was easy because all of the locks were very old. Also, there were no gaurds to stop him because no one had ever tries to escape from the Palace of Corrective Detention. After Equality escaped, he ran to his tunnel and light.

    honors: The pros and cons of the Palace of Corrective Detention are very clear. The pros are that it gives a place for the bad to go and think about what they have done, and it's isolated from everything. the cons are that people are sent there for harmless reasons, and they lash you until you tell them what they want. In modern culture today, this might work in some places of the world, in others it would be considered a crime itself. Also in different situations it woulld be accepted. For example, if someone is caught stealing and they do not want to tell why, doing this would be uncalled for. That is in the U.S. anyway. If you were in a foreign counrty with a dictator, this would probably be something that dictator would do.

    1. I like your description of the Palace of Corrective Detintion on number 1.

    2. I like your response to the honors prompt, and that you related it to stealing in the U.S.

    3. I like your description of Equality's journey through the Palace of Corrective Detention.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. #1: In this chapter Equality makes the mistake of getting caught sneaking in his home(p. 63). He has been alone as an individual and the laws say he must be punished for this. Equality is taken to the Palace of Corrective Detention (p. 64) . Here, Equality was lashed and questioned(p. 64-66). He was punished much like the slaves in America were punished when they did a thing like this. When Equality did not tell The Judges where he had gone he was beaten into unconsciousness (p. 66). The method of torture used did not work on Equality. He still holds his secret.

    1. I like how you compared Equality's punishment to that of an American slave.

    2. The way you descrided the punishments the Council gives its citizens as American slaves is a very unique comparison. I never would have thought of that.

  8. #2: It was easy for Equality to break from the Palace of Corrective Detention. The night before the council of Scholars was to meet he escaped(p. 66). He had recovered from his injuries and had been observant for much of his stay (p. 66). Equality first rammed the door, breaking the old lock and getting out of his chamber (p. 67). After he did this, he simply went through the passageways and out into the streets (p. 67). He then went safely to his tunnel (p. 67). Equality was not stopped for there were never guards posted (p.67).

  9. Honors: The Palace of Corrective Detention is not a good system. A pro for this kind of punishment in this society would be less time wasted in court. It is also intimidating to the people when they know such a thing goes on. The Palace of Corrective Detention is inhumane and would be ineffective in today's society. The torture technique they use to draw the truth from the criminals is obviously not always effective. Equality was not broken so others could hold their own too (p. 67). The lashing that is described reminds me of the stories of when masters would beat their slaves here in America. The author may be suggesting that the Council thinks that they have a right to be so mean because they think they own the people. After the beating the criminals are put in a secluded room. This is to torture them even further and breakdown their mental stability. It must be effective in this society because the people are brainwashed into believing they are not independent. In modern times with the laws and moral values that make up the world, building a way of punishment like the Palace of Corrective Detention would be practicly impossible. Of course better locks should be put in and guards should be posted for the method to work.

    1. I agree that the palace of corrective detentin is not a good system.

  10. 1) Equality is punished severely. He is lashed by two men in hoods until he tells where he has been. Equality fights the punishment for a long time until they increase the punishment. They eventually start hitting him in the face continuously asking where he has been. Equality never tells them where he has been and is put in the Palace of Corrective Detention.

    2) Equality escapes from the Palace of Corrective Detention. He says the locks were old and were easy to break. There were no guards at this facility so it was easy to leave. He pushed against the door which eventually gave way to the outside. By doing this Equality defies the council by an even greater amount.

    Honors) There are some pros and some cons to the Palace of Corrective Detention. A pro is that it makes a person think about his actions and what he did to get in this predicament. A con is that it is easy to escape from and it seems like they don't get a lot of information from their methods. I believe this is a bad way to get information from people. If you beat someone senseless they can't talk regardless of what you do.

    1. I really like all of your responses to the questions. Your answers were executed very well. It was easy to understand and covered all the different aspects. Especially your detail of the Palace of Corrective Detintion and what happened in there.

    2. I concur with ckoerner. Your descriptions were well executed.

    3. I think you had a well weighted list of pros and cons on your honors response.

  11. 2. Equality 7-2521 escaped the day before the world council of scholars was to meet. It was very easy for Equality 7-2521 to escape. The locks were very old and there are no guards around (Pg.66). All he had to do was kick the door in. No one was on the streets since it was night. It was an easy escape.

    3. The security in the Palace of Corrective Detintion was very low because know one has ever tried to escape. No one has ever deified the council that much (Pg.67). When people get in trouble they stop and obey for they are scared. Equality 7-2521 has nothing to lose and needs to get to the scholars meeting. He is the only one to escape.

    Honors: There are many pros and cons to the Palace of Corrective Detintion. The Palace of Corrective Detintion keeps the people in line with forms of torture. People stay in line because they are afraid of the Palace of Corrective Detintion. However it is very easy to escape from the Palace of Corrective Detintion. The Palace uses torture which I think is very wrong. Over all the palace keeps the people in line although they use nasty techniques.

    1. I agree with your answer to the Honors prompt and how it would be used in today's society.

    2. I agree with your honors prompt. The palace of corrective detention would not work in todays society. The people are not scared of the punishments that they get like the council gives.

    3. I think you explain how the Palace of Corrective Detention is spot on. I agree with it completely.

    4. I agree with your honors response, but you don't say if the system would work today.

  12. 1- One night, Equality lost track of time. He forgot to check the sand so he went back to the home. Equality knew if he didn't go back he would be found, and his light would be found with him. He went back to the house and when he was asked where he'd been he wouldn't say, so he was sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention. At the Palace of Corrective Detention he was held in a room with no windows, and was beat. He awoke and realized he couldn't feel his body, but he was still satisfied because he did not tell them about his invention.
    2- One day at the Palace of Corrective Detention, Equality decided he had to leave. The Council of Scholars were coming to the city the next day, and he had to show them his invention. He didn't know if the council would understand, but he had to try. He knew that it would be easy for him to get out of the detention. The locks were old, and no one stood guard. No one stood guard because no one ever even thought about trying to escape.
    Honors: The Palace of a Corrective Detention was a place the whole society sent people that did not obey. The pros of the detention center was that the one who is disobeying is not with the others teaching them the same bad examples. Also, the center was a way of finding information when you needed to know. Although there were pros, this center injured human beings. This center would never excel in our society because people are being harmed.

    1. I like how you told the events that happened to Equality and how you made it seem as though he was contempt with anything so long as he had the light.

    2. The way you put he was satisfied that the judges couldn't get an answer out of him is so right. I never thought of it that way that he knew he was getting what he wanted in an awkward kind of situatuion.

  13. 2. Equality 7-2521 simply ran away. It wouldn’t have been very difficult for him. The readers already know that he is strong (pg. 61) and with old locks it wouldn’t be hard to break down a door (pg. 66). It would also have been easy to escape from a place without any guards (pg. 67). Readers can also infer that the society doesn’t have many guards around the city because Equality is very easily able to escape to his tunnel and that it remains untouched (pg. 67). This also shows another example of how smart and free thinking Equality 7-2521 is because of his intuition to be able to find a way to escape from the Palace of Corrective Detention which is something none of his brothers would ever think to do.

    3. The main reason people would never try to escape the Palace of Corrective Detention is because of fear. The people of this society are too terrified of their government, aka: the Council, to ever do anything against the direct orders or placement that they were given by their fellow brothers. People within Equality 7-2521’s society only do what their brothers tell them to do or go where their brothers tell them to go, especially if it is something that will help the great We. If they were told that they were to go to the Palace of Corrective Detention and it would where they were needed then whoever was sent there would stay where they were told. The people would never jeopardize the lives of their brothers for their own selfish needs, except for Equality 7-2521 who was still trying to help his brothers and pursue his own knowledge. They would also have been too terrified of a punishment for disobeying the Council.

    Honors: The Palace of Corrective Detention is a very dark place that would not work in modern society. First would be that there are no locks or guards. People could just escape whenever they wanted to. Another con is their means of gathering knowledge or confessions from the prisoners. Guards or judges will whip the prisoners until they confess to their sins or fall into unconsciousness. A good thing however would be that the people are usually left alone after the first day of being punished. The prisoners are also fed at least once a day.

    1. I with your response for number three because they were scaredof the council so they stayed.

    2. I agree with what you spoke about in #2. The Council has feared the people with the guilt of helping all, and working for "we", not "I".

  14. 1. Equality has been sneaking off to go to his secret tunnel. One night, he is caught trying to return back to his home quickly. He refuses to tell any authority where he goes when he sneaks off, so the guards take him to the Palace of Corrective Detention. Equality is then beaten in the attempt to get him to confess. As Equality continues to remain quiet, the abuse gets more intense.
    2. Equality escapes from the Palace of Corrective Detention without any problems. The doors are very old and weak, so it took little force to knock it down. (pg.67) Equality then simply walks down the halls and walks straight out of the facility. There are no guards at the Palace of Corrective Detention, so he was not stopped or questioned by anyone. The Council made it far too easy for delinquents to escape from their prison.
    Honors: The Palace of Corrective Detention has obviously existed for many years. One of the negative aspects of this is that criminals can escape with ease. However, the harsh punishments they distribute can very well make the person who disobeyed the Council understand that all choices have consequences and they will learn from their mistake. After considering both sides of this issue, I do not think this kind of design would work in today's society. Modern day criminals do not seem to care whether you torture them or not, they would do anything to escape from prison. Hence, I believe we would need a much stronger design to keep any delinquent from escaping.

  15. 1. When Equality wouldn’t tell the council where he had been he was sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention. He is lashed and beaten until he reveals where he had been. Before Equality passes out he says, “the light.” He is put into a room and when asked again where he had been that night he wouldn’t tell the judges. He is left in the room for several days and eventually escapes the facility. (pg. 64-67)
    3. Although it would be very easy to escape, none of the prisoners have attempted to. Citizens are taught to not defy the council and to follow the rules, so that’s why they don’t try to escape. Equality is much different from his brothers and sisters, he is smarter and more of an individual than them. He also is a rule breaker, so I think that is why he escaped from the Palace of Corrective Detention so easily.
    Honors: The Palace of Corrective Detention has no guards and very old locks. This means that it would be easy to escape even though not many people in the society would. Prisoners can be harmed for information and held there for a long period of time. It is a good place for the rule breakers to go and think of what they’ve done but most of the time the people are sent for harmless reasons. The Palace of Corrective Detention would not work well in today’s society because people think and act much differently.

    1. I agree that that citizens don't try to escape because they wouldn't go against the council

  16. 1. Equality's punishment was to be sebt to the palace of corrective detention to be lashed until he would tell where he had been. Equality refused to tell the judge where he was so he was thrown into a jail cell. He remained there for the thirty days and nights, and everyday the judge would ask if he was ready to speak(66) but he refused. Then he finally decided to escape.

    2. Equality simply escaped the palace of corrective detention(66).The reason why it was so easy for him to escape was because there was no reason for there to be guards for people that have never really defied the council(67). Another reason why it was so easy for him to escape is because thelocks one the cells were week with age(66).

    Honors: I believe that some of the pros for the prisoners would be that it would be easy to escape if they felt like it since the building was old with no guards.use he is not for sure that the prisoner is guality or not. but the building in that time would not work in modren times because one the prisoners are more dangerous and be this is a fiction story.

  17. 1.Equality was caught leaving the City Theatre and visiting his tunnel. Equality snuck away from the Theatre like he normally does, but this time he forgot to watch the sand in his glass that tells him when to go back to the Theatre. Equality went to the theatre long after he was supposed to and found it empty. He then had a choice to make, either go back to the tunnel and hide until he is found with the light or go back to his Home of the Street Sweepers. He was caught by the Council of the Home and because he wouldn’t tell them where he was, they sent him to the Palace of Corrective Detention and to be lashed until they told where they were.
    2. Equality became free from the Palace of Corrective Detention by escaping. The locks are old and there are no guards about. (pg. 66) He knew that he had to escape because he had counted the days and knew that he had to escape so that he could show the council of scholars his light. Equality escaped the palace by simply lunging against the door. There was no need for there to be locks or guards because nobody dared to defy the councils so far as to escape. (pg. 66-67)
    Honors: A pro the Palace of Corrective Detention is that they are fed every day and are given opportunities to confess. A con is the lack of security. The locks are old and easily broken and there are no guards. Even though the council rules with fear and no person dares to leave the place the councils sentences them, the person could easily leave if they wanted to so this gives them somewhat of a choice. Because of this choice and the fact that they are getting treating differently than everyone else that has not been sentenced to the Palace of Corrective Detention gives them a little bit of individuality and leads people to question the council.

  18. 1. Equality was caught one night as he was sneaking back from his secret tunnel. His punishment was to be sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention (pg.64). While there Equality is questioned about where he was and since he does not answer he is lashed by two judges repeatedly (pg.64-66). But Eqality never answers so the judges keep him there and lash him everyday, till one day they hope he'll tell them.

    2. Eventually, Equality decides that it is time for him to break out of the Palace of Corrective Detention. It is relatively easy for him to do so becasue the locks are old and there are never guards walking around to block the doors (pg.66). When it's time for the big Council meeting the next day Eqauliy push's on the door and it opens easily so he can take his light to the council. It's so easy to escape from this place because no other people are brave enough to defy the Council's laws and escape (pg.66-67).

    Honors: The Palace of Corrective Detention is a place where the bad people go to think about what they have done. The pros to having something like this is the convict is given food to eat and they have time to figure out what they did wrong. A con would be that the place is far to easy to break out of and that it is wrong to hit the people as much as they do. I dont think that a place like this could ever work in modern times because the people that go there are often times not even guilty of what they supposedly commited. The U.S should never get a Palace of Corrective Detention.

    1. I really liked how you did your honor prompt. I agree with everything you said, especially that this wouln't work in our modern times.

    2. I agree that this system of beating them would not work in the United States of America.

  19. 1. When Equality is caught away from his designated area, he is sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention. He is lashed there. However, he refuses to say anything. After the lashings, he is locked in a cell for days. He still refuses to say anything the whole time.

    2. Equality is able to escape from the Plasma of Corrective Detention quite easily. There are no locks on the doors or guards. This is because "men had never defied the Councils" (page 67). Therefore, all he had to do was use some force to escape. There wasn't really anything stopping him from doing so.

    One of the pros of the the Palace is that the prisoners are fed adequately. However, they are questioned with methods that most people would consider torture. Because of this, the Palace would not work in today's society. People usually consider torture to be wrong, so they would be against such a place. It simply wouldn't be accepted.

  20. 1. Equality had a horrible punishment. He was put into the Palace of Corrective Detention. He was lashed and everything, just to make him talk. Thanks to his morals though he refused, against all the pressure he was put under, but the reason he was put under all of this was because he wanted to keep his secret. So that is what gives him all my respect, is he stood up for what he believes in.

    3. I believe the reason that the locks were like that is because people in their society rarely broke the laws. I mean it was one thing to do something a little bad but what he did there was considered just outrageous. He went against a big rule, but at least he knew he was doing it for the greater good of all things. Also, many others wouldn't think to defy the councils rules but Equality being the person he is, knew he had to do something. So he broke out and went back to his "street sweeper" home.

    To be honest there is very few pro, and a ton of cons. First of all, they would get some free food. Second, is they could get some time to think away from the rest. Some cons are they would get lashed. Also they are lock up so they can't do anything they want to, but most of all there still stuck to being one with the crowd.

    1. good point about saying he refused on talking, this shows his inner strength

    2. It was a good idea to point out Equality's morales.

    3. I agree that it was a good idea to point out Equality's morals I think that was important and could help someone understand him better.

  21. 1- Up until this chapter, Equality has been sneaking in and out of his hidden place to work on his invention, the light bulb. One night, he is caught sneaking back in to his so called "home". Equality didn't tell the Council of Home where he had been, so they punished him by sending him to the Palace of Corrective Detention. There, he was tied to a pole and whipped, but he still wouldn't tell where he had been, so they locked him up in a cell. When Equality had the time, he escaped his cell and went back to his "home", and he said that tomorrow in the full light of day,he will show his invention to the Home of Scholars.

    3- The old locks and lack of guards in the Palace of Corrective Detention indicate that prisoners have never tried to escape. According to the text, prisoners are usually pretty much too afraid to escape. Equality says, "There is no reason to have guards, for men have never defied the Councils so far as to escape from whatever place they were ordered to be." (P65) This shows how much the Council has brainwashed the citizens. Because Equality is much smarter than anyone else, he knows that the Council really isn't anything to be too afraid of.

    Honors: I think that the Palace of Corrective Detention is a good idea for the setting in the novel. It works good in this setting because the citizens are afraid of the Council and won't escape. In today's society, the Palace of Corrective Detention wouldn't work very well. Citizens in our society know too much and know how easy it would be to escape. If we used the Palace of Corrective Detention, no one would stay in jail.

    1. I agree that the fact that the council totally had them brainwashed

    2. I agree that Equality is smart enough to notice the Council's actions and how it causes others fear, but not him.

    3. I agree with how you said the council brainwashed them to be fearful.

  22. 1.When Equality is caught he is punished. His punishment is very painful and will be very bloody. They take him and lash him on the back. He says that the first one was very painful and after that he couldn't feel his back.
    2.The reason the locks were like this in the novel was because they are use to having everybody follow the law. People don't think about trying to make changes so there's no reason to imprison them
    honors: Some of the pros for the Palace of Corrective Detention is that they are feed everyday. They have quite a few cons though such as being whipped until they talk and no guards and rusted pad locks. They kept the place dark to make them feel dark. This Palace would not have done good here out this time since it would be so easy to break out of.

  23. 1.) When Equality us caught sneaking in and out of his work he is taken to the Palace of Correctional Detetion. There he is beaten and battered, try lash him on the back until he says the word "light". The first lash was extremely painful, but he stated the second lash he could not feel. He became numb. Then they lock him up in a jail cell for a couple days.
    3.) With the low level security of the Palace of Correctional Detention I have no idea why prisoners haven't even tried to escape before. If I were a prisoner there I would always try to escape. Maybe there is an extremely harsh punishment that we have not been told but the society knows and that is restricting them from any attempts of escaping. They fear that the council will put them to death maybe.

  24. 1. Equality was sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention as
    punishment for being caught sneaking out of his home. To attempt to
    make Equality talk of that night, the judges kept lashing him.
    Equality finally was weakly able to say the single phrase, "The
    light...The light...The light..." (page 66). After this Equality was
    stilled locked in the Palace of Corrective Detention with limitied
    food and water. These actions prove how the society wishes to have all
    control of the people, even for the smallest acts of rule breaking.

    3. As I said before, the society and council have all control. The old
    locks aren't replaced, because the Council knows the men would be too
    fearful to try to escape. The council strikes much fear with their
    control and power of the people and their rights. The men might also
    feel guilty. Ever since they were young, they were taught to worked
    and help for all, not themselves. Maybe the prisoners feel that
    statying in their punishment, and believe it will help the society as
    a whole.

    Honors: The Palace of Corrective Dentention would have many pros and
    cons in our modern day society. The Palace could be helpful for the
    help of guilting people. It seems that the actions used their seem to
    work and keep the prisoners "stable", and admit to a crime. The
    Palace's secruity would be a large disadcantage. In today's society
    many take the risk of escaping, because they have no fear and have the
    mind-set to think of themselves.

    1. You pointed out some good pros and cons about the Palace Of Corrective Dentention. However, I think that the prisoners feel like they should comit more crimes once there out because they think that it will somehow show the judges who are really in control.

  25. 1) Equalitys punishment is being sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention. It was a room with no windows and they lashed him until he told what he had been doing.(64) He is locked in the cell for days. He gets little food and water, no light, and no other people to see or socialize with.

    3)The reason the locks have not been changed is becasue the Council knows everyone is to afraid to try and escape because of the even worst punishments that they could get. Like death for instance. Staying would keep them in less pain and doing something for the society. Because the people have to agree as a whole and this is for all the people to stay in the palace.

    Honors: The Palace of Corrective Detention would have lots of pros in modern day society. The actions that they use seem to keep the prisoners not want to escpae or even come back to jail. Most people in todays society go to jail multiple times after they have once because its not as bad as the palace. Most people today would be much more intelligent to know that they could escpae easily. That would be a con of the Palace of Corrective Detention.

  26. #1- When Equality is punished, he is basically in a jail cell. There is no light whatso ever and there are no windows to see outside. It is dark and there are no people to accompany him. Equality is in the Palace of Corrective Detention for a few days with only little food and little to drink.
    #3- The security isnt as immense because the council has brainwashed the society to be afraid and not escape. They are too afraid to escape because they know they will be punished even worse. So it's easier for them to just stay and perish a little bit of punishment then make it even worse.
    Honors- The palace of corrective detention is a very easy place to break out of. The Palace would not be a very wise place to have during our time because people are smarter and know how to break out easily, therefore no one would stay in jail. But in Equalitys day, everyone was too afraid to escape.

    1. I agree with your answer for #3. If gives me a new perspective on the Society.

    2. I agree with what you said about them being brain washed.

  27. 1.After having forgotten to check the time to return from his tunnel, Equality rushes to the Theatre, and finding it empty, he walks back to the Home of the Street Sweepers. When there, Equality is sternly questioned by the Home's Council where he was going. He refuses to answer, and is sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention. Here, he is lashed continuously until beaten unconscious, the lashers repeating "Where have you been?" Despite its severity, this punishment is not enough for Equality to tell.

    3. The society where these people grow up is all about the great "We". Prisoners never try to escape because to escape would be to show your self. Most people in the society don't even seem to know what a self is, let alone how to let it show. Their fear and obedience keeps them in the Palace.

    Honours: The system would not work in our society. Because no one has an obligation to work for the "We" of Anthem, people would escape left and right. The lashings aren't a fair measure of confession either. Though lashings might keep people inside for fear of being caught and punished worse, it would not work for long, and it would be a dystopic monstrosity of a society regardless.

  28. A pro to the Palace of Correction would be that they are fed everyday. A con would be that they are whipped until the talk or pass out. Another con is that they have no guards and they have old locks. This would not work in our society because people in our society would break out and rain havok on the town or city near by. The Palace of Correction is a place that only works in that fictional world.

  29. 1. AFter Equality is caught sneaking back to his home, he is sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention, which is like a prison. There he is tortured and questioned about his where abouts. Equality doesn't answer and is pleased with himself that he doesn't tell the people about the light, though he was whipped many times.

    2. Equality escapes from the Palace of Corrective Detetion by pushing against the door till it gave way. The locks are old and they broke easily. It was easy for him to run away down the hallway because there were no guards. He also had no trouble making pace because all his strength had returened to him.

    Honors- The Pros of The Corrective facillity is that they have horrible punishments that would keep the captors inside their cells out of fear of being caught. The cons are no secruity gaurds and faulty doors and locks. This would not work today because there are laws against torture as punishment and if the prisoners had enough incentive, they could break out easily.

  30. 1. Equality is sent to the Palace Of Corrective Detention. There he is interrogated by the judges. He refuses to tell them where he has been because he knows what he has discovered is great and it can't be losts. Finally, after being beated constantly he tells them "the light."

    2. Equality actually escapes. The locks were really old, so all he had to do was run into the door with a lot of power. He had to escape that night because the World Council was coming. No one had ever tried to escape from there because they knew if they were caught then more than likely they would be put to death. That didn't matter to Equality because his discovery was much more important.

    Honors: A pro would be that they are fed once a day. Some places would make you starve to death. A con would be that they are badly beaten. This wouldn't work in our time because people would take that as torture. For some people it would be good for them though because maybe then they would follow some rules and not be as rebellious.

  31. Prompt #1: When Equality finally gets caught for sneaking out of his "home", his punishment is to be sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention. This room has no windows and it is empty save for an iron post (pg. 64). They tore up his clothes from his body, and threw him upon his knees and they tied Equality's hands to the iron post. The council tortured him by lashing his back (pg. 64). The council kept on wanting to know where Equality was, but Equality wouldn't answer them. Since he didn't answer, they locked him up in a cell and waited until he answered (pg. 65).

    Prompt #3: The Palace of Corrective Detention has old locks and lack of guards because no one has ever tried to escape. "It was easy to escape the palace of Corrective Detention. The locks are old on the doors and there are no guards about. There is no reason to have guards, for men who had never defied the Councils so far as to escape from whatever place they were ordered to be. (pg. 66-67)” Equality doesn’t listen to the rules anymore. They were on their way back “home”.

    Honors: There are more cons than pros about the Palace of Corrective Detention. For example (cons), it was wasteful. The locks were rusty and old, so anybody could have escaped. Also there is a lack of guards. If someone was beating up another or doing bad behavior they would have never gotten caught. An example for pro is that they feed them at least bread and water each day (pg. 66). The Palace of Corrective Detention would make today’s society horrible. There would be more chaos and people would escape each day, but also it would help. Since officers are not allowed to hurt prisoners, but now they would get whipped for doing the wrong. In my opinion we shouldn’t have a detention such as in Equality’s time.

    1. I agree with your opinion on having this detention in our time.

  32. 1. Equality's punishment for sneaking back into his "home" is being sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention. At the palace, he is whipped because he will not tell where he had been. Then, he is put in a cell because he had already been whipped and he still will not tell where he was. Judges are sent into the cell twice a day to ask him if he is ready to talk to them, but he does not tell them where he had been. After all this punishment, he still manages to escape from the palace.(pages 64-67)

    2. Equality freed himself from the Palace of Corrective Detention by escaping. He went out the door with ease because the locks on the doors were old. Also, there are not any guards around to stop him. All he had to do is lunge against the door, and it opened.(pages 66-67) Equality's escape was made easy because of these factors.

    There are some good and bad things about the Palace of Corrective Detention. One good thing about the palace is that if a criminal is innocent, then he can easily escape. On the other hand, if a criminal is actually a criminal, then he can easily escape and go back to doing bad things. The design in the palace would not work in modern times because criminals could escape very easily. Overall, the Palace of Corrective Detention has a bad setup, and it would not work in our society.

    1. You definitely defined the way that Eqality escaped very well. I agree with all of what you said.

  33. 1. Equality has had almost like a secret hide out for a while where he goes. He has never been caught, until now. When he was trying to go back to his “home” he was a little late and they found him. They beat him to get any information out of him of where he was and what he was doing (pg. 66). Finally he said, “Light.” They kept in the Palace of Detention for a while until he finally escaped. Equality’s punishment was very harsh for his sin, or broken law. That shows how different our times and ways of doing things differ from theirs in the book.

    3. The Palace of Detention is where the ones that have done bad go. Equality had done badly, so that is where they sent him. Nobody in that society thinks for themselves or breaks the rules so someone escaping is an unthinkable thought. Equality proved that wrong by escaping. The lack of security guards shows immensely – if there were more security guards he would have never been able to escape (pg. 66-67). Individuality is such a hard concept for the people in the society to grasp, that escaping is a lacked thought as well.

    Honors: Good and bad can come out of the Palace of Detention. There is an intimidation to their method that would get the answers out of them almost immediately. In this day and time, though, that would be harder. People these days are stubborn and would disagree. The government would be looked down upon even more if these were the methods that we used. The physical pain it causes is tremendous no matter the crime. It’s even worse when they get whipped for a sin that shouldn’t be a sin. The control they have over the society is probably very helpful for what they like, though. The punishments of the Palace of Detention would not work in this time like it almost does in the so called “future” of the book.

  34. 1) Equality's punishment was to be sent to the palace of Corrective Detention. While there he is whipped, and they try to get information about what he was doing. Even though he was put through extreme physical pain, he doesn't release any important information. They enter his room twice a day to ask him if he's ready to tell them why he was late. He then escapes the prison, without alerting anyone.

    3)The Palace of Corrective Detention is where the council sends people that break their laws. The reason that there aren't that may guards is because, they don't think anyone would ever try to escape. Another reason could be, they very few people there and if they had a lot of guards then it would be a waste of man power. The locks that are used to keep the prisoners in are very weak. I think this s because they haven't been replaced sense the end of the great rebirth.


    Have a place like the palace of Corrective Detention would have many good benefits and bad ones. On the bad side, it uses pain to get information from people, and to punish them. In today's world this kind of practice is frowned upon. On the good side, if people knew that if they were going to be sent to a place like the Palace of Corrective Detention than they would be lest likely to commit a crime. In my opinion a place like the Palace of Corrective Detention would be a great addition to our society, but the majority of the people wouldn't want a place like that because it would be too harsh.

  35. 2. To free himself from the Palace of corrective detention, Equality just broke out. The locks on the doors were old and weak, so all he had to do was lunge through them. There also weren't any guards in the halls to restrain him from escaping. (p.66-67) This was a very easy escape for Equality. It is almost as if prisoners were just told they could come and go at any time.

    3. The reasons that nobody has ever tried to escape is that they don't even consider it. In this society everyone is a group, and they don't do things that would get them in trouble. Anyone who defied the council wouldn't dare to defy them more by trying to break out. Fear also engulfs the society, because they are afraid of the penalties of defying the council. No other people would attempt to break out so that is why there are no guards and there are old locks on the door.

    The palace of Corrective Detention comes with many pros and cons. Some pros are that prisoners are fed, guards don't have to be paid, and criminals learn their lessons. Some cons are that there is no security if a prisoner tries to escape, prisoners are whipped until they talk or black out, and it can be seen as cruel and unusual punishment. I do not believe that a system like this would work in our world today. Criminals would just escape and cause havoc, and it could easily be viewed as torture.

  36. 1) In this chapter, Equality is sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention. (Page 64) While he is there, the guards try and interrogate Equality to figure out what he was doing that made him so late. Even as he was being flogged and beaten, Equality still did not tell them what he was doing. He knew that he must keep his tunnel a secret, or he would let his invention be discovered, and be further punished.

    3) I don’t think that the Palace is effective in keeping people in at all. The old locks and doors, even with the guards, would never keep prisoners in. The prisoners only stay in their cells because they would never think to go against what the council says. Prisoners realize that it would just be easier to obey the council, and finish out their punishments. Since it would be worse to escape, nobody fights to leave the prison.

    Honors- There are many good and bad things about the Palace of Corrective Detention. Some good things about this prison are nobody will try to escape, or argue about being there. Another pro is that once somebody is reprimanded, because of the world they live in, an arrested citizen will not likely commit a crime again. Some cons of the Palace are I somebody does decide they want to get out, it wouldn’t be hard because of the obsolete locks and doors. The escaping prisoners would also have more of a drive to escape, because they are physically beaten and abused by the guards.

  37. 1 - After being caught sneaking back to his home, Equality receives a harsh punishment. The Council sends him to the Palace of Corrective Detention. The guards there were very harsh, and they continuously beat him to try to get him to confess (p 65). However, Equality didn't tell his secret, even when he was whipped to the point of passing out. He was determined to keep his knowledge a secret.

    2 - Equality easily escaped from the Palace of Corrective Detention. Since no men have any desire to go against their brothers, no one has ever attempted to escape. Therefore, there are no locks on the doors. Because of this, Equality can push through the doors to escape (p 67). He is probably the only man to ever attempt this.

    Honors - Prisoners in the Palace will not try to escape under the mindset that they are in, which is a pro. However, I don't think the design would work in modern times. People have drive to escape nowadays, and they would definitely get through the lockless doors. If you compare the Palace to prisons now, there are a lot of differences in guarding. Altogether, it worked for Anthem's society, but it definitely would be a bad idea in our world.

  38. Honors:There are many pros and cons to the Palace of Corrective Detention. If we had one in todays society one of the pros would be not very many people would try to escape because they would fear the harsh punishment they would recieve. Other than that there would be no more pros to having one in modern times. The cons would be todays people would be able to get through the old locks and few guards they have in the palace. The criminals would escape easier and that would ruin the whole point of the palace. Over all the Palace of Corrective Detention would not work well for our modern times.

  39. 1. Equality's punishment is he was sent to the Palace of Correction Detention. There he was whipped brutally and kept in a cell. They questioned him daily to try to get him to spill out the truth.

    2.Equailty became free from the Palace of Correction Detetion by escaping. He says that the locks are old and rusted so it was easy to set himself free. Then after he was free it was easy to escape because there are not really any gaurds at the facility.

    Honors:One horrible thing about the facility is there is almost no security. Also, the locks that are locking the cell doors are old and very faulty. One good thing is that they actually feed you, some places could just starve you until you told them the truth. In society today, I'm not sure if a place like this would work or not. It really just depends on how tough someone is, and how bad they don't want someone to figure their secret out.

    1. I agree that the success of the Palace of Corrective Detention depends greatly on the will of each individual occupant to refuse their demands.

    2. I think the fact that there are no guards and bad locks is both good and bad. It is good for prisoners because it is easier to escape, but is bad for the city due to all the criminals that escape.

  40. Chapter Six
    1.) Equality gets caught up in his studies one night and fails to notice the time, which resulted in him getting himself caught by the Council of the Home. (pg.63) Equality refuses to tell the council where he had been for fear of them discovering and possibly destroying the box. The council decides to lash Equality until he answers their question of his location, and Equality is sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention to receive his punishment. Equality is lashed continuously and mercilessly, but yet still refuses to reveal the location of his prized glass box. Each day the judges come to ask Equality of his location but he refuses them an answer day after day.
    2.) Equality decides it is imperative to escape from the Palace of Corrective Detention when he realizes that the following day the World Council of Scholars is to meet in his city. (pg.66) Equality refuses to give up on his plan of sharing his invention with the scholars and his dream of being accepted amongst their ranks. Equality escapes from the Palace of Corrective Detention because of old locks and a lack of guards. The society is so confident in their suppression of individualism and free thought, that they overlook security and thus allow Equality to escape. Equality’s escape is also aided by him having a well rested body after being lashed. Equality’s rebellious personality combined with the society’s over confidence in the suppressed wills of the people make Equality’s escape a simple matter.

    Honors: The Palace of Corrective Detention is essentially a somewhat undemanding jail. Although it includes harsh physical punishment upon arrival, the time period after is not a totally undesirable one. By being placed in the Palace of Corrective Detention, one is exempt from their usual jobs and is fed every day. I do not believe this design of punishment would be effective in today’s society. It is the destructive environment of today’s jails that drives people to do everything to stay outside their walls. In modern jails, the thought of harassment by fellow inmates and a lack of self-protection are prominent aspects of what keeps people within the law and outside of jail. I believe today’s prisons are much more effective in their suppression of rebellion against the law than the Palace of Corrective Detention would be in today’s world.

  41. 1. When Equality is caught out late at night, he is sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention. When asked where he was he says," I will not tell you."(pg.63) He is smart here because if he tells the truth he could lose his invention, and get into serious trouble. The judges there lash Equality and beat him for many days. His only way out is escaping the Palace.

    2. One night, Equality realizes the next day the World Council of Scholars is coming. He has to escape. This is surprisingly very easy due to the lack of guards and old locks. On upon returning to his tunnel he notices that it hasn't been discovered. Everything is just the way he left it. Tomorrow he will attempt to present his light to the Council.

    Honors: The Palace of Corrective Detention is the jail of the city. It is sometimes awful and sometimes not that bad. Pros would include food and water, and if prisoners want to escape it's fairly easy. Cons are people are lashed and beat until they talk, and the city would be affected by the abundance of criminals escaping. So it's obvious that this structure would not fit in the 21st Century.

  42. Equality's punishment was harsh for anyone to take. First, he made a stop at the Palace of Corrective Detention, where he took a whiplash beating. Second, he was forced to tell, against his will. Finally, a short time in a prison cell gave little comfort to his aching back. These punishments were something I wouldn't of been able to take.

    Prisoners have never tried to escape because they don't defy that laws that much. Most of the prisoners that go to the Palace of Correction probaly only do little thing to be placed their. The Palace of Correction doesn't need guards because the people in that society don't pick lots of fights with one another. The prisoners probaly confess their crime in the first day of being at the Palace of Correction. Which is why the probaly don't need guards or new locks.
    Honors:A pro to the Palace of Correction would be that they are feed everyday. A con would be that they are whipped until the talk or pass out. Another con is that they have no gurads and they have old locks. This would not work in our society becuase people in our society would break out a rain havok on the town or city near by. The Palace of Correction is a place that only works in that fictional world.

  43. 1. Equality is punished for sneaking back to the home of the sweepers late. He is questioned about where he was but he refuses to say. He then goes to the Palace of Correction. He is then lashed until the words "The Light" escapes from his lips.(pg.66) He is then visited twice a day to get food and by judges.(pg.66) He counted the days until the day before the Council of scholars came and escaped.(pg.67)
    2. Equality escapes the Palace of Correction the day before the Council of Scholars comes. There is no reason to have guards because no one had defied the Councils so far as to escape.(pg.67) The locks are old and strength returns to Equality's body speedily.(pg.67) All who have defied the Council have never tried to escape from the Palace Correction except Equality. Most likely the prisoners confess rather fast so there is no need to replace or update the locks.
    Honors. One of the cons to the Palace of Correction is that they use old locks and doors which are weak. A pro is that you are feed every day. Another con is that you’re lashed until you confess to the charge. Another pro is that if you wanted to escape you could. That kind of jail would not work in today’s society because all the criminals would escape. A jail requires working Locks and guards, the only reason the kind of jail in this book worked in this book is because most would not defy the Council to such an extent.

  44. 1)Equality is caught sneeking around and the council places him in the Palace of Correction. There he is stripped, tied to a beam and whipped and demanded to tell where he had been. Lucky for him he lost consciousness and woke in a cell just happy that he didn't reaveal the tunnel.
    2)After he is placed in the Palace of Correction he is determined to escape and get back to his work. Equality ecsacpes with ease because no one was worried of somebody escaping because it had never been tried before. He returned to his tunnel and again began working.
    Honors:Some Pros of the Palace of Corrrection are that the people who have done wrong can go and think about what it is that they did. The cons would be that they would get taken there for stupid reasons and they get beaten until they say what is wanted. I personally do not believe that something like that would do much good in the real modern world.

  45. When Equality gets caught sneaking out they take him to be questioned by the House of the Consul. They ask him where he has been and he refuses to tell them so they send him to the Stone Room. They take off his clothes, put him on his knees, and tied him to a post. Then they take a whip and lash them continuously until he goes numb. Then he is punched in the face by a man’s fist. Equality never tells even through all the pain.
    Equality pushed the doors open and ran. That’s all he had to do to escape because there weren’t many guards, and the security was awful.
    Honors: The Palace of Corrective Detention really isn’t doing any good if the prisoners can escape without the least bit of struggling. It’s also good though because it teaches lessons hard and to the point. Although it’s an idea it would never work today, because of the views we have. Everyone would say it was to barbaric for today and that jail is an equally affective substitute.

  46. Equalitys escape from the Palace of Corrective Detention was fairly easy. The locks were rusty and old. When Equality pulled on them they simply snapped off. As if his escape wasn't already easy enough, there were no gaurds watching Equality. The Council didn't take these precautions, or worry about people escaping because no one had tried it before.
    1.) When Equality is caught sneaking back and forth from his work place & home he is taken to the Palace of Corrective Detention. He is fed very little, and not often. Equality is also lashed with a whip daily. The lashings continue until Equality tells where he was coming from. But he never gives away the information, and eventually escapes from the palace.
    The Palace of Corrective Detention has it's advantages and disadvantages. The punishments would most likely make the "Criminals" think about their actions. The harsh punishments would also persuade them not to comit the crimes again. However, while this would lower the crime rate, these punishments would be seen as tourture. Wich I agree. I don;t believe that people should have to be hurt because they made a mistake.

  47. The Palace of Corrective Detention is similar to todays jails thought there is a few differences. The benifits or pros are that the prisoners get fed and our kept put away from other society members which prevents future distruction. Yet there is many cons and diffrences such as no guards and old locks, in todays societs jails there is guards posted and locks everywhere so the prisoner does'nt escape. What is the point in locking someone up for a crime if they can easily get out. Also, in todays world we do not whip our prisoners for their crimes or untill they talk, but in some states there is the death penalty which is also brutal.

  48. 1. After being caught sneaking back into his home Equality is asked where he has been. “Take our brother Equality to the Palace of Corrective Detention”(p.64). Once at the Palace of Corrective Detention Equality was lashed until he told where he had been. After he was lashed and he manages to tell them “light” then he was taken to a cell and kept there for many days, where he was given little food an water. That was his punishment for the small crime he had committed.
    3. What is meant by old locks and lack of guards is that they don’t have a problem with prisoners escaping from the Palace of Corrective Detention. I believe they probably don’t want to try to escape for the simple fact they are more scared of what the punishment for that crime would be. In my opinion escaping or attempting to escape from a prison would be substantially more criminal than coming home late so therefore the consequences would be extreme. Equality’s prior rebellion and independence made it easy for him to escape (p.67). So Equality escaped easily and was gone before anyone even noticed he was missing.
    In this society people would argue the pros and cons of the Palace of Corrective Detention. The pros would be that there would be very few that try to escape. The prisoners would be too fearful of what the punishment would be for trying to escape. A con would be that those who were smart and rebellious enough to defy the Council could easily get away due to the old locks and lack of guards. I don’t think this would work in todays society simply because there would be many people willing to take the risk of being caught just to get away.

  49. 2. They pushed against the door and ran dark pathways. Equality counted the days and knew he had to leave because the Council of Scholars were going to be in their city tomorrow. Even though Equality had been whipped their strength had returned.

    3. Prisoners wouldn't try to escape out of fear. They probably had already been whipped and didn't want to cause themselves any more pain. "for men never defied the Councils so far to escape from whatever place they were ordered to be"(p. 67). The Councils never thought someone would defy them and never planned for it to happen.

    HONORS: This type of design wouldn't hold for a second today. The reason people are sent to jail are because they have done something criminal and need to be watched. The locks need to be up to date to secure that no one gets out and escape. The Pros are very little but some are that Equality was allowed visitors and were allowed bread and water. The Cons are that he was whipping was over kill and he was in a room with no windows except for a iron post.
